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SimPLLLLLLLe Jim "6-13" Harbaugh (B1G Suspenders McKhakiPants, Cheater Cheater Booger Eater)

I've read about five different prediction threads for UM and Harbaugh against his rivals. Some predict domination, others are more reserved. Many provide a ceiling and floor for his record. The floor is always .500 vs urban.
Next year I think they could easily go 9-3 (I see anywhere from 8-4 to 10-2). As for vs urban, I could see .400, and if I were them I'd be stoked.
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According to Michigan boards:

Not competing for a Big Ten championship in 2016.

Not winning a Big Ten Championship and making playoffs by 2017

Not having a winning record against Ohio State in first five years.

Everything I'm reading is giving him one year before being at, or even above, Ohio State's level.

I've read more than a few that don't even give him til 2016... based on the recruiting rankings and belief that he'll magically manufacture a top-10 class in a few weeks, they're saying he should compete for the Conference immediately.

Yep if he's 2/5 in that first 5 years it'd be a success imo.

I think MSU also factors into this... if he's got early success against Dantonio, that'd buy him time. MSU may be due for 1-2 mediocre years without Lippett, Langford, Drummond, etc.
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A part of me thinks he's a bit of fool's gold. Now, it may be the part that's consumed 3 Basil Hayden's and 3 IPAs, but watching this horse abortion of a Cardinals team against a dreadful Carolina team makes me ask how he couldn't get SF to finish higher in the division?

Perhaps NFBuck is correct (as I assume he is) and just flat worn out his welcome in SF and his message didn't resonate...however, I assume he'll not only do the same thing in Ann Arbor with the administration, but will piss many of the alumni off with his callous and sanctimonious behavior.

Regardless of my rambling, fuck him and fuck Michigan right in the fucking ear..
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Help me out, guys...

Harbaugh is supposed to be a "quarterback whisperer". If we assume that Andrew Luck would have been an excellent quarterback regardless, then what does he have on his resume with regard to quarterback development?
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Help me out, guys...

Harbaugh is supposed to be a "quarterback whisperer". If we assume that Andrew Luck would have been an excellent quarterback regardless, then what does he have on his resume with regard to quarterback development?

I believe that's in reference to the fact that after he screams in their faces for three and a half hours on game day, he has to whisper to them the rest of the week.
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