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S/LB Tyler Moeller (official thread)



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Tyler Moeller

</TD><TD noWrap width=3></TD><TD vAlign=top>By Gary Housteau
Date: Aug 14, 2005

Tyler Moeller wasn't the biggest name on the state championship team but he certainly had a big impact on the success of the Colerain Cardinal defense last season. Now the 6-1, 205-pound outside linebacker with 4.48 speed and a nose for the football could possibly decide sometime this week whether he will stay instate and play for Ohio State or attend the University of Iowa next season. Already Colerain OL Connor Smith has chosen OSU while fellow linebacker Cobrani Mixon opted for Michigan.
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crazybuckfan40 said:
What if Conner and Tyler wanted to go to a game. Would they be allowed. I mean I know he wants his players there but how can you tell a high school football no you can't go see O-ST.

It does happen and a one week exception is usually not a big deal...but five visits would not be looked upon favorably. Right, wrong or indifferent, its the way the Colerain program is run...I think Connor is going to the Texas game any way...it doesn't hurt that its a night game and he can get his saturday morning conditioning and film study in before he heads up 71.
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Honor&Glory said:
I think Connor is going to the Texas game any way...it doesn't hurt that its a night game and he can get his saturday morning conditioning and film study in before he heads up 71.
Is Connor going to play in the game against Tyler Lee in Columbus on Friday night, go back down to Cincinnati and then come back up for the Texas v. OSU game the next day? Can't he get most of that work done in Columbus?

Go Bucks!!! In Tress We Trust.
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Honor&Glory said:
I meant to reply to this yesterday but it was late and I was tired...

Colerain players usually commit before the season or after the season...Coombs runs a tight ship that puts the emphasis on the kids in the offseason and on the team in season...That is why it is very rare that a Colerain player takes a visit during the season...Saturday's and Sunday's are conditioning and film days for Colerain players. Compare that to Aaron Brown who will be away from Princeton H.S. for half of the weekends of the season and you can get an idea of the philosophy that the Colerain program has to maintain the high level of success that it has enjoyed in the last 13 years...
I'm not saying that to bash Brown or Princeton...but when you get a Colerain kid, you are getting a player that is used to putting in the 7 day work weeks that it takes to play at a major program like OSU...and I haven't seen two harder working kids then Connor Smith and Tyler Moeller...and that's saying a lot because I respect ALL of the kids at Colerain for their dedication and hard work.
H&G, I appreciate the insight that you give on the Colerain program. Being a fellow Cincinnatian, it's great to see the success that Colerain has had, especially in the light of the Catholic school, northeastern Ohio domination. However, it's quotes like the one above that get my feathers ruffled a bit. No doubt coach Coombs runs a tight outfit and the players are committed to team success. The inference I get from your comparison is that to take visits during the season may demonstrate less of a commitment from a player or a coach that may allow someone to do so compromises team. I guess it's some type of backhanded compliment. There are many good reasons kids should take visits during the fall, some apparent, some not so appprent. In Aaron's case, he is enrolling early, in December. Last fall was too early to make a decision and so was this spring and summer. What better environment to gauge what it's really going to be like on saturdays, than to visit in the fall. I'm sure players like Delbert Ferguson may have wished they had made their decision sooner than later. A devistating injury had his stock drop like a meteor. For some players their high school experience is a stepping stone, others wish to embrace the totallity of it all. In foresight, there is no right or wrong time, one isn't better than the other, simply different. Your comparision is a bit misguided in my opinion. Here's to the continued success of the Colerain program and to Tyler making the decision that is best for him and his team.
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madvillebuck said:
H&G, I appreciate the insight that you give on the Colerain program. Being a fellow Cincinnatian, it's great to see the success that Colerain has had, especially in the light of the Catholic school, northeastern Ohio domination. However, it's quotes like the one above that get my feathers ruffled a bit. No doubt coach Coombs runs a tight outfit and the players are committed to team success. The inference I get from your comparison is that to take visits during the season may demonstrate less of a commitment from a player or a coach that may allow someone to do so compromises team. I guess it's some type of backhanded compliment. There are many good reasons kids should take visits during the fall, some apparent, some not so appprent. In Aaron's case, he is enrolling early, in December. Last fall was too early to make a decision and so was this spring and summer. What better environment to gauge what it's really going to be like on saturdays, than to visit in the fall. I'm sure players like Delbert Ferguson may have wished they had made their decision sooner than later. A devistating injury had his stock drop like a meteor. For some players their high school experience is a stepping stone, others wish to embrace the totallity of it all. In foresight, there is no right or wrong time, one isn't better than the other, simply different. Your comparision is a bit misguided in my opinion. Here's to the continued success of the Colerain program and to Tyler making the decision that is best for him and his team.
Don't take it as a backhand remark...if you did, my apologies. Like I said in the post afterwards, 'right, wrong or indifferent' that's just the way it is.

PHX...I don't think parents know the travel/overnight arrangments for the Tyler game, yet...I don't want to make any assumptions, but your post makes a lot of sense.


In today's scrimmage against Fairmont, Tyler had three tackles for a loss, two sacks and one blocked punt. (he should have had two blocked punts, but the punter made a heck of a play to avoid Tyler and get the ball off)
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What's the big deal if Coombs restricts his players from making visits during the season? As long as they know the rules and how it is, and it's the same for everyone, it shouldn't cause anyone eny problem. This way the players know going in that it has to be done before the season starts, or wait until December.

During the summer, he will do whatever he can to get his guys college scholarships, but during the season, they are to be committed to their teammates. Actually, that seems like a pretty good policy to me; it would certainly limit number of distractions.
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Free Rivals


From Rivals.com...Tyler is rated the #38 safety in the country.

Too low...they obviously didn't know whether to rank him at safety or linebacker. Look his ranking to improve with another solid season.
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