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S/LB Tyler Moeller (official thread)

crazybuckfan40 said:
Hey H&G how much has Tyler grown since last year and do you think he is still growing b/c I know I grew about 2 inches between the end of my junior year and graduation.
He's a legit 6-1...He might get to 6-2. I wouldn't look for him to get any taller then that. What I was impressed with is that it looks like he really bulked up in the offseason. I'd guess his weight to be around 205 to 210 right now. Kid looks solid.
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I would recomend watching the state championship game against McKinley. Antwon Height had Tyler blocked on a sweep play. Tyler was giving away four inches and about 60lbs (or more) to Height. Tyler lowerd his shoulder and leveraged Antwon into the backfield where he was able to make a tackle for a three yard loss on Brinson. That ONE play sums up Tyler's game. What he lacks in size he makes up for in quickness and technique.

Hey H&G,

I have the state title game on DVD and I also saw Colerain in the Crosstown Showdown after the rain and lightning. I was impressed with the whole team and I thought Moeller was the best LB on the field in both games. I'm not knocking Mixon, but IMHO, he's not the playmaker that Moeller is. I really hope OSU gets Moeller to come to school in Columbus. When do you think he'll make a decision? Thanks again.

Go Bucks!!! In Tress We Trust.
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Chat from SGN:
BrutusBuckeye11 says to (2005-8-10 13:0:25):
Nevada- If we get Moeller to commit and mostly likely Gibson that will give us 3 LB commits for '06, plus Lenix coming in, would we still take a Bowman or Hunter or would we be done at the LB position?

NevadaBuck says to (2005-8-10 13:59:16):
when we get Moeller(which we will)--as well as Gibson(which we will) I still think they take one more...

Nevada is predicting Gibson and Moeller to the Bucks, that should ease any worries.:)

Here's a link to the entire chat.
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Is Tyler projecting as a linebacker or safety prospect. Seems as though I've seen that somewhere. Possibly a Cie Grant type player. Either way he must be the real deal. Its good when you have the flexibility to play multiple positions. Could give them some flexibility in recruiting other LB's. I wonder if Tyler would have any reservations with playing safety? If it would dictate where he will go? Guess we'll see.
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Buckeye86 said:
Does anyone "in the know" think that Moeller's decision will have an affect on Thadeous Gibson or vice-versa. They both are down to Iowa and Ohio State it seems.
What Gibson does will have zero effect on Tyler...I, too, heard from a very good source that Tyler is likely to decide this week. I think Wednesday could be the day with Colerain having scrimmages on Tuesday and Friday. I should be able to scoop the announcement for all of you...and its nice to know that the pay sites are giving you all the info two weeks after I gave it to you for free. (Tyler would choose between Iowa and OSU)
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Ty Tatum

Hope he accepts offer before Tues. scrimmage. Also, I think he will play as early at OSU as he will at Iowa. IMO, he is a tested player at a higher HS level and he makes big time plays in big games. He has the heart, drive and leadership that champions need on their team. He'll thrive with the top D line, LB's and CB's that he will be surrounded by...as you see in OSU's consistent history in these areas.

I hope OSU did not get in the game too late. Then again, I hope he understands that you don't marry the first girl who shows interest in you.

And, whether he stays in Ohio or moves anywhere in the U.S. (other than Iowa) after his football days are over, his OSU family/business network is off the hook. Of course, this is not real easy to see as a teenager.

Anyway, hope you have good news for us by Wednesday. Cause this kid is going to be another "and tell me again why we didn't recruit him" player over the next 4-5 years.
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I had a dream last night that Moeller committed to the Bucks on Wednesday. Not sure what to make of it but here is hoping.:cheers:

Don't ask why, I cannot explain why I would dream about this unless it was true. :wink2:
Its probably just my addiction to all that is Buckeye football especially recruiting.
Thats right, I am gobucks19 and I have a problem.:gobucks3: :gobucks4:
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crazybuckfan40 said:
Man I hope that he chooses us. I like the fact that the coach at Colerain likes to have the recruitment over by the time the season starts.
I meant to reply to this yesterday but it was late and I was tired...

Colerain players usually commit before the season or after the season...Coombs runs a tight ship that puts the emphasis on the kids in the offseason and on the team in season...That is why it is very rare that a Colerain player takes a visit during the season...Saturday's and Sunday's are conditioning and film days for Colerain players. Compare that to Aaron Brown who will be away from Princeton H.S. for half of the weekends of the season and you can get an idea of the philosophy that the Colerain program has to maintain the high level of success that it has enjoyed in the last 13 years...
I'm not saying that to bash Brown or Princeton...but when you get a Colerain kid, you are getting a player that is used to putting in the 7 day work weeks that it takes to play at a major program like OSU...and I haven't seen two harder working kids then Connor Smith and Tyler Moeller...and that's saying a lot because I respect ALL of the kids at Colerain for their dedication and hard work.
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Honor&Glory said:
I meant to reply to this yesterday but it was late and I was tired...

Colerain players usually commit before the season or after the season...Coombs runs a tight ship that puts the emphasis on the kids in the offseason and on the team in season...That is why it is very rare that a Colerain player takes a visit during the season...Saturday's and Sunday's are conditioning and film days for Colerain players. Compare that to Aaron Brown who will be away from Princeton H.S. for half of the weekends of the season and you can get an idea of the philosophy that the Colerain program has to maintain the high level of success that it has enjoyed in the last 13 years...
I'm not saying that to bash Brown or Princeton...but when you get a Colerain kid, you are getting a player that is used to putting in the 7 day work weeks that it takes to play at a major program like OSU...and I haven't seen two harder working kids then Connor Smith and Tyler Moeller...and that's saying a lot because I respect ALL of the kids at Colerain for their dedication and hard work.
What if Conner and Tyler wanted to go to a game. Would they be allowed. I mean I know he wants his players there but how can you tell a high school football no you can't go see O-ST.
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