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S Donte Whitner (Official Thread)

Whitner is ready, and if he decides to pull the trigger, I say thank you for a great 3 years of unselfish dedication to my alma mater. He kept his nose clean, and he deserves nothing but the best, including a shot of financially supporting his family.
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Whitner has been second only to Hawk in terms of the best overall player on the Buckeyes this season. He is, or at least should be recognized as, a first team AA.

I really hope he's coming back next season for selfish reasons.
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Safeties in the NFL draft 2000-2004:

Strong Safety:

Rd Sel# Player Pos. School
2 34 Mark Roman SS Louisiana State
2 43 Rogers Beckett SS Marshall
2 45 Kenoy Kennedy SS Arkansas
3 85 Greg Wesley SS Arkansas-Pine Bluff
4 108 John Keith SS Furman
4 118 Tyrone Carter SS Minnesota
5 135 Aric Morris SS Michigan State
5 145 Todd Franz SS Tulsa
6 193 David Gibson SS Southern California
6 198 Matt Bowen SS Iowa
7 254 Mike Green SS Northwestern State, La.

Rd Sel# Player Pos. School
1 20 Adam Archuleta SS Arizona State
1 28 Derrick Gibson SS Florida State
2 54 Michael Stone SS Memphis
2 56 Tony Dixon SS Alabama
3 64 Adrian Wilson SS North Carolina State
3 84 Dwight Smith SS Akron
3 91 Cory Bird SS Virginia Tech
3 94 James Boyd SS Penn State
5 143 Jarrod Cooper SS Kansas State
5 158 Raymond Perryman SS Northern Arizona
6 165 Michael Jameson SS Texas A&M
7 210 Harold Blackmon SS Northwestern
7 223 Than Merrill SS Yale
7 244 Robert Carswell SS Clemson

Rd Sel# Player Pos. School
1 24 Ed Reed SS Miami
2 45 Tank Williams SS Stanford
2 58 Michael Lewis SS Colorado
3 70 Willie Offord SS South Carolina
3 92 Marques Anderson SS UCLA
3 97 Coy Wire SS Stanford
4 120 Terreal Bierria SS Georgia
5 140 Bobby Gray SS Louisiana Tech
5 148 Kevin McCadam SS Virginia Tech
5 150 Mel Mitchell SS Western Kentucky
5 153 Ramon Walker SS Pittsburgh
6 209 Chad Williams SS Southern Mississippi
7 228 Chris Young SS Georgia Tech

Rd Sel# Player Pos. School
1 16 Troy Polamalu SS Southern California
2 55 Bryan Scott SS Penn State
2 58 Mike Doss SS Ohio State
2 62 Terrence Kiel SS Texas A&M
6 179 David Young SS Georgia Southern
6 213 Yeremiah Bell SS Eastern Kentucky
7 246 Siddeeq Shabazz SS New Mexico State

Rd Sel# Player Pos. School
2 53 Michael Boulware SS Florida State
4 111 Will Allen SS Ohio State
4 113 Dexter Reid SS North Carolina
4 122 Glenn Earl SS Notre Dame
5 136 Gibril Wilson SS Tennessee
5 143 Erik Coleman SS Washington State
6 198 Keith Lewis SS Oregon

Free Safety:

Rd Sel# Player Pos. School
2 39 Mike Brown FS Nebraska
2 57 Deon Grant FS Tennessee
2 58 Travares Tillman FS Georgia Tech
4 124 Bobby Myers FS Wisconsin
4 126 Gary Berry FS Ohio State
5 152 Arturo Freeman FS South Carolina
6 187 Antwan Harris FS Virginia
7 225 Rashidi Barnes FS Colorado
7 236 Erik Olson FS Colorado State

Rd Sel# Player Pos. School
2 37 Idrees Bashir FS Memphis
3 71 Bhawoh Jue FS Penn State
4 117 John Howell FS Colorado State
4 127 Curtis Fuller FS Texas Christian
6 178 Tony Driver FS Notre Dame
6 193 Jason Doering FS Wisconsin
7 212 Shaunard Harts FS Boise State
7 233 Marlon McCree FS Kentucky

Rd Sel# Player Pos. School
1 8 Roy Williams FS Oklahoma
2 41 Lamont Thompson FS Washington State
2 57 Jon McGraw FS Kansas State
3 94 Chris Hope FS Florida State
4 131 Sam Brandon FS Nevada-Las Vegas
5 157 Jermaine Phillips FS Georgia
5 159 Andre Lott FS Tennessee
5 161 Omare Lowe FS Washington
6 181 Marquand Manuel FS Florida

Rd Sel# Player Pos. School
2 36 Eugene Wilson FS Illinois
2 42 Ken Hamlin FS Arkansas
3 84 Chris Crocker FS Marshall
4 100 Todd Johnson FS Florida
4 119 Colin Branch FS Stanford
5 137 Terrence Holt FS North Carolina State
5 140 Derek Pagel FS Iowa
5 154 Donnie Nickey FS Ohio State
5 170 Shane Walton FS Notre Dame
6 182 Gerome Sapp FS Notre Dame
6 188 Hanik Milligan FS Houston
7 252 Willie Pile FS Virginia Tech

Rd Sel# Player Pos. School
1 5 Sean Taylor FS Miami
2 44 Bob Sanders FS Iowa
3 67 Stuart Schweigert FS Purdue
4 129 J.R. Reed FS South Florida
5 158 Jason Shivers FS Arizona State
7 236 Rashad Washington FS Kansas State
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NevadaBuck just said, not too long ago, on the Bucknuts board that while Santonio is gone, Whitner and Youboty will be back. Obviously, could change, but that's the situation according to him right now.

I trust what nevada says, but I am not giving up hope on Santonio yet.
If Whitner and Youboty stay, our defense will not drop off enough to cost us games, IMO.
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I trust what nevada says, but I am not giving up hope on Santonio yet.
If Whitner and Youboty stay, our defense will not drop off enough to cost us games, IMO.

I totally agree with you here. I think that we will have enough talent to stop the run and with that experience in the secondary it will only help take pressure off the front 7.

I am also not giving up on Holmes, but I think it is just wishful thinking on our part.
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That is too big a story not to be picked up by the Dispatch. I think it is a mistake IMO.

you would think that if whitner was out as a result of the injury last week, that something would have been said at the Tuesday presser.

I also think that if it was true that it would have been picked up elsewhere long before appearing in a blurb in a CFN write-up.
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