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SimPLLLLLLLe Jim "6-13" Harbaugh (B1G Suspenders McKhakiPants, Cheater Cheater Booger Eater)

  • (3527)
  • 160 months
4 years in and still waiting for JH to win one meaningful game against a decent team.

This D is not good and the O is awful.

Got worse as the season went on and getting beat by one of the worst F teams I’ve seen recently.

I miss Lloyd. If only we hired Miles in 08. I am beginning to wonder if this program will ever be in it on the national stage again.
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Well, at least this fuck head is still all in:

  • (6730)
  • 88 months
38 wins in 4 years.

The 7 before had 46 total. Harbaugh could only win 8 games next year and he would total the production of both RR and Hoke regimes in only 5 years.

This was always a complete program rebuild. Harbaugh got us closer to breaking over the edge when he hired Don Brown before the 2016 season, he again got us closer hiring Warinner before the 2018 season. We still aren't there yet but it will happen eventually. You remember when Clemson got 70 dropped on them by WVU in the Orange bowl? Oh look at where they are now... Right now Harbaugh is in the same rut Dabo was in at Clemson for awhile, the struggle of having a perennial top 15 team and trying to get them to be a perennial top 5 team. That is the hardest jump to make.

If you're impatient you might as well just band wagon jump. Harbaugh isn't going anywhere, and no one here can name a better available coach(in b4 someone replies with Urban Meyer).
How do I know getting my ass handed to me for two straight games is a sign of glory to come? Clemson took an ass raping once.
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6. There is no accountability. Harbaugh blows off press conferences, avoids post-game handshake. Winovich claims losing is a mirage. Higdon throws coaches under the bus. Players skip bowl game. It's like every Michigan Man is so entitled that no one in the program can personally take blame for anything - it's always someone else's fault.

It looks like some start to blame Harbaugh lately. But those people are being attacked for not being true M-Men. How long until it becomes acceptable to blame Jimmay?
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Well, at least this fuck head is still all in:

How do I know getting my ass handed to me for two straight games is a sign of glory to come? Clemson took an ass raping once.

Well in the dumbass ichigan an's defense, it took Urban a while too. I mean how many seasons and beat downs did we have to suffer through until Urban got it up and running?
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And now, a word on when a man hallucinating realizes he's been halluncinating:

"They were just a better team," Chase Winovich said. "At the end of the day, they seemed like they had us. I think this is an observation, but for the most part, they had us figured out. They knew what we were in and how to manipulate it."

Fuck off with your dumb ass, Chase.
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How do we know Florida was a better team, Chase? Was it because we didn't hear about how they had players, prior to the game, saying "get me the fuck out of here" and didn't have women like Karen Higdon saying they'd skip the game so they could ensure they didn't ruin their ability to run a vacuum cleaner?

Just curious.... how was it they were a better team? Hell, Will Grier knows more about "team" than you worthless pricks.

You know what else we didn't hear, Chase? Any Florida players spouting off about being on some "revenge tour" ya dickless fuckwit.
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