I was born/raised in Willard, Ohio. I met my wife 9 1/2
years ago at the Billy Graham Crusade in Cleveland. We
were married a year later and, since she lived in Euclid at
the time, I moved up here. That may have been the
hardest thing I've ever done in my life. I'm a sports
fanatic, and couldn't stand Cleve. sports. I believe that
the Cavs made Michael Jordan, the Browns made John
Elway, and that the Indians were a Yankee farm team.
The only thing I did like about Cleveland, Munincipal
Stadium, they tore down. As far as I know, Cleveland
is the only city that's had a river catch fire.
I've been an Ohio State fan since I first saw Woody.
I've hated USC since White fumbled on the 1 and the
officials still giving them the TD. (It didn't help Cleveland
when they drafted White.) I've hated scUM since I first
saw Woody.