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SimPLLLLLLLe Jim "6-13" Harbaugh (B1G Suspenders McKhakiPants, Cheater Cheater Booger Eater)

Some observations about scUM football under Harbaugh:

1. They have a "bully" mentality. If they punch first and you don't punch back, they will pummel you. If you do punch back, they will fold.

2. They are poorly coached. Play calling, formations, fourth-down decisions, two-point conversions, clock management, substitutions - it's all bad.

3. They are slow. I mean slooooooooow. Especially on defense. To borrow from our friend Herbie, they don't play well in space.

4. They are out of shape. They look gassed at the end of big games (i.e., games that aren't over by halftime). Part of it is lack of quality depth, but conditioning has to play a factor. Maybe less cannolis on the next trip to Rome?

5. They love to run their mouths, but can never seem to back it up on the field. It's like Harbaugh is still living off his 1986 guarantee. Hey, it worked 30+ years ago, lets keep talking the talk.....

6. There is no accountability. Harbaugh blows off press conferences, avoids post-game handshake. Winovich claims losing is a mirage. Higdon throws coaches under the bus. Players skip bowl game. It's like every Michigan Man is so entitled that no one in the program can personally take blame for anything - it's always someone else's fault.
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Some observations about scUM football under Harbaugh:

1. They have a "bully" mentality. If they punch first and you don't punch back, they will pummel you. If you do punch back, they will fold.

2. They are poorly coached. Play calling, formations, fourth-down decisions, two-point conversions, clock management, substitutions - it's all bad.

3. They are slow. I mean slooooooooow. Especially on defense. To borrow from our friend Herbie, they don't play well in space.

4. They are out of shape. They look gassed at the end of big games (i.e., games that aren't over by halftime). Part of it is lack of quality depth, but conditioning has to play a factor. Maybe less cannolis on the next trip to Rome?

5. They love to run their mouths, but can never seem to back it up on the field. It's like Harbaugh is still living off his 1986 guarantee. Hey, it worked 30+ years ago, lets keep talking the talk.....

6. There is no accountability. Harbaugh blows off press conferences, avoids post-game handshake. Winovich claims losing is a mirage. Higdon throws coaches under the bus. Players skip bowl game. It's like every Michigan Man is so entitled that no one in the program can personally take blame for anything - it's always someone else's fault.

7. They suck
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Some observations about scUM football under Harbaugh:

1. They have a "bully" mentality. If they punch first and you don't punch back, they will pummel you. If you do punch back, they will fold.

2. They are poorly coached. Play calling, formations, fourth-down decisions, two-point conversions, clock management, substitutions - it's all bad.

3. They are slow. I mean slooooooooow. Especially on defense. To borrow from our friend Herbie, they don't play well in space.

4. They are out of shape. They look gassed at the end of big games (i.e., games that aren't over by halftime). Part of it is lack of quality depth, but conditioning has to play a factor. Maybe less cannolis on the next trip to Rome?

5. They love to run their mouths, but can never seem to back it up on the field. It's like Harbaugh is still living off his 1986 guarantee. Hey, it worked 30+ years ago, lets keep talking the talk.....

6. There is no accountability. Harbaugh blows off press conferences, avoids post-game handshake. Winovich claims losing is a mirage. Higdon throws coaches under the bus. Players skip bowl game. It's like every Michigan Man is so entitled that no one in the program can personally take blame for anything - it's always someone else's fault.
Not...sure...if...reading...BP...or...Dear Penthouse...
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