Wrong glass, Sir.
I assume you mean 03-04 teams?
Regardless, fuck him.
2-10-1...other than that Mrs Lincoln how did you enjoy the play?
I see Cinci's point. There really was no home run Urban-like hire out there when Coop was brought in. He looked good on paper and looking outside the family for a breath of fresh air was needed. Nor could we turn around and fire him quickly either. That would have just brought up the old graveyard of coaching reputation and made the job very unattractive nationally. I don't know what the hell was up with him against Michigan and in bowl games, but he just couldn't win to save his life. Had he been able to, he would be sitting on several Big Ten championships and most likely a NC. I'm sure that gnaws at him more than any of us.
Probably, the only mistake Ohio State made with him was when he threatened to go to LSU to squeeze a better contract out of Geiger and Gee, the response should have been......
