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SimPLLLLLLLe Jim "6-13" Harbaugh (B1G Suspenders McKhakiPants, Cheater Cheater Booger Eater)

Jim Harbaugh is running out of distractions as Michigan drops another big game to a rival

The Wolverines squandered another big opportunity Saturday. Is patience with Harbaugh running thin?

Hello, hot seat? Make room for one wacky, quirky, khaki coach who is running out of distractions.

Satellite camps? No longer a thing. Spring practice vacations to Europe? Oslo remains an option.

Chicken may be "nervous bird," but Michigan fans are becoming a nervous bunch. Or at least they should be.

They've been through this before with guys named Rodriguez and Hoke. Just in a different way. Those coaches were relatively easy to dispatch when things went sour.

Jim Harbaugh has his DNA invested in Michigan. And Bo Schembechler's is in Harbaugh. One was arguably Michigan's best-ever coach. Michigan fans have hoped Harbaugh would be the closest thing to it -- this generation's forever coach.

It's hard to say Harbaugh has underachieved with 28 wins in three years. It's fair to say he better pick it up.

Following Saturday's 24-17 loss at Notre Dame, Coach Khaki is now 0-6 as an underdog. He is 8-8 in his last 16, now riding a four-game losing streak that goes back to last season. The last Michigan coach to lose four in a row was Rich Rod. That was nine years ago.

The losing doesn't feel the same. Harbaugh has won 70 percent of his games. But with another chance to post a signature win on Saturday at Notre Dame, Coach Harbs couldn't quite get it done. Again:

The program has progressed. Recruiting has improved. But Harbaugh is also 1-6 against Michigan's three biggest rivals -- Ohio State, Michigan State and Notre Dame.

This might hurt, but it's also obvious: Michigan fans will always hate Ohio State more than they will ever love Harbaugh.

So until he signs his name to a signature win, Harbaugh's quirks will begin appearing to be more drawback than cute sideshow: The faithful would much rather enjoy a win over the Buckeyes than read about their team meeting with the Pope.

On Saturday, the play-calling was suspect, despite arguably the best Michigan team Harbaugh has fielded. Start with the debut of his first difference-making quarterback in Ole Miss transfer Shea Patterson.

When it came time to dissect Notre Dame's equally solid defense, not much changed. For the most part, the plays looked like stuff John O'Korn and Wilton Speight used to run.

Patterson was supposed to be the great downfield threat. Down 21-10 at halftime, the coaching seemed to finally realize that. Patterson connected with Nico Collins on the second half's second play for 52 yards.

Then, until it was scramble time at the end, that was pretty much it. Patterson's arm was largely holstered. In the fourth quarter, he missed 11 plays after limping off the field.

Would he have even made a difference at that point? Deep into the night as the postgame interviews were ending, Notre Dame defensive end Khalid Kareem said his unit had basically figured out Michigan's cadence at the line.

"I was getting a rhythm with their snap count," Kareem said. "I was just timing it up. I got a good jump on the ball."

Kareem first began noticing a pattern late in the first quarter after sacking Patterson.

"If a team is giving me a tendency, it's a little easier," Kareem said. "Certain teams don't show it.

We picked up on it. We were telling each other not to really key on it but it was happening so much. … I would think, in the following weeks, they would probably [change] it."

Entire article: https://www.cbssports.com/college-f...s-michigan-drops-another-big-game-to-a-rival/
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Last night (yet again) it was "nothing" .......:rofl:
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Saw this over on Stadium & Main. Sounds like Michigan is pretty much letting Harbaugh run any part of the athletic program that he chooses to.

Harbaugh demanded this game. End of story. Michigan bought out the Arkansas series to play this.

Michigan agreed to play on the road, 1st game, and agreed to play Notre Dame in October in 2019.

Michigan had no negotiation power whatsoever and accepted these terms because this is what Harbaugh wanted.

Let's be real as well. One of the main priorities of AD we hired was they had to have a good working relationship with Harbaugh. Manuel fit that criteria.

At the time of this scheduling, any pushback on something like this could be something that would upset Harbaugh.

Michigan continually makes things harder than they really need to be. Michigan doesn't "game" the system well like other programs.

It'd be hilarious if, when he leaves for the NFL this coming January, he says it was all by design and he was just paying them back for not letting him major in history.

And then there's this bit of wisdom.....

3 more years with Harbaugh in the leadership and you will see Michigan become much more irrelevant, like 4th or 5th East Division finishes. He has lost it.

Three more years? Ummm, you finished 4th in the division last year, and there's a good chance that's where you're heading this year.
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