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S/LB Tyler Moeller (official thread)

Hey H&G,

Can I get your opinion on who leads for Moeller? I'm hearing mostly Iowa, but I don't know if that's coming from anyone who actually knows what they're talking about. Also, nice work over the last several months on the Connor Smith recruitment and we all really appreciate everything you contribute to this board. Thanks in advance.

Go Bucks!!! In Tress We Trust.

P.S. Do you think family desire for him to stick close to home will help OSU.
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PhxBuckeye said:
Hey H&G,

Can I get your opinion on who leads for Moeller? I'm hearing mostly Iowa, but I don't know if that's coming from anyone who actually knows what they're talking about. Also, nice work over the last several months on the Connor Smith recruitment and we all really appreciate everything you contribute to this board. Thanks in advance.

Go Bucks!!! In Tress We Trust.

P.S. Do you think family desire for him to stick close to home will help OSU.
Its not a family desire...Tyler, more or less, has always wanted to stay close to home. Iowa is his leader at this point. No question about that. They were with him from the begining and he really likes the coaches..Ferentz in particular...and that would be the only reason that he would go that far from home, IMO.

However, Tyler and Connor are very good friends and I wouldn't be shocked if Connor was working over his buddy to join him in Columbus...You should have heard the two of them bantering back and forth this weekend...it was pretty darn funny.

Tyler will committ before the season starts, so we are less then a month from his choice. I say its between Iowa and tOSU...I think Connor becoming a Buckeye could be the deciding factor.
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Tyler took another unofficial visit to tOSU this weekend. Had a good time and watched a lot of film with the coaches.

Tennessee has not offered and his choices are between Iowa and OSU. Expect his choice before Aug 27th.

I think things are favorable for the Buckeyes, but Ty is keeping a tight lip about his thoughts.

I'll keep you guys posted.
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Honor&Glory said:
Tyler took another unofficial visit to tOSU this weekend. Had a good time and watched a lot of film with the coaches.

Tennessee has not offered and his choices are between Iowa and OSU. Expect his choice before Aug 27th.

I think things are favorable for the Buckeyes, but Ty is keeping a tight lip about his thoughts.

I'll keep you guys posted.
Just wondering if Aug. 27th is their first game.
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crazybuckfan40 said:
Just wondering if Aug. 27th is their first game.
Yes. Colerain plays St. Xavier that night at UC's Nippert Stadium as part of the 'Skyline Chili Crosstown Showdown'

Other games that day feature Elder v. Huber Heights Wayne and a very interesting match-up of CPS school Withrow v. Moeller. Withrow is becoming the Cincinnati public school version of Glenville...great athletes, very good coaches and an exciting style of play. This is their first real test at the D1 level.
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Hey H&G,

Can you ask Tyler what his film session with the coaches was about? I'm wondering if they were taking the time to show him how they envision his role at OSU. One of the reasons he seems to like Iowa so much is because it seems they already have a clearly defined role for him. I think OSU just needs to show him how they think he'll be used. Thanks in advance.

Go Bucks!!! In Tress We Trust.
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PhxBuckeye said:
Hey H&G,

Can you ask Tyler what his film session with the coaches was about? I'm wondering if they were taking the time to show him how they envision his role at OSU. One of the reasons he seems to like Iowa so much is because it seems they already have a clearly defined role for him. I think OSU just needs to show him how they think he'll be used. Thanks in advance.

Go Bucks!!! In Tress We Trust.
Hey PHX I was just wondering what the role they had for him was. Are they planning like safety/lb or full time safety or lb.
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PhxBuckeye said:
Hey H&G,

Can you ask Tyler what his film session with the coaches was about? I'm wondering if they were taking the time to show him how they envision his role at OSU. One of the reasons he seems to like Iowa so much is because it seems they already have a clearly defined role for him. I think OSU just needs to show him how they think he'll be used. Thanks in advance.

Go Bucks!!! In Tress We Trust.

Iowa has sold him on his role as a weak side rush LB. They want him coming off the edge on every snap and occasionally dropping into coverage. OSU has pretty much told him the same. They see him as rover who can cover backs, TE's and sloberknock QB's. OSU covets this kid for his speed and his ability to hit. Ty's just a bit undersized for LB, IMO...but perfect for the rush. I would recomend watching the state championship game against McKinley. Antwon Height had Tyler blocked on a sweep play. Tyler was giving away four inches and about 60lbs (or more) to Height. Tyler lowerd his shoulder and leveraged Antwon into the backfield where he was able to make a tackle for a three yard loss on Brinson. That ONE play sums up Tyler's game. What he lacks in size he makes up for in quickness and technique.

Its hard to get an update on Ty right now because of two-a-days. I hope to catch up with him on Saturday at Colerain's intersquad scrimmage.
I'll fill all of you in on anything I can.
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<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=6 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=alt2 style="BORDER-RIGHT: 1px inset; BORDER-TOP: 1px inset; BORDER-LEFT: 1px inset; BORDER-BOTTOM: 1px inset"><TABLE cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=0 width="98%" align=center border=0><TBODY><TR><TD colSpan=3>Ohio Brings The Players

</TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top bgColor=#ffffff>
</TD><TD noWrap width=3></TD><TD vAlign=top>By Staff Scout.com
Date: Aug 11, 2005

The Scout.com class of 2006 state rankings are here, and today's list includes appearances from Ohio, Nebraska, New York, Tennessee.
</TD></TR><TR><TD colSpan=3>
<TABLE align=right><TBODY><TR><TD><TABLE width=150 border=1><TBODY><TR><TD>State Rankings
Ohio 50
Nebraska 5
New York 30
Tennessee 20
Tomorrow: New Jersey, Kansas, New Mexico
</TD></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>In an unbelievable year for talent in Ohio, one name stands out. Ohio State commitment Chris Wells is arguably the best running back prospect in the country but he’s not the only Ohioan that can carry the football. Anthony Elzy, Delone Carter and Lance Smith are all solid ball carries. However, that is not the only position of strength for Ohio according to Chris Pool, Midwest recruiting analyst.

<TABLE align=left><TBODY><TR><TD><TABLE width=150 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD align=middle>

Chris Wells</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>"It’s no big surprise that the offensive line position is by far the deepest in Ohio. From Connor Smith and Justin Boren to Bill Nagy and Bob Gulley, there are several road graders with scholarship offers," says Pool. "The two biggest movers in Ohio are Hudson (Western Reserve Academy) tight end Brendan Mitchell, the son of former Michigan wide receiver, Alan Mitchell and Cincinnati (Colerain) linebacker Tyler Moeller. Big Ten recruiters are calling Moeller the most aggressive outside linebacker in the Midwest."
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