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SimPLLLLLLLe Jim "6-13" Harbaugh (B1G Suspenders McKhakiPants, Cheater Cheater Booger Eater)

Harbaugh may hate chicken, but I bet he likes this.

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Rumors floating around that the Jets are preparing to make a run at the harbrau. I can't envision him going, but it would be fun to watch the DFBIA sweat for a few days.

Re: Harbaugh, meanwhile, is on the complete other end of the success spectrum. He has taken the Michigan football program to heights they have never seen before. This year alone, Harbaugh’s Wolverines did the unthinkable and tied for a division crown.

In three of his four seasons at Michigan, the Wolverines have nearly made it to the Big Ten Championship Game almost every year. He clearly has the program on the right track, and leaving now would seem foolish, especially having successfully chased Urban Meyer out of the Big Ten.

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Re: Harbaugh, meanwhile, is on the complete other end of the success spectrum. He has taken the Michigan football program to heights they have never seen before. This year alone, Harbaugh’s Wolverines did the unthinkable and tied for a division crown.

In three of his four seasons at Michigan, the Wolverines have nearly made it to the Big Ten Championship Game almost every year. He clearly has the program on the right track, and leaving now would seem foolish, especially having successfully chased Urban Meyer out of the Big Ten.


I like the comments. Either they're by people who didn't read the entire article or they're doofuses.
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Hell of a way to end the season, you clown. First, your rival (against whom you were favored) completely hands you your shirt. Then, Florida kicks you in the teeth when you're down.

And to think, on November 24, a ton of people thought this fraud was going to lead his team to the playoff. :slappy:

They were favored in both games

just to be clear
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