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S/LB Tyler Moeller (official thread)

Iowa vs. OSU

Regarding preparing a football for the NFL...I agree that Iowa offers the same as OSU. Josh Cribbs from Kent State will make the Browns...Marshall Thundering Herd proves it every year and the list goes on. Its the kid in the mirror that makes the NFL.

However, whether he makes it in the NFL or not, his business network from Iowa does not compare with OSU's long term..unless he stays in the Iowa area. OSU's alumni is off the hook all over the U.S. I heard a former OSU asst. coach and RC say that Ohio kids can go be All Big Ten at other schools and come back with less networking clout than OSU second teamers. And it matters not what he majors in...though I heard it might be business.

And this former coach coached at OSU for many years and said he has had many Ohio guys who chose other schools tell him they wished they'd stayed and played in state at OSU. Thats NOT coming from me...that is coming from him...and as a former coach and under the context of the conversation, there was no reason for him to bs me...it was off the cuff with nothing for him to gain.

If Tyler is good enough to play early at Iowa he is good enough to play early at OSU. And 2006 will be a great year to come in as they will be losing some key LB's. Also, OSU needs good quick Rover type backers just a Iowa uses them going forward. In fact, I believe he'll have better stats at OSU because they have a historically been more consistent with a better defensive supporting cast than Iowa.

And the pros to going to Iowa are....a good football program...great fans and more money for the oil companies as they bring in more out of state players. Just kidden...
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Hey H&G,

It's been a couple of days since we've heard anything about Tyler. I know the Colerain kids are basically locked in on what they're doin' right now, but I'm a little worried that the longer this goes, the better it is for Iowa. Please tell me I'm just paranoid. Thanks in advance.

Go Bucks!!! In Tress We Trust.
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PhxBuckeye said:
I know the Colerain kids are basically locked in on what they're doin' right now, but I'm a little worried that the longer this goes, the better it is for Iowa.
Well, Tyler's supposedly visiting for the Texas game, so I would take that as a positive sign.
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I have no updates at this time...I try not to junk up the board with meaningless posts, but since several asked for an update I thought I'd let you guys know.

I have an email into the hotline as I type this and I hope to have some news to report by or on Friday.

FYI...Colerain's season opener is on Saturday at 4:30 at UC's Nippert Stadium.
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Ht and Wt adjusted for reality

Hawk 6-1 240 4.5 40 141 tackles 2004 ALONE...chance to be 5th OSU player with 400 plus career Tackles

Spielman 6-1 230 500 plus tackles 4.7 40

M. Marek 6-1 235 500 plus career tackles 4.6 40.

Moeller 6-0 1/2 4.48 40. 120 HS tackles Div I 11 sacks as Jr. State Champs Big Ten tackles....only time will tell....

Carpender 6-3 260 plus 142 career tackles. 4.5

I totally agree with you. Love the smaller, quick & instict guys with hearts of lions.
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<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=6 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=alt2 style="BORDER-RIGHT: 1px inset; BORDER-TOP: 1px inset; BORDER-LEFT: 1px inset; BORDER-BOTTOM: 1px inset">Colerain (Ohio) looks for repeat

[font=VERDANA,ARIAL]Aug 25, 2005 -

Hacks Sports

There are only a few prep football programs in the area that can realistically even think about going unbeaten or win two straight state championships but the 2005 Colerain Cardinals look like they are one of those programs.

Coming off a perfect 15-0, 2004 campaign where they won their first-ever state title, Colerain looks like they are once again well positioned to make another title run.

"We're not really going to know anything until we take the field," says head coach Kerry Coombs. "What we need to focus on is just to play every down, win that play and then win the next one. We know there might be some peaks and valleys."

With success comes notoriety and attention and Colerain is getting a big dose of it. A quick check of their schedule shows them playing in college or professional stadiums the first three weeks of the season and on live primetime television for two of the games They are ranked No. 5 in the country by California-based Student Sports magazine and No. 6 by The Sporting News in preseason polls.

"It's not really something we talk about," says Coombs of all the preseason hoopla. "We're flattered by the attention and I donÂ?ft think there is a single coach or player out there who wouldn't enjoy playing in these circumstances, but I wouldn't trade it for anything. Sure, there's pressure, but I don't think the kids (team) feel it."

Colerain can handle the pressure that comes with success primarily because they once again have the players to do so. On offense, 6-5, 300-pound senior lineman Connor Smith has already committed to Ohio State University. Joining Smith up front is another potential Division I player, Eric Ornella, close to Smith in size at 6-4, 290-pounds. Brandon Wyatt, at 266 pounds, is another key returning lineman.

Speedy senior running back Terrence Sherrer, one of the top sprinters in the state with 4.4 (40-yard dash) speed, is looking at Big Ten schools Minnesota and Iowa and MAC school Ball State. Senior Kyle Lumpkin will also get carries at running back.

The big question on offense revolves around junior Gary Pride, a Roger Bacon transfer who will take over QB duties and is tasked with running the triple option.

"We're encouraged by what we've seen in the preseason," says Coombs of Pride. "He has the athletic ability to play the position and he runs and throws the ball well."

The Cardinals don't pass the ball often but wide receiver Rico Booker returns and is another potential threat.

The talent on defense is equally impressive, especially at linebacker where 6-2, 225-pound University of Michigan recruit Cobrani Mixon and 6-2, 205-pound Tyler Moeller will be roaming. Moeller has offers from Iowa, Ohio State, Virginia Tech and Tennessee. Mike Scheidt will be another key performer at linebacker.

The defensive backfield is strong with Eugene Clifford, Brian Lainhart and Henry Lemons. Calvin Dixon should be a standout on the defensive line.

Editor's Note: Colerain plays Highlands in the second annual i-wireless FOX19 Prep Classic presented by Pet Stop on Saturday, Sept. 3, at Paul Brown Stadium. - Ed Letsinger
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