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S/LB Tyler Moeller (official thread)

Tyler was in Columbus yesterday and met with Tressel and the coaching staff...He also got a sit down with Bobby Carpenter.

Tyler came away from his visit very impressed (He had never been in Ohio Stadium before and was a bit in awe)...He really liked his visit and Ohio State.

As for the comments about his size...Without giving away too many details about his visit, I will say that the 'pitch' was that Ohio State wants faster linebackers to deal with spread offenses in the future...and Tyler fits the mold.

Right now, I'd lay even money that Tyler will be a Buckeye based upon my conversations with him and others.

Go Bucks!
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jwinslow said:
Great news! Very smart to have speed LBs as well to keep up with the growing trend towards spread offenses.


Exactly...Doesn't OSU have non-con games with USC and Miami on the horrizon?
It goes to show how much planning and paying attention to four and five years down the road are really a part of recruiting.
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Assuming he redshirts in 06, here are the known OOC teams he would face:

2007: Washington, Syracuse
2008: Fresno St, USC
2009: USC, Wash St
2010: Miami FL, Syracuse

Sounds like a smart plan by JT. Plus Michigan & Purdue bring spread formations in their games, and if Meyer lives up to his hype (which he probably will thanks to his recruiting success), he's a likely candidate for BCS matchups.
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gobucks19 said:
Thnx for the update H&G, great news. Keep us posted.

Anything new on his team-mate, I have read additional rumblings about another "entrant"?
No problem!

The only thing I know about Connor is that he has not committed to anybody at this time and that nothing new has arisen. Its still status quo. I still expect him to be a Buckeye.

...did I mention that Tyler and Connor are very good friends...?:sneaky: :cool:
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H&G said:
I will say that the 'pitch' was that Ohio State wants faster linebackers to deal with spread offenses in the future...and Tyler fits the mold.
Just a quick aside... Many times recruiting "pitches" are just that - salesmanship by the coaching staff to convince a player to commit to their school. However, in this case, it is quite clear that Ohio State is really recruiting "speed" LB's; here's the listed of offered LB's - Ross Homan (4.55 forty); Thaddeus Gibson (4.39); Marcus Ball (4.49); Akeem Hebron (4.45); Bani Gbadyu (4.52); Adrian Moten (4.55); Jeremiha Hunter (4.50); Dorin Dickerson (4.51); the only offered LB's who don't fit the "speed" mold are the MLB's - Navorro Bowman (4.7); Cobrani Mixon (4.6), and each of those guys plays faster than his reported speed. Tyler (4.48 forty) certainly qualifies as a speed 'backer.
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jwinslow said:
Assuming he redshirts in 06, here are the known OOC teams he would face:

2007: Washington, Syracuse
2008: Fresno St, USC
2009: USC, Wash St
2010: Miami FL, Syracuse

Sounds like a smart plan by JT. Plus Michigan & Purdue bring spread formations in their games, and if Meyer lives up to his hype (which he probably will thanks to his recruiting success), he's a likely candidate for BCS matchups.
in which year is the USC game at the Shoe? that's going to be another game in which everyone is talkin about before the season even starts!!

i hope we get this kid. his 40 time is blazing fast for his position and once he gets into our program, the kid will be an absolute stud.. he's going to be the next great linebacker to don the S&G!
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Honor&Glory said:
As for the comments about his size...Without giving away too many details about his visit, I will say that the 'pitch' was that Ohio State wants faster linebackers to deal with spread offenses in the future...and Tyler fits the mold.

No surprise there. Tim Beckman was a master of defending the spread offense. Sounds like this is part of his input.
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illinoisbuckeye said:
in which year is the USC game at the Shoe? that's going to be another game in which everyone is talkin about before the season even starts!!

i hope we get this kid. his 40 time is blazing fast for his position and once he gets into our program, the kid will be an absolute stud.. he's going to be the next great linebacker to don the S&G!
'09 is in the Shoe.
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