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SimPLLLLLLLe Jim "6-13" Harbaugh (B1G Suspenders McKhakiPants, Cheater Cheater Booger Eater)

Someone gave Jon Gruden $100M.
That's different though, Gruden being out of actually coaching and just being an analyst gave him a large "air of mystique". Especially since over the years his name kept getting thrown out for whatever high profile coaching position was open, whether it was college or pro. Hairball has been coaching, and doing it quite bad for what he's been paid to do. He has no mystique like when he was at Stanford or San Fran, he just has shtick at this point. And Idk if a GM/owner would back up the Brinks truck for him anymore. Now can he still get a NFL coaching gig, sure. But it will be at a reduced price, and he'll have a much shorter leash. He's been(and continues to be) exposed, he got lucky with 2 QBs(1 who was extremely talented and 1 who fit his system very well) and has done nothing since. And it can be argued that he never really "developed" Luck, because the kid was already uber talented and came from high football pedigree, Luck could've essentially gone to almost any school and had success in college, it just so happened that Hairball got him, and none of the TX schools put up much of a fight, and it made him look like a genius.
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Saw this over on Stadium & Main. Sounds like Michigan is pretty much letting Harbaugh run any part of the athletic program that he chooses to.

It'd be hilarious if, when he leaves for the NFL this coming January, he says it was all by design and he was just paying them back for not letting him major in history.

And then there's this bit of wisdom.....

Three more years? Ummm, you finished 4th in the division last year, and there's a good chance that's where you're heading this year.

4th may even be ambitious this year.
I've got some hopes for Maryland, who drew Minny / Iowa / Illinois. 2 of those are winnable.
Michigan drew Northwestern / Nebraska / Wisconsin. And I pray to see them go 0-3.
And then there's the head-to-head, which I'll just treat as a toss up.
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Today is the one-year anniversary of Michigan's last TD pass from a QB to a WR: Wilton Speight to Tarik Black in the 1st Q of the Florida game last year (Sept 2). Also, in that stretch the QB whisperer has had four different starting QBs.
i'm seeing touchdown passes from speight to receivers perry and crawford against cincinnati, though, which was week #2 (9/9)... and still an absolutely nutballs stat.
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Today is the one-year anniversary of Michigan's last TD pass from a QB to a WR: Wilton Speight to Tarik Black in the 1st Q of the Florida game last year (Sept 2). Also, in that stretch the QB whisperer has had four different starting QBs.
by the by, harbaugh had one wide receiver commitment for 2018 and so far has one wide receiver commitment for 2019.

ronnie bell: ranked 1476th (213rd wr)
quintel kent: ranked 1669th (190th wr)

sure, the 2017 wr class was very solid (dpj, black, collins, and others), but once those guys move on, well...
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by the by, harbaugh had one wide receiver commitment for 2018 and so far has one wide receiver commitment for 2019.

ronnie bell: ranked 1476th (213rd wr)
quintel kent: ranked 1669th (190th wr)

sure, the 2017 wr class was very solid (dpj, black, collins, and others), but once those guys move on, well...

How fucking funny will it be to hear them have to claim that harbaugh left the cupboard bare and wait till savior 4.0 gets his guys?

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