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Should semipro/college players be paid, or allowed to sell their stuff? (NIL and Revenue Sharing)

If Joe Bob's Car Wash wants to give a kid a million dollars then so be it. That's capitalism. Just don't ask me to subsidize Joe Bob's Car Wash when it goes out of

Hey, the last thing we want is to put Joe Bob's car washers out of work!!!

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Sen. Mitt Romney raises concerns with NCAA proposal

Sen. Mitt Romney expressed concern about potential inequality that could result from paying student-athletes for their names, images and likenesses, saying it wouldn't be fair to have some college players "driving around in Ferraris."

Romney appeared on ESPN's Outside the Lines on Wednesday to address Tuesday's decision by the NCAA to take steps toward allowing college athletes to be paid. The Republican senator from Utah said he generally supports the idea of changing the NCAA rule, but also urged caution in implementation.

"What you can't have is a couple athletes on campus driving around in Ferraris while everybody else is basically having a hard time making ends meet," Romney said. "And you can't have a setting where some schools that are in major markets or have big-sport followings, some schools are like the honey pot, and all the great athletes all want to go to those handful of schools, then you kill collegiate sports. There needs to be some adjustment to the whole name, image and likeness approach to make sure we don't create those problems."

NCAA's top decision-makers voted unanimously Tuesday to start the process of modifying its rule to allow college athletes to profit from their names, images and likenesses "in a manner consistent with the collegiate model."

The board wants each of the three NCAA divisions to implement new rules by January 2021.

But Romney, who has collaborated with Sen. Chris Murphy, D-Conn., on similar legislation, said there needs to be parity.

"I don't think you can have an athlete at a school making a million dollars a year at that school and lording it over everybody else on the team and everyone else on the campus," he told OTL. "That's what they're going to get when they go pro. While they're at school, they're still a student-athlete, and there has to be some limit to how much money is coming to an individual and there has to be a way to get compensation to other members of the team. I mean, that left tackle also needs to have some capacity to have some funds to be able to make ends meet and to be able to help their family."

Romney declined to address the tax implications of paying players but noted it could be one negative impact on college sports overall.

Entire article: https://www.espn.com/college-sports...sen-mitt-romney-raises-concerns-ncaa-proposal

Re: Romney said that if the NCAA proposal does not go forward, he expects Congress to take action on the issue.

Without being political; honestly now, can anyone name an institution in this country that has a lower "overall unfavorable rating" than the NCAA and US Congress?

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I mean.... when I went to school I was driving a shitty aged Chevy Cavalier... until I crashed it and rode a bike for over a year.... and you know what? Some kids who attended college with me had really nice cars. they weren't even athletes. nope. just kids with rich parents. Totally unfair.

My favorites were the guys that bragged loudly about getting car stereos for their BMWs with their Pell grant, while I couldn’t get a Pell grant so I had to work full time while carrying a full load of classes.

All these years later I think the biggest difference between he and I is that I was prepared for the world after college and I seriously doubt that he was.
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My favorites were the guys that bragged loudly about getting car stereos for their BMWs with their Pell grant, while I couldn’t get a Pell grant so I had to work full time while carrying a full load of classes.

All these years later I think the biggest difference between he and I is that I was prepared for the world after college and I seriously doubt that he was.
At some point privilege makes preparation moot.

I met, peripherally, a kid at Vandy, driving an Aston Martin, living in a leased condo, even had a housekeeper..... no job. Great GPA, of course, then Columbia grad school in Finance. I think he did some sort of "internship" work in NYC.

Last I heard he stepped right into a Fortune 50 office after grad school. Thx, Dad.

Whether he even understands what I consider to be "the real world" is questionable. He's most likely never known anything but privilege and never will, nor his kids.

And someone hit this issue right on the head: when it's Tyrek getting paid and not Tanner, it's an issue. Privilege doesn't like to share.
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My favorites were the guys that bragged loudly about getting car stereos for their BMWs with their Pell grant, while I couldn’t get a Pell grant so I had to work full time while carrying a full load of classes.

All these years later I think the biggest difference between he and I is that I was prepared for the world after college and I seriously doubt that he was.
But did they bump Trilla in those BMWs, whenever and wherever they wanted?
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a right-winger caring about income inequality and arguing for income distribution?


That was a dumb statement on his part. He is concerned because the Utes and Cougars can't keep up with the Tide and Buckeyes now so he feels it will only get worse. Not one person knows how this will play out. Will the haves have more or will kids shop around their skills or will kids sit behind a guy for years if he is getting paid or will jealousy play a part because Jerome QB is making more $$$ than Johnny QB and they both were 5* recruits or will this destroy the college football and basketball game and we move our attention to non-revenue sports?

You guys can comment on "right-wingers", privilege, BMWs, 12" Kickers in the trunk, and @Tanner but if this brings back NCAA Football video games...you can all EABOD. :lol:
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That was a dumb statement on his part. He is concerned because the Utes and Cougars can't keep up with the Tide and Buckeyes now so he feels it will only get worse. Not one person knows how this will play out. Will the haves have more or will kids shop around their skills or will kids sit behind a guy for years if he is getting paid or will jealousy play a part because Jerome QB is making more $$$ than Johnny QB and they both were 5* recruits or will this destroy the college football and basketball game and we move our attention to non-revenue sports?

You guys can comment on "right-wingers", privilege, BMWs, 12" Kickers in the trunk, and @Tanner but if this brings back NCAA Football video games...you can all EABOD. :lol:
Congress is still going to chew the NCAA a new one over the money issue.

I could care less how it plays out. Great players have been and will be making money in college..... one way or another.

MANY years ago in Lexington, I watched Rex Chapman pull up to a KY athletics event in a Mercedes....... "a loaner from a friend that he just gets to drive now and then." I didn't care then and don't care now what goes on.

Free Enterprise. Individuals with a very specific, highly specialized, and extremely desired skill set that is useful in big money businesses will market themselves VERY successfully...... and should.
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