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S/LB Tyler Moeller (official thread)

The interesting thing will be how many kids from Colerain (including the subject of this thread, Mr. Moller), will go to major programs this year - after a year in which several starting players departed to greener pastures in higher education. Corner of the State all the way through to the Great Lakes, Ohio has some good football going at the high school level these days.
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Tyler could announce his choice today. It was originally reported to me that he was ready to announce his choice today, but has decided to wait...not quite sure what's going on, but I did call him last night to playfully harrass him about becoming a Buckeye and I baited him into this:

H&G: 'What's up Tyler!? Are you a Buckeye, yet???'

Tyler: 'No, not yet'

H&G: 'HA! I gotta ya! You ARE going to be a Buckeye!'

Tyler: <stammers>

I told him I was just messing with him (he really is a great kid) but that I was still going to post his on BP for everybody to read...

So, Tyler, here it is! :biggrin:

btw...Tyler does read the stuff on BP, so keep working him over guys and showing the love...I know he appreciates it, as does his family.:banger:
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Thanks for the update H&G!

Tyler, why not just come to THE Ohio State University and get yourself a Big Ten ring, an All-American selection, a National Championship ring, and then drafted to play on Sundays?? (Plus, if you come here, I can change my moniker to "TylerMoellerFan"!) :biggrin:

In all seriousness, go wherever your heart takes you. If the best place for you is Iowa, then that's where you should go. You're an Ohio kid, so we, as Buckeye fans will always respect you and wish you nothing but the best. (Just not as much as we will if you're wearing the Scarlet & Gray!)
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Hey listen, no sugar intended, but the kid is the most aggressive LB'r ive seen and great instincts. He is someone i really want to see in a Buckeyes uni. I will be rooting for him wherever he goes, but I hope he chooses to represent his state for the Buckeyes.
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Some of us view Ohio State as one of our state's treasures and the Buckeyes as hero's of the republic. I hope Tyler becomes a part of the tradition. If the staff offered him he must be a heck of a football player.
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according to Chris Pool, it's because he can't convince his colleagues of it. in the state rankings which are his opinion, i believe he has Moeller rated just out of the top 10 and ahead of Mixon. but the national rankings are a collaborative effort. he said that once they get some senior year footage on Tyler that he thinks his rating will sky-rocket. that's the explanation i got when i asked your same question Marv.
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OSUBucks22 said:
according to Chris Pool, it's because he can't convince his colleagues of it. in the state rankings which are his opinion, i believe he has Moeller rated just out of the top 10 and ahead of Mixon. but the national rankings are a collaborative effort. he said that once they get some senior year footage on Tyler that he thinks his rating will sky-rocket. that's the explanation i got when i asked your same question Marv.
i also thought chris pool had control of the midwest regional rankings as well. I think Moeller is up to #13 in the state rankings, but I'm not positive and i'm too lazy to look it up.

either way, it is irrelevant. osu liked what they saw and offered. let's just hope he comes to columbus.
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Man, I've been super busy the last two weeks and have logged in numerous times each day just to read that Tyler is a Buckeye. NO LUCK.
Now I have to go to a 6 hour board meeting and won't be able to follow up almost all weekend.
I really want to see him as a buckeye!!!

Addicted right!
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Come On Up Tazmo!!

Since you are probably even on your Ben Franklin T (pros/cons of both schools) Let me help you tip the scale....

On the OSU side....

Save pops $500,000 is gas and coffee. I'll even commit to saving him the best tailgate parking spot on gameday...I'll be there at 5 am. He still has to wear his KSU hat though...that is forever sacred.

Seriously though, I'll root for you wherever you go...as long as I can walk to that teams stadium from the Varsity Club... : )
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Buckinghorse said:
Man, I've been super busy the last two weeks and have logged in numerous times each day just to read that Tyler is a Buckeye. NO LUCK.
Now I have to go to a 6 hour board meeting and won't be able to follow up almost all weekend.
I really want to see him as a buckeye!!!

Addicted right!
you think YOU have it rough...I see the kid at least once a week...:paranoid:

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Hey, Tyler, best of luck tonight as you start off your season defending your school's championship in grand fashion against X. Stay healthy this year and crack some helmets in the process. Can't wait to hear that you are going to be a Buckeye, and if not, best of luck to you in the future. We the fans (obviously) love when our home-grown talent migrates to Columbus and you sound like a great kid who we'll all be proud to follow.

Don't forget, too, we lose as many as four linebackers after this year! :biggrin:
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