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So... what's up with the new advertising?

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Just realized I didn't respond to the last two. Every time one of these is posted here, I take it straight to the right guy at Sportswar, who in turn makes sure that the ad is killed in the system by the proper 3rd party network. I'm told this process will be easier in the future, inasmuch as he will have direct access to all of the ads, and will be able to clean bad runs out himself.

So please keep the reports up as necessary, and thanks.
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Not sure if you care about this, but this is how the sponsored links inline ad rendered a minute ago for me:
var test_syndslot_render = function(){         if (typeof(test_syndslot_results) == "undefined")           return;
var sr = test_syndslot_results.searchResults;
if (!sr || !sr.searchEvents || sr.searchEvents.length <= 0)               return;
var html = "[URL="http://ad.trafficmp.com/a/%22%20+%20sr.searchEvents%5B0%5D.url%20+%20%22"][IMG]http://www.yardbarker.com/fs/i/v1/head.gif[/IMG][/URL]
                  var splitDate = sr.searchEvents[0].date.split(" ");         var
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ochre;1407577; said:
Not sure if you care about this, but this is how the sponsored links inline ad rendered a minute ago for me:
var test_syndslot_render = function(){         if (typeof(test_syndslot_results) == "undefined")           return;
var sr = test_syndslot_results.searchResults;
if (!sr || !sr.searchEvents || sr.searchEvents.length <= 0)               return;
var html = "[URL="http://ad.trafficmp.com/a/%22%20+%20sr.searchEvents%5B0%5D.url%20+%20%22"][IMG]http://www.yardbarker.com/fs/i/v1/head.gif[/IMG][/URL]
                  var splitDate = sr.searchEvents[0].date.split(" ");         var
Thanks. We had some of that last night. The ad server seems to have some hiccups, and it's sending the occasional garbledly goop through.
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I've reported this to SW, hopefully it can be sorted out pretty quickly. It appears that a 3rd party server (trafficmp.com) is spitting errors and breaking this dynamic YBN ad. It shouldn't be causing any usage/browsing problems here on BP, but needs to be fixed nonetheless.

Thanks for the reports, they're always helpful and appreciated.
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BUCKYLE;1456868; said:
Pop ups going crazy on me. Everytime I click on a thread (last three or four), I get at least two pop ups. Three when I clicked on this thread.

So which Twilight character are you?

Sorry to hear about the pop-ups. Not sure what would provoke that today (or has it been more than today?), but we'll try to figure it out. Deety and I are still trying to figure all of this out now that it's all being handled internally (in the past I'd just go scream at the responsible parties at SW), and this may be as simple as properly checking some opt-out flag on one of the various networks.

I know we were going to be adding FSV code, I don't know if that happened yet, if so that may be a third place to look for these.

Anyway, we're on it.
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