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SimPLLLLLLLe Jim "6-13" Harbaugh (B1G Suspenders McKhakiPants, Cheater Cheater Booger Eater)

  • (3527)
  • 160 months
4 years in and still waiting for JH to win one meaningful game against a decent team.

This D is not good and the O is awful.

Got worse as the season went on and getting beat by one of the worst F teams I’ve seen recently.

I miss Lloyd. If only we hired Miles in 08. I am beginning to wonder if this program will ever be in it on the national stage again.
I got some news for this goober; this is what would have happened if they hired Les Miles. 10-3 (ish) every year with their teeth kicked in by good teams.

Les Miles found early success at LSU because he could mine the fertile home state talent base and poach some kids from Texas, as well as the Longhorns started to decline under Mack. He wasn't pulling that kind of talent at tsun. _ichigan typically has a handful of really good D1 prospects every year and he wasn't going to take kids from Tressel and Meyer in Ohio.
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I got some news for this goober; this is what would have happened if they hired Les Miles. 10-3 (ish) every year with their teeth kicked in by good teams.

Les Miles found early success at LSU because he could mine the fertile home state talent base and poach some kids from Texas, as well as the Longhorns started to decline under Mack. He wasn't pulling that kind of talent at tsun. _ichigan typically has a handful of really good D1 prospects every year and he wasn't going to take kids from Tressel and Meyer in Ohio.
Actually Les and Mack ran strong programs at the same time. What helped Les was that when he got to LSU, they had just won an NC under Saban, and he left the cupboard over flowing with talent, and the state of LA was ready and willing to send the best talent his way(along with the surrounding states who's own team were mired in mediocrity). Miles essentially could pluck the best kids from LA, AL, GA, and parts of TN and TX with the little struggle.
What doomed Les(besides his suspect clock management, refusal to modernize his playbook with uber-talented offensive rosters, and strange play calling at crucial times) was Saban returning to CFB, and making Bama the juggernaut that it is now, and doing it in only 2yrs, and beating Miles for some of the same kids that would've been LSU Tigers.

Without that firm base of an immensely fertile recruiting ground, like you mentioned, Les is just an average-above average HC. I honestly think that he would've done worse at scUM than Hairball, because at least the zany antics of Hairball have given that fanbase some hope. Miles would've only tried using his name and that's it, and his recruiting chops would've been put to the test as I don't think he would've found as many recruiting gray areas as Hairball has tried to resort to.
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As the head coach of Michigan, Harbaugh is now 1-10 versus top-12 competition (Notre Dame was #12 to open this season).

The good news: Four of those ten losses were against Ohio State (#10 in 2018; #9 in 2017; #2 in 2016; #8 in 2015).

The bad news: Two of those ten losses (#12 Notre Dame in 2018; #7 Michigan State in 2015) likely kept Ohio State out of the playoffs.

If Michigan beats Notre Dame in 2018, the Domers are out of the playoffs and Ohio State has a win against a previously undefeated team (maybe #1 overall in the CFB poll), which is probably good enough to get the Buckeyes into the playoffs.

If Michigan beats Sparty in 2015, Ohio State wins the Big Ten East, probably beats Iowa in the Big Ten CCG, probably goes to the playoffs.
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As the head coach of Michigan, Harbaugh is now 1-10 versus top-12 competition (Notre Dame was #12 to open this season).

The good news: Four of those ten losses were against Ohio State (#10 in 2018; #9 in 2017; #2 in 2016; #8 in 2015).

The bad news: Two of those ten losses (#12 Notre Dame in 2018; #7 Michigan State in 2015) likely kept Ohio State out of the playoffs.

If Michigan beats Notre Dame in 2018, the Domers are out of the playoffs and Ohio State has a win against a previously undefeated team (maybe #1 overall in the CFB poll), which is probably good enough to get the Buckeyes into the playoffs.

If Michigan beats Sparty in 2015, Ohio State wins the Big Ten East, probably beats Iowa in the Big Ten CCG, probably goes to the playoffs.

It's all scUM has ever been able to accomplish: Fuck up OSU seasons through either a modicum of competence (the Cooper years) or total incompetence (since then).
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As the head coach of Michigan, Harbaugh is now 1-10 versus top-12 competition (Notre Dame was #12 to open this season).

The good news: Four of those ten losses were against Ohio State (#10 in 2018; #9 in 2017; #2 in 2016; #8 in 2015).

The bad news: Two of those ten losses (#12 Notre Dame in 2018; #7 Michigan State in 2015) likely kept Ohio State out of the playoffs.

If Michigan beats Notre Dame in 2018, the Domers are out of the playoffs and Ohio State has a win against a previously undefeated team (maybe #1 overall in the CFB poll), which is probably good enough to get the Buckeyes into the playoffs.

If Michigan beats Sparty in 2015, Ohio State wins the Big Ten East, probably beats Iowa in the Big Ten CCG, probably goes to the playoffs.
Ehhh watching SCUM gag against ND and Sparty in 2015 was worth it.
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Harbaugh is taking a lot of flak for not getting that 11th win when he was so close. Michigan fans need to appreciate how difficult that really is to accomplish.

For all his success, in 7 years at OSU Meyer finished with 11 wins only one time.
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