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SimPLLLLLLLe Jim "6-13" Harbaugh (B1G Suspenders McKhakiPants, Cheater Cheater Booger Eater)

Remember statements like this when tsun fans spend the off season telling us how next year will somehow be better.

We won't be better next year. However, there is one thing that this coaching staff does that the previous didn't......actually improve players. McCray (who was an after thought a few years ago), Stribling, Lewis, Darboh, Taco, Dymonte Thomas, Mags, etc have taken huge steps since Hoke. Speight, a QB that Harbaugh wouldn't even recruit, improved from the first game to now. Next year we will see how good this coaching staff is due to all the attrition and the poor 2014/2015 recruiting classes. Florida, at Wisconsin, at Penn St. Michigan St., and Ohio State coming to town. That is not an easy schedule at all.
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My point is that, over the long haul, given the alum base, the facilities, the money, the history that is Michigan football they are not going to be a distant second for long.
People were saying the same things about France in 1945.

Times change. History is in the past. Until Michigan proves they are back, they ain't.
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We won't be better next year. However, there is one thing that this coaching staff does that the previous didn't......actually improve players. McCray (who was an after thought a few years ago), Stribling, Lewis, Darboh, Taco, Dymonte Thomas, Mags, etc have taken huge steps since Hoke. Speight, a QB that Harbaugh wouldn't even recruit, improved from the first game to now. Next year we will see how good this coaching staff is due to all the attrition and the poor 2014/2015 recruiting classes. Florida, at Wisconsin, at Penn St. Michigan St., and Ohio State coming to town. That is not an easy schedule at all.
This year, nine games at home. Florida and Ohio State at home? Not easy, but not elite either. I think a four loss year is very likely and I think that Harbaugh will be looking to bail.
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This year, nine games at home. Florida and Ohio State at home? Not easy, but not elite either. I think a four loss year is very likely and I think that Harbaugh will be looking to bail.

Not yet. He'll be bitterly disappointed but will still be able to attribute it to rebuilding. If he can't get past Ohio State in 2018, then I think he's almost certainly back to the NFL. Should that scenario pan out, I can only imagine the blame-shifting and conspiracy theories he'll spew on his way out the door.
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Not yet. He'll be bitterly disappointed but will still be able to attribute it to rebuilding. If he can't get past Ohio State in 2018, then I think he's almost certainly back to the NFL. Should that scenario pan out, I can only imagine the blame-shifting and conspiracy theories he'll spew on his way out the door.
He's already pissed on their doorstep once...something that probably played a role in him not getting the job in 2011, I have little doubt that if things go south, he will napalm them on the way out. Harbrau cares about Harbrau above all else.
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I think we have a misunderstanding here guys.. I dont think cincy is claiming the gap is going to close.. just that it wont be a HUGE a gap as it used to be..

Yeah, that's what he's saying

Hype machine? You realize that Michigan early in the season beat Colorado - a team that will be playing for the PAC championship? That they crushed Penn State by 39? That they beat Wisconsin? That they beat Sparty by nine in East Lansing? Yes, they caught some scheduling breaks, but they matched the Buckeyes win-for-signature-win. That's not hype, that's on the field performance.

What has he ever won? Let's start with taking a miserable 49er team and getting them within a Ted Ginn fumble of the Super Bowl and within a bad no call of the Super Bowl Championship the next year. How many NFL coaches have that on their resume? or how about this for turning a moribund Stanford program around:

"Although many remember Appalachian State toppling Michigan at the Big House as the upset of the 2007 season, based on the point spread, Stanford over USC is the biggest upset in College Football history.
Maybe the biggest reason for the difference between a 42-0 drubbing in 2006 and a 24-23 victory in 2007 was the head coach, Jim Harbaugh. Harbaugh replaced Walt Harris in December of 2006 and the latter left Stanford with the lowest winning percentage of any coach in school history (.261). Under Harris, Stanford was a team without an identity. That all changed when Jim Harbaugh came...

How many times did Ohio State beat Pete Carroll and USC?

The 2010 season brought more success for Harbaugh and the Cardinal. The team went 11–1 in the regular season, with their only loss coming from Oregon, a team that was undefeated and earned a berth in the BCS National Championship Game. The first 11 win season in program history earned the Cardinal a #4 BCS ranking and a BCS bowl invitation to the Orange Bowl. Stanford defeated Virginia Tech 40–12 for the Cardinal's first bowl win since 1996 and the first BCS bowl victory in program history.[112] Second year starting quarterback Andrew Luck was the runner-up to for the Heisman Trophy, the second year in a row that the runner-up was from Stanford. Harbaugh was named the winner of the Woody Hayes Coach of the Year Award.[113]

Now we can point and say things like "Well, yeah, but he had Andrew Luck..." but then you also need accept that he won twenty games with Wilton Speight and a kid that couldn't start at Iowa.

We don't have the ten year data to compare him to Bo or Woody, and his personality may prevent that from happening. However, it's good to remember that it took Woody five years to win the Big Ten, a Rose Bowl and an NC. Over his career Woody was 4 and 4 in 8 Rose Bowl appearances. Behavior? "Late in the 1971 rivalry game against Michigan in Ann Arbor, furious over what he thought was a missed defensive pass interference foul committed by Thom Darden of Michigan, Hayes stormed onto the field, launched a profane tirade at referee Jerry Markbreit, and tore up the sideline markers, receiving a 15-yard unsportsmanlike-conduct penalty. Hayes then threw the penalty flag into the crowd, began destroying the yard markers and threw the first-down marker into the ground like a javelin before being restrained by Buckeyes team officials; Hayes was then assessed an additional 15-yard penalty and ejected. Hayes was suspended for one game and fined $1,000.[14]" This is 1971 - six years before Hayes would take swing at Charlie Bauman.

Finally, he came into Ohio Stadium, into a hostile home field, and had the Buckeyes on the ropes for all but the final five minutes of the game. Maybe he doesn't fit your definition of a closer and maybe he never wins an NC, but he's a far better coach than most of the folks out there.

Do I like Harbaugh? Hardly. He's obnoxious. His sideline mannerisms are immature. His criticism of the refs is uncalled for. BUT, he doesn't throw his players under the bus like a certain Leprechaun in South Bend, he's made Michigan relevant again in just two years, and while JT has slipped in skills, Rudock and Speight got better. He's a sure fire bet to do something crazy that will get him bounced from Ann Arbor, but it's pure hubris to brush off Michigan and Hairball as irrelevant.

This isn't the first time the subject has been broached. Cinci continues to beat the drum that tsun being good is good for OSU and therefore does everything he can to talk up tsun.

It's his opinion and he's entitled to it but constantly being the Maxbuck/contrarian when it comes to tsun on here is going to get an equally vociferous response.
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Well I think cincy is right that as long as Harbawlll is there they will be CLOSER to Ohio States' level than they have been since Llllloyd left. I do not agree however that we WANT them to be good.. tOSU does not need scUM.. or anyone else.. Id prefer to win the game 70-0 every single year than risk losing to those cock suckers even once.
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I think it is important for scum to be good myself. That way when we curb stomp their asses a lot of America watches so we don't have to listen to "OSU didn't play anybody" Shit like we did in 2014 and damn near get left out.
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We won't be better next year. However, there is one thing that this coaching staff does that the previous didn't......actually improve players. McCray (who was an after thought a few years ago), Stribling, Lewis, Darboh, Taco, Dymonte Thomas, Mags, etc have taken huge steps since Hoke. Speight, a QB that Harbaugh wouldn't even recruit, improved from the first game to now. Next year we will see how good this coaching staff is due to all the attrition and the poor 2014/2015 recruiting classes. Florida, at Wisconsin, at Penn St. Michigan St., and Ohio State coming to town.

When Hoke led the charge, I had no respect for the undisciplined pack of lazy thugs Michigan fielded. Two years under Harbaugh and the team has morphed into a disciplined, hard-working team. I respect that change, and I respect the team now; the coach, not so much. Whiny little bitch, although he's undeniably a good coach.

That is not an easy schedule at all.

Yeah, well, welcome to the Big Ten East.
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When Hoke led the charge, I had no respect for the undisciplined pack of lazy thugs Michigan fielded. Two years under Harbaugh and the team has morphed into a disciplined, hard-working team. I respect that change, and I respect the team now; the coach, not so much. Whiny little bitch, although he's undeniably a good coach.
So, was GerbiLLL stomping and spitting on the Block O just left over from the Hoke-era?
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