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Should semipro/college players be paid, or allowed to sell their stuff? (NIL and Revenue Sharing)

a right-winger caring about income inequality and arguing for income distribution?


That dude ain't right wing.
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Considering the topic, it’s not surprising that we’ve veered into politics, but that’s enough

I (and I’m sure, others) have been holding back because this isn’t the poli board. Others seem to not care about such distinctions.

it might be time to move this thread, or a portion of the discussion to the poli forum. Whether that happens or not, the discussion on the football board should be about football
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Wonder how on earth the NCAA thinks they will govern it... I mean doesn't this bring corrupt boosters to the forefront? Won't we see car dealers paying a guy $1M to appear in a commercial? This just feels like pandora's box.

The unintended consequences of this are going to be fun to watch. Agents will be lining up sponsor deals during the recruiting process. Then if the kid outperforms said deal once he starts playing, the transfer portal gives his agent the opportunity to sell his client's services to the highest bidder. The coach? Who cares? Agents will run the show for high profile players.

It gets even more comical if they allow the schools to pay them. Then a little thing called Title IX kicks in, only the not so funny part will be the death of non-revenue sports. Few schools are going to pay women's field hockey players. Most will likely just drop some non-revenue sports - male and female - to cover the cost of paying football and men's basketball players.
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So, you can sell your image and your cool shit and I'm sure there are plenty of boosters who will pony up. Seems to me that this moves football and basketball further from the notion of "amateur" and solidly into the world of semi-pro. Maybe this is the time to turn the games over to the NFL, NBA, and MLB and let them pay for "minor league operations" and let the schools get back to education.

I'd miss my Buckeye weekends, but if we're honest separating athletics from all levels of our education system should have been done before Michigan, Yale, and Harvard started hiring the local blacksmith to play for them.
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The unintended consequences of this are going to be fun to watch. Agents will be lining up sponsor deals during the recruiting process. Then if the kid outperforms said deal once he starts playing, the transfer portal gives his agent the opportunity to sell his client's services to the highest bidder. The coach? Who cares? Agents will run the show for high profile players.

It gets even more comical if they allow the schools to pay them. Then a little thing called Title IX kicks in, only the not so funny part will be the death of non-revenue sports. Few schools are going to pay women's field hockey players. Most will likely just drop some non-revenue sports - male and female - to cover the cost of paying football and men's basketball players.

I would imagine that the NCAA and schools will try to stop this kind of situation (transfer portal shenanigans) by each school having an agent or two for all of the players with deals and everything has to go through them and the compliance dept. I expect they will attempt to keep the scope pretty narrow at first, and this would be the way to go about it (from my know-nothing POV, at least).
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I would imagine that the NCAA and schools will try to stop this kind of situation (transfer portal shenanigans) by each school having an agent or two for all of the players with deals and everything has to go through them and the compliance dept. I expect they will attempt to keep the scope pretty narrow at first, and this would be the way to go about it (from my know-nothing POV, at least).

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In a couple years we’ll be discussing how this proposal made more sense than what the ncaa actually did
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So, you can sell your image and your cool shit and I'm sure there are plenty of boosters who will pony up. Seems to me that this moves football and basketball further from the notion of "amateur" and solidly into the world of semi-pro. Maybe this is the time to turn the games over to the NFL, NBA, and MLB and let them pay for "minor league operations" and let the schools get back to education.

I'd miss my Buckeye weekends, but if we're honest separating athletics from all levels of our education system should have been done before Michigan, Yale, and Harvard started hiring the local blacksmith to play for them.

Why does money negate University mission?
The whole mindset is a farce planted by NCAA.
Never heard of an Engineering dept turning down gift money because it'd compromise the 'amateur' nature of their students.
Nor of students being prohibited from pursuing business interests.
Only NCAA has this mindset.
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In a couple years we’ll be discussing how this proposal made more sense than what the ncaa actually did

I mean, considering it took me all of 2 seconds after reading the post I quoted to come up with that, I certainly hope SOMEONE in the decision making process at the NCAA had a moment of clarity to think of something like that.

If not...how does one go about getting a 6 figure consulting gig in the next few weeks? :lol:
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