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S/LB Tyler Moeller (official thread)


The person on BN who calls himself 'Helpinghand' who 'claims' he knows Tyler...

that guy is total fraud...any information he posts is to not be trusted because it is mostly fabricated.

I assure you that information I have on Tyler is top notch...but don't take my word for it...ask OSUgrad 21...ask him who set up the interview he did with Tyler...

sorry to get on my high horse on this one, but I just read some of the crap that guy was spewing on BN and I wanted to warn all of you to not give that clown an ounce of your time.
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I'll vouch for H&G's relationship with the family. He contacted Tyler's mother who then said to give me Tyler's cell number to contact him while Colerain was at camp in Ann Arbor.

Other than that, I can't say. HH has provided solid info in the past, but I know H&G is legit in this scenario.
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Honor&Glory said:
The person on BN who calls himself 'Helpinghand' who 'claims' he knows Tyler...

that guy is total fraud...any information he posts is to not be trusted because it is mostly fabricated.

I assure you that information I have on Tyler is top notch...but don't take my word for it...ask OSUgrad 21...ask him who set up the interview he did with Tyler...

sorry to get on my high horse on this one, but I just read some of the crap that guy was spewing on BN and I wanted to warn all of you to not give that clown an ounce of your time.

Hmm, unless someone is using HH's name, its shocking to hear you say that...
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Wow, didn't mean to dispute your info any by saying what HH said. You simply weren't online and HH is correct a decent amount of time, however as any regular on BP knows, nobody is closer on this situition then you are.

Thanks for the info!
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coach Coombs, as he does with all of his kids (Remember Cobrani?), told him to take a couple of weeks to think about it before announcing to make sure he was 100% sure.

That is just such incredibly good advice for a coach to give a kid. I always try my major decisions on for a day or two to see how they fit if I have the leisure before executing. After the Texas game will be soon enough.
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strohs said:
Hmm, unless someone is using HH's name, its shocking to hear you say that...
maybe I am being hard on the guy...but he made three claims about tyler that just aren't true...the biggest claim is that OSU has 'lost interest' in Tyler...I don't see how a school loses interest in a player, yet the head coach sends Tyler an email every day.

BuckWrestler141 said:
Wow, didn't mean to dispute your info any by saying what HH said. You simply weren't online and HH is correct a decent amount of time, however as any regular on BP knows, nobody is closer on this situition then you are.

Thanks for the info!
I wasn't trying to sound like an egomanic at all...but some of the posts by HH were just plain fabrications and I wanted to set the record straight over here since I don't use BN...HH may be a great provider of information, but I felt compelled to say something when I read 'OSU has lost interest'...that's just not the case and if T-Moe were to see something like that would NOT be good.

I couldn't agree with you more. Coombs does some things that may aggrevate the impatient...but the lessons he is teaching these 17 year olds will serve them ALL (not just the D1 recruits) in their life time.

here is a little story about coach Coombs...the Colerain middle school came up to the high school to hold a practice on the field turf...and he saw two eight graders walking out of the locker room to practice wearing 'do rags' on their heads...Coach stopped them and read them the riot act. 'We ARE Colerain and at Colerain we show respect to the game, to our fans, to our parents and to our community. If you want to wear do rags, you are free to do it, but not on OUR football field and not in OUR school and not on MY time.'
Then he let the Junior high coach have it...and he spared him no mercy because HE was a former play for Coombs and should have known better.
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I can see Tressel losing interest in Tyler. If you have too many A.J Hawk type LB's who run 4.5's, attitudes like Chris Spielman, plays big in big games and hits like Jack Tatum then that leaves your offense on the field too much. I think Tressel figures he needs to recruit some big slower softer OLB's to give the O some rest. : )
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Again, I reccoment getting a copy of the state title game from last year. Tyler didn't have big stats in that game...but as bad as Connor Smith made Antwon Hight look on defense, Tyler makes him look worse on offense....

I have the state title game on DVD. You can find my comments about Tyler from that game earlier within this thread. He put a major shot on the QB early in the second half (I think it was the second half), forcing a fumble and giving Colerain a first-and-goal on the Bulldogs' one or two yard line. It was a major smack down. Connor Smith was awesome in that game, however, IMHO Moeller was probably the best player on the field that night.

Also, if I was an opposing coach, I might try running the ball right at Tyler. He's such a playmaker he finds a way to get to the ball with his speed. I might just try to maul him with a big TE or a FB. If that didn't work, I would try what McKinley did a couple of times and just hold him.

Go Bucks!!! In Tress We Trust.
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strohs said:
Hmm, unless someone is using HH's name, its shocking to hear you say that...

Things change.

Obviously the general rule of thumb should be that anything read on forums should be taken as a grain of salt. Even if a given poster has had reliable info in the past, that doesn't mean they have access to it anymore; as much, or even at all. That's not necessarily commentary on anyone in particular, just a relevant fact. You bring up a good point in regards to this issue. One person posting as another, or more than one utilizing a given account, it starts to bring into question the overall picture when there's concern about some of the 'soup' being tainted. Again, not necessarily commentary; generalized observations.

There are times when I feel comfortable pointing to certain people as sources of information we can have reasonable confidence in, and then there are times I can no longer do that. But even when we have a high level of confidence, there's always the possibility of bad information.
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I bet he told his head coach and his HC wants him to be 100% sure especially since he was leaning to Iowa as previously posted. And if that is true, I would imagine his coach would caution him on committing after such an emotional visit. Hopefully, I'm wrong.
The only way I see him choosing Iowa is if he is intiminated by the OSU environment. But IMO, if he understands how good he really is...similar AJHawk stature, speed, tenacity and leadership by example, he'll choose OSU and come in and kick azz. I believe he'll play as early at OSU as he will at Iowa. .

And heck, Hawk was only a 3 star LB coming out of HS.....
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But IMO, if he understands how good he really is...similar AJHawk stature
AJ was listed at 6'2" 230 coming out of high school. Moeller is listed at 200 even. Not similar stature. If you want to compare body types (and positions), I'd say he's pretty similar to Curt Lukens coming out of high school.
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