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Should semipro/college players be paid, or allowed to sell their stuff? (NIL and Revenue Sharing)

My only concern with this is it might widen the recruiting gap between the big programs and the small programs. A lot more "profiting off your likeness" to be done at bigger schools. Although I haven't looked into how this is all going to be regulated

There’s still a scholarship limit and only one football.

How much is that third string 5* LB bringing in if people don’t even know who he is? And I would probably bet there’s going to be a rule that requires an athlete to be on campus for a certain amount of time.
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As many have said, if this brings back NCAA Football, then that alone gets my support for the decision. But I do have some concerns on this decision, and my college football purist mentality and love for unbridled capitalism have always clashed on this subject. End of the day, I land that college football players be able to profit on their name and likeness, the regulatory scheme on it just needs to make sense. I don't pretend to know what that entails, but that's for others to figure out. And yeah, this decision only helps Ohio State.
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Wonder how on earth the NCAA thinks they will govern it... I mean doesn't this bring corrupt boosters to the forefront? Won't we see car dealers paying a guy $1M to appear in a commercial? This just feels like pandora's box.
That's happening now at a far more sane amount. What this does is end the charade (and the roadblock for monster northern boosters from legal sponsorships) though that may kill the dream for some.

Sidenote, who are these dealerships with millions in disposable income each year?
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My only concern with this is it might widen the recruiting gap between the big programs and the small programs. A lot more "profiting off your likeness" to be done at bigger schools. Although I haven't looked into how this is all going to be regulated
As opposed to a system where bama, OSU, Clemson and uga take most of the five stars, and LSU, fsu, and a few others get the rest

Meanwhile most of the B1G sign 300 players who were never offered by OSU, with maybe 2-5 that were targeted but signed with UW or Purdue. Absolutely none were even considered at Rutgers, nw, ill

In the meantime, when the next JT Barrett comes through, he can actually profit off of the likeness that espn, fox and the B1G used to sell to advertisers for hundreds of thousands of dollars. Now he no longer has to wait until he is forgotten and replaced (or get those perks before his fanbase begins hating him)
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In the meantime, when the next JT Barrett comes through, he can actually profit off of the likeness that espn, fox and the B1G used to sell to advertisers for hundreds of thousands of dollars. Now he no longer has to wait until he is forgotten and replaced (or get those perks before his fanbase begins hating him)

Point me to the mofo that hates on JT. He/she has a rendezvous with an ass kicking.
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Wonder how on earth the NCAA thinks they will govern it... I mean doesn't this bring corrupt boosters to the forefront? Won't we see car dealers paying a guy $1M to appear in a commercial? This just feels like pandora's box.

If Joe Bob's Car Wash wants to give a kid a million dollars then so be it. That's capitalism. Just don't ask me to subsidize Joe Bob's Car Wash when it goes out of
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