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SimPLLLLLLLe Jim "6-13" Harbaugh (B1G Suspenders McKhakiPants, Cheater Cheater Booger Eater)

Really starting to think this is Harbaugh's last year. They got three more losses minimum between Ohio State, Michigan State, Wisconsin, and Penn State.

Why would they fire him?

His job was to get things back to where they used to be. He's done that.

They have been an over rated 3 loss team for decades
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reading the various ttun boards, it's more than clear that harbaugh's bloom is finally and completely off the rose. no one is giving him the benefit of the doubt anymore.
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reading the various ttun boards, it's more than clear that harbaugh's bloom is finally and completely off the rose. no one is giving him the benefit of the doubt anymore.
Oh, really?

Anyone who thinks the gameplay/playcalling was somehow the major issue wasn’t watching closely. Michigan’s problem began and ended at the tackle positions. There were short passes; there were deep shots; there were plays designed to mitigate the OL deficiencies; there were formations giving the tackles help and formations spreading the D out.

But until that last drive when ND’s DL was gassed (not coincidently Michigan’s best drive) Michigan’s tackles got destroyed on almost every play.

You simply can’t do anything about that. Not Chip Kelly, not Lane Kiffin, not Doug Pederson, nobody.

Harbaugh is, of course, ultimately responsible for the tackles too. He was the one that trusted Drev to recruit and develop them. But that’s not a game plan issue or a playcalling issue. Not at all.

Good thing they’ve got Ed “I couldn’t consistently recruit elite OLinemen even at Ohio State and missed on almost all of my targets” Warriner on the job! :lol:
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