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SEC (It just means more.. even its losses are wins)

It Just Matters More: Also not family trees that fork

It Just Matters More: The taste of my cousin's.....well, you know where it goes from here.

God damn it. After the war, we should have just put a fence around the South and turned it into a national freak show theme park. Kind of like a Kruger National Park but instead of Lions and Rhinos, it would be full of sister-fucking, toothless imbeciles.

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It Just Matters More: The taste of my cousin's.....well, you know where it goes from here.

God damn it. After the war, we should have just put a fence around the South and turned it into a national freak show theme park. Kind of like a Kruger National Park but instead of Lions and Rhinos, it would be full of sister-fucking, toothless imbeciles.


After viewing the movie Jurassic Park, I don't think I could get behind that idea.
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Minnesota Classic vs 'Bama is on BTN, 12/31/2004. The Tide had the #2 defense in the country, but the Gophers had Mason as HC and Marion Barber, who I think, is on his way to a 200-yard day. Since it's a MN Classic, I'm assuming Bama took the loss (I have no recollection of this game). Mike Shula was HC for Bama. Good ol' days.
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