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SimPLLLLLLLe Jim "6-13" Harbaugh (B1G Suspenders McKhakiPants, Cheater Cheater Booger Eater)

That's not delusion, TTM, it's just the logical progression of the dumbest fan base in America.

I googled "dumb, drunk, michigan girl" LOL
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1 day after pissing on the media.......

The media? Jim Harbaugh doesn’t ‘need’ the media (or Jim Rome, or Betty White) … but Michigan’s coach WILL need to start showing some rings, and soon

I highly suggest reading the whole thing. Jimmah has made friends with dudes who do not forget and cannot run out of ink.

The worst thing for him is that they've overhyped and built him up so much and so prematurely that they've just been setting him up when they turn on him. Common media M.O.: Inflate somebody out of all proportion to their accomplishment and then make a big loud noise popping the balloon.
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The UM twitter fan boys defense of JH's antics are really quite impressive; especially how they've twisted any verbal sparring w/anyone as a win for JH.

You'd think JH was running for president........

From the comments section- presumably R Johnson failed to see the irony about attacking Rome regarding ridiculous behavior aimed at getting "street cred"

Robert Johnson
Jim Rome is a nobody. He used to be semi famous on the Disney Sports Network, aka ESPN, now he is on some other network and isn't even broadcast here in Phoenix. Any 50+ year old guy that has to resort to using "dude" and "hippie lettuce" in a puerile attempt to give himself street cred is pathetic.
Jimmie, your an upper class person that owns multi million dollar homes in Southren California and owns race horses. You are not hip and have not a bit of street cred.
I bet you peeded you pants when Jim Everett went after you.

Jim Harbaugh rips Jim Rome on Twitter after criticism
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