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SimPLLLLLLLe Jim "6-13" Harbaugh (B1G Suspenders McKhakiPants, Cheater Cheater Booger Eater)

I honestly don't see the appeal. Yeah, he'll probably give your franchise a short term boost, but he'll wreck your franchise by year four.
I think the Browns, Dolphins, Packers, and a number of other teams would take that risk and even take the tradeoff if he can get them to a conference title game or even the Super Bowl in those 4 years.
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The Browns would be stupid to go that route. Hasn’t he shown that he isn’t that great of a coach AND he wears thin on everyone in a matter of years? I don’t see the positives at all. San Francisco does not impress me. Best case is he has some success and bails. In the meantime, you gotta deal with a colossal douche. And then find a coach again. Fuck all that.
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Isn't that actually one of their primary criteria for moving forward?

Not anymore!

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If the Browns hadn't fired Hue, and were looking at 2-14 (or worse), I could (maybe) see it. Given the actual on-field competency they've shown this season, they would be crazy to look at any polarizing freakshow like Harbaugh. Now, as a Steelers fan, I am rather curious to see what Harbaugh could do with Mayfield.

The Bengals won't consider him unless he's willing to take a massive pay cut. Marvin's making what - $4m? I don't see Harbaugh going that low. Besides, Mikey's already got Hue standing there, willing to work for even less than Marvin's making.......
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