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S/LB Tyler Moeller (official thread)

It's No. 1 vs. No. 2 for the second straight year in the Skyline Chili Crosstown Showdown today, with Colerain again the team to beat.

The Cardinals, ranked atop the Enquirer Division I coaches' football poll and No. 13 nationally by USA Today, face St. Xavier, No. 2 in the Enquirer poll, at 4:30 p.m. at the University of Cincinnati's Nippert Stadium. It is the marquee game of the eighth annual season-opening event.

Last year, Colerain and Elder were ranked 1-2 in the area when they met. Colerain won 21-3, and the Cardinals went on to win the 2004 state title.

"There's tremendous excitement again, but you're always on pins and needles when you play a GCL team," Colerain coach Kerry Coombs said.

The GCL is the Greater Catholic League South division, which along with Colerain's Greater Miami Conference has produced the last three state champs (the GCL's Elder in 2002 and '03, Colerain in '04).

Colerain pounded its GCL opposition last year, beating Elder 21-3 in the opener and then 38-3 in the playoffs, plus a 35-7 regular-season win over La Salle and a 34-6 playoff win over Moeller.

Coombs is more apt to remember the 2002 season, when Colerain was upset by Moeller in a Showdown opener. The Cardinals are 49-1 in the regular season since 2000, with the '02 Moeller loss the lone blemish.

St. Xavier coach Steve Specht knows some have predicted his team will upset the Cardinals, but he said Colerain is the favorite until proven otherwise.

"It's going to be a barnburner," Specht said. "We feel pretty good about what we're doing, but I look at Colerain and I see they're still big, fast and athletic."

Colerain senior linebacker Cobrani Mixon, who has committed to Michigan, is questionable with a knee injury. Otherwise all the major players seem to be in place, including Colerain offensive lineman Connor Smith (committed to Ohio State) and St. X all-area running back Chris Cionni.
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Pictures from BN



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A couple of pics of Moeller from last weeks game....

Colerain's captains.

Moeller on the right......​

Cobrani Mixon, Smith and Tyler Moeller.



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Tyler has reached a decision...

BUT...on the advice of his coach (ala Cobrani Mixon) Tyler was advised to take a couple of weeks and make 100% sure of his choice and not to rush into it...Expect his announcement by the end of September...possibly the weekend of Sept. 10th.

I don't know for sure what his choice will be...but the feeling is that we will all be happy.
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victor64 said:
From the picture, Mixon looks huge.

By the way, thanks HG for the updates. We can afford to be patient.
Cobra is a beast, no doubt....but so is Tyler. I watched the game film from the X game and not ONCE did St. X run to Tyler's side of the ball.

Just confirmed...Tyler WILL be in attendance for the OSU/Texas game on September 10th.
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BearBuck27 said:

Do you think there is any possibility that Cobra changes his mind if Connor and Tyler choose tOSU?

I've debated that one, over and over...I don't know. There is always a chance until a kid signs on the dotted line of his LOI...I think Cobra would consider it...but I have heard that only TSUN offered him a full scholarship without wanting to see how his knee healed and that OSU didn't actually offer him, but wanted him to come to camp to earn an offer. I don't know what is true and what is not true.

What I do know is that Cobra, Tyler, Connor and Brian Lainhart ( a DB who will draw mid-major interest by the end of this year based on his athletic ability) are all good friends. I think there is a slim chance that, if Cobra does have an offer from tOSU, that he would reconsider before Feb...but that is just my opinion.
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Honor&Glory said:
Cobra is a beast, no doubt....but so is Tyler. I watched the game film from the X game and not ONCE did St. X run to Tyler's side of the ball.

Just confirmed...Tyler WILL be in attendance for the OSU/Texas game on September 10th.
Thanks H&G
Knowing you're close to the situation, what percent would you give it? 90%?
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Buckinghorse said:
Thanks H&G
Knowing you're close to the situation, what percent would you give it? 90%?
I'd say it would be a smart vbet to say Tyler will be in Scarlet and Gray next season...but that is just my opinion...I'll feel better when I hear it from Bobby Boucher's mouth. :biggrin:
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