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So... what's up with the new advertising?

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I was just in in the "omegle.com" thread. "Be Tibor for a Day". I think it was the banner at the top. One of the "10,000th VISITOR!!1!!!1!" ads, and it was making a fucking annoying *BEEP....BEEP...BEEP* sound. Very high pitched. :lol:

I didn't get a screen shot because I just wanted it to stop. If I had realized that's what was making it, I would've. :(

If it happens again, I'll be sure to get a capture of it.
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BUCKYLE;1460654; said:
I was just in in the "omegle.com" thread. "Be Tibor for a Day". I think it was the banner at the top. One of the "10,000th VISITOR!!1!!!1!" ads, and it was making a fucking annoying *BEEP....BEEP...BEEP* sound. Very high pitched. :lol:

I didn't get a screen shot because I just wanted it to stop. If I had realized that's what was making it, I would've. :(

If it happens again, I'll be sure to get a capture of it.
Shoot. We shouldn't get audio ads at all, and the formatting there should stop any pop-ups and such that we get by mistake. Have to check it out. Thanks for reporting it so we can squish it.
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Deety;1460675; said:
Shoot. We shouldn't get audio ads at all, and the formatting there should stop any pop-ups and such that we get by mistake. Have to check it out. Thanks for reporting it so we can squish it.

I had a few other tabs open at the time. I closed all of them except BP....waited a second...and it was still happening. When I clicked on my userCP, it stopped.
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BUCKYLE;1460677; said:
I had a few other tabs open at the time. I closed all of them except BP....waited a second...and it was still happening. When I clicked on my userCP, it stopped.
Yes, I had an audio one a few days back, but tightening some of the settings seemed to fix it. Ah well. I'll check it out.
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IronBuckI;1460965; said:
Congratulations to me. I was just selected to win a free Nintendo Wii...with audio.
Made a call and this should be fixed... self-starting audio was disabled, but mouse-over audio hadn't been blocked yet.

BuckeyeMike80;1461130; said:
I was just redirected to a cameras.com site when I clicked on a thread here.
This, too, if it was an ad. What thread was it?

Thanks for the reports, guys. Do let us know if there are other issues. Depending on where you are and when you log in, you might be seeing ads that are completely different from what Clarity or I see.
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The website at BuckeyePlanet - Ohio State Fan Community contains elements from the site Parkneed.com Search Engine - Better Web Search, which appears to host malware ? software that can hurt your computer or otherwise operate without your consent. Just visiting a site that contains malware can infect your computer.
What happened when Google visited this site?
Of the 9 pages we tested on the site over the past 90 days, 0 page(s) resulted in malicious software being downloaded and installed without user consent. The last time Google visited this site was on 2009-05-04, and suspicious content was never found on this site within the past 90 days.
Malicious software includes 68 scripting exploit(s).

Malicious software is hosted on 3 domain(s), including eseekz.com/, hitreap.com/, seekerfeed.com/.

This site was hosted on 2 network(s) including AS3595 (GNAXNET), AS2914 (NTT).

Has this site acted as an intermediary resulting in further distribution of malware?
Over the past 90 days, Parkneed.com Search Engine - Better Web Search appeared to function as an intermediary for the infection of 129 site(s) including chennailibrary.com/, thepiratebay.org/, watch-episode.com/.
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So...I was just in the "I'm a Republican, and I'm Pissed" thread...

The little bar at the bottom of the page went haywire. The part that right now reads "Done", had all kinds of crazy stuff popping up, and it was making the clicking sound like I had clicked on something. :lol: I wish I knew more about computers...but it froze the page. I couldn't scroll, couldn't do anything but close it out and open up a new window. That's the second time it's happened, but last time I wasn't sure what was causing it.

The words were flying so fast, I couldn't get a good look...but the reason I'm saying something in here, is because I saw the word "ad...serve(?) pop up in the text. Definitely "ad" something. :lol: I hope this helps.
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BUCKYLE;1461408; said:
So...I was just in the "I'm a Republican, and I'm [censored]ed" thread...

The little bar at the bottom of the page went haywire. The part that right now reads "Done", had all kinds of crazy stuff popping up, and it was making the clicking sound like I had clicked on something. :lol: I wish I knew more about computers...but it froze the page. I couldn't scroll, couldn't do anything but close it out and open up a new window. That's the second time it's happened, but last time I wasn't sure what was causing it.

The words were flying so fast, I couldn't get a good look...but the reason I'm saying something in here, is because I saw the word "ad...serve(?) pop up in the text. Definitely "ad" something. :lol: I hope this helps.
Drinkin again huh Kyle? see any of them pink elephants?
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BUCKYLE;1461408; said:
So...I was just in the "I'm a Republican, and I'm Pissed" thread...

The little bar at the bottom of the page went haywire. The part that right now reads "Done", had all kinds of crazy stuff popping up, and it was making the clicking sound like I had clicked on something. :lol: I wish I knew more about computers...but it froze the page. I couldn't scroll, couldn't do anything but close it out and open up a new window. That's the second time it's happened, but last time I wasn't sure what was causing it.

The words were flying so fast, I couldn't get a good look...but the reason I'm saying something in here, is because I saw the word "ad...serve(?) pop up in the text. Definitely "ad" something. :lol: I hope this helps.

This is happening to me too. If it happens again I'll try to catch the names of the ads..
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Sorry about the mess, friends. There's some stuff driving me silly here, but it's slowly coming together.

I did locate a stray set of tags in the wrong format (meaning I cut-and-pasted the wrong version), so those have been switched over to iFrames. IFrames load ads separately from the site, which both helps to ensure the site loads regardless of what the ads do, and keeps popups from sneaking through the system. This was just implemented a few minutes ago.

One of the networks has also been deactivated to help pinpoint where the culprit is. Everything we are using has been set up to disallow popups, audio, excessive animation, adult content, etc. If one of them is slipping any of those things through anyway, we'll take the necessary steps to shut it down.
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