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S/LB Tyler Moeller (official thread)

bucknuts44820 said:
thanks for the update H&G...
No problem!

Here is what I found out today...Tyler turned down an interview request from the dispatch saying that he won't do interviews now that the Colerain season is underway. Tyler did tell the reporter that he would name his choice by next week.
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Honor&Glory said:
No problem!

Here is what I found out today...Tyler turned down an interview request from the dispatch saying that he won't do interviews now that the Colerain season is underway. Tyler did tell the reporter that he would name his choice by next week.
Good for him, its nice to here these kids put their priorities first - The TEAM. If we are lucky enough to get this kid, he will fit in very well.

:not reading anything into Tyler denying Dispatch interview:tongue2:
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gobucks19 said:
Good for him, its nice to here these kids put their priorities first - The TEAM. If we are lucky enough to get this kid, he will fit in very well.

:not reading anything into Tyler denying Dispatch interview:tongue2:
Damned straight, Colerain has to get scrimmages and an opener under their belt before teeing off on Tyler Lee. With his attitude (plus what it means about steering clear of the press in general) I want Tyler in Buckeye colors even more.
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If he wants to get the process over before the season starts, then it'll only be a short matter of time before his official announcement. Come on up to tOSU with Connor, Tyler, look forward to having you.
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Honor&Glory said:
No problem!

Here is what I found out today...Tyler turned down an interview request from the dispatch saying that he won't do interviews now that the Colerain season is underway. Tyler did tell the reporter that he would name his choice by next week.
Nooooooo, tell him to commit to the staff, but keep it silent.
That way, by Feb, he will be a 4* prospect.
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Ty Moster

I'm amazed that he is playing through scrimmages while risking injury before he commits. In addition, he is patient and does not jump at OSU's offer as an Ohio native. This kid has character. He is tough minded and I believe he'll be an hell of a player. I bet he loves coming in under the radar as a 3 star recruit. I just hope Tressel can overcome Ferentz's love fest spell. Ferentz is on the rise and I wouldn't be suprised if he as a few exception in his contract if certain HC vacancies come open. But regardless, the pro's to coming to OSU far outweigh the con's long term. He'll end up being a household name here in C-BUS. Pull the trigger Ty!!
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i couldnt imagine mr. moeller going anywhere else, what does he want that ohio state cant offer him? we graduate all of our starting linebackers this year, we are THE ohio state university and we are set up for a national title run.
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scout.com (free)


GaryHousteau (Aug 18, 2005 12:23:14 PM)
When I was down at Colerain's practice last week, Moeller told me that he would probably commit some time this week so I'm guessing we will hear from him today or tomorrow. I know the way things are down there that Coombs doesn't want any distractions the week of the opener and I was told that Moeller wants to get it out of the way before the season starts so we may be hearing from him soon. Homan, Gibson and Moeller would be a nice group to bring in next year whether Moeller would remain at linebacker throughout his career or not.
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Chlebek said:
I'm amazed that he is playing through scrimmages while risking injury before he commits. In addition, he is patient and does not jump at OSU's offer as an Ohio native. This kid has character. He is tough minded and I believe he'll be an hell of a player. I bet he loves coming in under the radar as a 3 star recruit. I just hope Tressel can overcome Ferentz's love fest spell. Ferentz is on the rise and I wouldn't be suprised if he as a few exception in his contract if certain HC vacancies come open. But regardless, the pro's to coming to OSU far outweigh the con's long term. He'll end up being a household name here in C-BUS. Pull the trigger Ty!!
2 things --
Moeller being involved in scrimmages isn't amazing at all. If Moeller didn't participate in scrimmages I'd reckon on Colerain's HC being ah, bent out of shape.
Moeller isn't under the radar as far as his "star" rating goes. Scout already has him showing 4*. Not NR (Nationally Ranked) but certainly given a good rating.
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sandgk said:
2 things --
Moeller being involved in scrimmages isn't amazing at all. If Moeller didn't participate in scrimmages I'd reckon on Colerain's HC being ah, bent out of shape.
i think he meant that he is amazed that Travis didn't commit before scrimmages started because then he would still have the schollly even if he got hurt....like Hartline etc.
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Tyler looked pretty good against Moeller last night in Colerain's final tuneup. 5 qb pressures, 2 sacks, about 5 total rushing yards allowed to his side of the defense...and he nearly blocked a FG and punt.

Tyler said his choice will be forthcoming in the next couple of days...he is truly torn, I feel, between Iowa and OSU...

C'mon Connor...work your boy over!
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