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SimPLLLLLLLe Jim "6-13" Harbaugh (B1G Suspenders McKhakiPants, Cheater Cheater Booger Eater)

quiz time:

booger has 20 commitments so far for the '17 class. has he received more than 1.5 or fewer than 1.5 commitments from players ranked in the top 5 at their respective positions (per 247)?


meyer has 16 commitments so far for the '17 class. has he received more than 11.5 or fewer than 11.5 commitments from players ranked in the top 5 at their respective positions (per 247)?
Ours go to eleven.
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quiz time:

booger has 20 commitments so far for the '17 class. has he received more than 1.5 or fewer than 1.5 commitments from players ranked in the top 5 at their respective positions (per 247)?


meyer has 16 commitments so far for the '17 class. has he received more than 11.5 or fewer than 11.5 commitments from players ranked in the top 5 at their respective positions (per 247)?
This is a rhetorical question, right?
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"My point is (and remains) that, over the long haul, given the alum base, the facilities, the money, the history that is Michigan football, they are not going to be a distant second for long."

They just took the Buckeyes down to the last of my fingernails - in the horseshoe - they beat Wisconsin, they killed Penn State, they beat Sparty. All this after being horse whipped by the Bucks in their own place just one year ago. They clearly became number 2 in the Big Ten. They created a gap in talent between themselves and the rest of the Big Ten excluding OSU. In the process they have closed the gap between themselves and the Buckeyes. That gap will widen a bit next year when he has to play a ton of sophs and frosh, but it will narrow over time.
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They haven't closed any fucking gap. What they did was shoot their wad of experience over inexperience. That advantage is gone next year.
Let's not get too cocky, the same was said about OSU in 2015. We were going to lose all of this talent and fall off in 2016... Hairball is doing some things in Ann Arbor, the question will still remain if he will stay long enough to fully close the gap. And will Don Brown stay as DC long enough to keep their defense looking as good as it did this year
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"My point is (and remains) that, over the long haul, given the alum base, the facilities, the money, the history that is Michigan football, they are not going to be a distant second for long."

They were largely irrelevant for 7 years before harbaugh with a 1 year blip in '11 for Hoke. They just lost 2 more under Harbaugh. How long a time frame are you using here?

They just took the Buckeyes down to the last of my fingernails - in the horseshoe - they beat Wisconsin, they killed Penn State, they beat Sparty. All this after being horse whipped by the Bucks in their own place just one year ago. They clearly became number 2 in the Big Ten. They created a gap in talent between themselves and the rest of the Big Ten excluding OSU. In the process they have closed the gap between themselves and the Buckeyes. That gap will widen a bit next year when he has to play a ton of sophs and frosh, but it will narrow over time.

With a roster that had 45 SR's he didn't recruit that happen to fit his system (which is better than what Hoke walked into) and a perfect schedule. We all saw the Colorado game where a bunch of next years starters were getting their ass whipped in AA until the QB got hurt.

Now he has to do it with his recruits in their Fr and Soph years against a legit schedule while a huge chunk of the young OSU team, that he couldn't beat with that SR laden squad of his, returning. He has not by any measurable objective out recruited Ohio State, so again, I ask the question; outside of blind hope for it happening, what makes you so certain he's going to close this distant second gap in short order?
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I need to exit this discussion because I am baffled by some peoples inability to deal with facts and reality.

Some want the justification that UM is really good now to make them feel better about winning.

Here are the fact people.

tOSU has the best coach in the B10 and a guy who knows how to close.
tOSU is located in the State with the best HS talent in the Midwest (realize half of MSU team is from Ohio) heck I would be interested to see the percentage of starters on B10 teams from Ohio year in and year out. Realize there are 14 teams. So it should be about 1/14......but I bet you it is more like 1/9
tOSU is the best recruiting team in the B10 (top 5 in the Country)
tOSU has a massive fan base that supports the program (hear they bring the $$$$$$)

So you are trying to muster up energy and a belief that UM is on par with tOSU. NO ONE is on par with tOSU in the B10. Wisky, Iowa, MSU, Neb, and PSU are not on the same level in any of those categories. SCum has the fan base, and they have the $$$, and they can recruit. But they do not have the coaching in place and honestly they are too desperate to win. I know we all want to love Bo but he never won a NC and was poop in Bowl games. He just wanted to be the bully in his backyard. And the SCum program and fan base now want it all. But they are just not on that level. And I am not sure they even know or have a clue what it takes to compete at that level. It takes a different mindset and approach.

Do I think tOSU was great this season.....no. But I would not want to be playing them in a playoff game. Urban Meyer knows how to prepare and win NC. And I would not bet against them if they make it into the final game. The whole approach is to make it into the playoff. They screwed it up last year or they would be headed to their 3rd one in 3 years.

SCum is your local rival nothing more. What is the record the last 20 years? 15-5?
As with everything SCum related if you remove pre-1950 results they suddenly good but hardly great. 1 shared NC, and the record in the UM vs OSU game is 31-12-3 pre 1950 in SCum favor, post 1950 it is 36-27-3 in tOSU favor with the Cooper years LOL.

I am so sick of the belief that SCum is so great. They have just been doing it so damn long they have good numbers. But post 1950 I would not even rate them in the top 10 programs in the country and maybe much lower. Realize all programs go through some ups and down. But here are just a list since 1950 of teams that have shown to be better IMO:

PSU (look at NC) yes I hate them and this may be a stretch

For me it is much more about achieving the highest marks rather than being consistently good enough to finish in the top 10.

In some way you have to be willing to red line it to win it all. And we all know that redlining it can cause the engine to blow. So while some of the programs above have been really good and at times pretty awful at other times they all have had long periods of success that also included winning it all.

SCum is a good program that consistently wins. But would any of the above fan bases be happy to have only really competed for a NC a couple of times in 50-60 years? Hell Tommy O at NEB damn near stroked out because he had not won a Natty until he did in the end.

And this is my big issue with Khaki. He is perfect for SCum because he is that program. It is all about the hype and tradition but it is not based on hard results. It is all about getting 9/10 wins and complaining that you got screwed. How about sacking up and getting it done? Go the distance. Don't make excuses make results.

This is one reason why I like MD at MSU. While that program will struggle to get the talent and the support from the fans base and University he never makes excuses or complains. He just grinds it out. And he is not unique in that regard. But the DFBIA lives in that we got robbed we are actually better than you world where the perception of the program is more important than the results to the fan base and University.
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Let's not get too cocky, the same was said about OSU in 2015. We were going to lose all of this talent and fall off in 2016... Hairball is doing some things in Ann Arbor, the question will still remain if he will stay long enough to fully close the gap. And will Don Brown stay as DC long enough to keep their defense looking as good as it did this year
See Jax's reply below...

With a roster that had 45 SR's he didn't recruit that happen to fit his system (which is better than what Hoke walked into) and a perfect schedule. We all saw the Colorado game where a bunch of next years starters were getting their ass whipped in AA until the QB got hurt.

Now he has to do it with his recruits in their Fr and Soph years against a legit schedule while a huge chunk of the young OSU team, that he couldn't beat with that SR laden squad of his, returning. He has not by any measurable objective out recruited Ohio State, so again, I ask the question; outside of blind hope for it happening, what makes you so certain he's going to close this distant second gap in short order?
Harbaugh had the #4 class for 2016 and currently has the #8 class for 2017, while we had the #3 class for 2016 (.17 stars per recruit higher) and have the #2 class for 2017 which is arguably the #1 class by far based on star ratings and which is light years ahead of Harbaugh's current #8 class (.66 stars per recruit). He had his chance last week and blew it. With most of our current starters returning and with another year's worth of experience, going up against a less-talented, less-experience team in Ann Arbor, I can see another 42-13 type beat down, and it won't get much better for Michigan after that with how or 2018 class is already shaping up to be...
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They haven't closed any fucking gap. What they did was shoot their wad of experience over inexperience. That advantage is gone next year.

Next year will show if Harbaugh can actually build and sustain a program. He's never stayed long enough for anyone to find out. If he can bounce back the way Ohio State did this year, that will tell an awful lot about the next 5 or 6 years. If his young team struggles, then I think he begins to melt down internally. In either case, he'll still be an unstable fuckstick.
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