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S Donte Whitner (Official Thread)



and the possibility of leaving for the NFL after this year. Great read about a kid who has listened to the excellent advice he has received from a number of good people.

Did it sound to you as if Donte was leaning one way or the other as whether to stay or go? I really want "lights out" to stay, but I'm afraid that he may be playing in The League next year.
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Did it sound to you as if Donte was leaning one way or the other as whether to stay or go? I really want "lights out" to stay, but I'm afraid that he may be playing in The League next year.

Not at all. In fact, it is probably premature to say he is considering it as he only said it has entered his mind but he will wait until after the season to consider the possibility.
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Not that our cupboard will be empty if Whitner were to leave (still got Welch, Lenix, Oneal all for the DB slots) but I think Whitner is someone we need as a leader next year after losing Salley and all 3 Senior LBs.

But the brightside is that in one of todays Dispatch articles, Holmes talks about the possibility of staying as well. Saying that its up in the air. On one hand I can see him leaving so he can provide for his family, but then again he could pull a "Mike Doss" and come back for a championship.
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Cleveland PD


Whitner might be tackling NFL next

Thursday, November 10, 2005Doug Lesmerises
Plain Dealer Reporter
Columbus- Donte Whitner is the shortest member of the Ohio State defense, and the 5-11 strong safety hits like a player determined not to get lost in a forest of talented teammates.
"Donte's a little pit bull out there," senior linebacker Bobby Carpenter said. "He's not the biggest guy, but he's fast and he'll hit hard and knock guys out. I love playing with him."
Saturday, 16 Ohio State seniors will take the field for the final time at Ohio Stadium. Meanwhile, receiver Santonio Holmes and cornerback Ashton Youboty are two juniors who have been mentioned as candidates to leave early for the NFL.
But don't forget about Whitner. After a breakout season in which his football acumen has caught up with his battering ram of a body, Whitner has pondered the possibility that Saturday (against Northwestern) might be his last home game before he takes his shot at professional football.
In the latest rankings from ESPN draft expert Mel Kiper Jr., the Glenville High grad was ranked as the fifth-best defensive back in the junior class. Youboty fell out of Kiper's top five.
"It comes to my mind sometimes, but I just want to play hard for my fans right now and I want to win a Big Ten title," Whitner said. "I would rather be in the situation where I have to choose to come back or go to the next level rather than have people say you have to stay. It's better to have a choice."
He owes the choice to the development of his football mind and his lack of regard for his football body.
"You talk about a guy who has studied films with purpose," Ohio State coach Jim Tressel said. "He walks around here with a notebook that's full every week. He knows how to study it."
Whitner rarely makes mistakes on the field, said senior free safety Nate Salley.
"He takes advantage of all his opportunities to make plays. You watch film of him last year and definitely his freshman year, and you see a huge jump this year," Salley said.

Whitner started five of the 10 games he played in last season, making 69 tackles. This season, he's third on the team in tackles (55) and in tackles for loss (8). But it's not just the numbers that matter, but the equation that gets him to the football. Tressel started his remarks about Whitner's study habits, but ended with his tackling.
"Loves to hit," Tressel said. "He's special."
Said Whitner, "That's how you have to be as a safety.
"When you get a shot on somebody, you have to make it hurt. You don't want to hurt them, but you want that shot to hurt so the next time they come through, they're thinking they'd better go down or run out of bounds. Once a guy's thinking like that, you've got them."
Whitner has always been thinking that way, or at least since he started playing safety at Glenville. His cousin Angelo Craig, now a 6-5, 225-pound sophomore linebacker at Cincinnati, felt it once during a high school practice.
"He hit me one time, and I didn't talk to him the rest of the day," Craig said. "He hits pretty hard. I hit hard, but not as hard as Donte."
Whitner would like to pattern his game after Philadelphia Eagles All-Pro safety Brian Dawkins, another hard hitter who at 6-0 and 210 pounds has only an inch and 5 pounds on Whitner. That's a lofty goal, one Whitner can chase this year or next.
After graduating from Glenville early so he could take part in spring drills before his freshman season, which Youboty did as well, Whitner feels ahead of most juniors, more like a junior and a half.
That won't get him any attention during the seniors' pregame ceremonies Saturday. But Whitner won't be forgotten. Once the game starts, he'll hit someone, and people will notice.
To reach this Plain Dealer reporter:
[email protected], 216-999-4748
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I hope he stays. He will be our leader on defense next year. I think he needs one more year, instead of being the 5th best defensive back in Kiper's draft, why not strive to be the best DB.

I do like the comparison between him and Dawkins. Both are badasses.

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I hope he stays. He will be our leader on defense next year. I think he needs one more year, instead of being the 5th best defensive back in Kiper's draft, why not strive to be the best DB.

I do like the comparison between him and Dawkins. Both are badasses.


That was the 5th best junior defensive back, and I would love to see him return also. Either way, he is a Buckeye in the truest terms, and I will root for him either way.
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CONFIRMED: Donte Whitner to go pro after '05 season

Over on BN (I know not that great of a source for info.) there has been discussion that "lights out was going to be gone after this year. OSUAlum82 (has some kind of connections to the staff), Ballinbuck (apparently is a player on the team), and T10DA (same as Ballinbuck) have all came out and said that Whitner was going to The League after this year.

Here's a link to a thread started today about this very topic:


Edit: I guess Ballinbuck is a player on the team.
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I don't see it. He's had a solid season, but will be lucky to be 3rd-team AA. He should be a first-day pick, but I doubt very seriously if he's a first-round pick. He'll be hurting himself in the long run by skipping his senior season...
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From the sound of those "in the know" over there, it's already a done deal.

I personally don't see it being in his best interests, but he's certainly been a pleasure to watch play over the last 3 years. Come back for four, Donte!
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A safety has to be a very special player to go in the first round.

Since 2000, only four have been selected in the 1st: Ed Reed (Miami), Derrick Gibson (FSU), Adam Archuleta (ASU), and Troy Polamalu (USC).

One more year is not going to make that much of a difference IMHO.
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Uh, Roy Williams? Sean Taylor?

Uh, both drafted as a FS link

<table border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="1" width="100%"> <tbody><tr class="bg2" align="right" height="17" valign="middle"><td align="left">8</td><td align="left">Dallas</td><td align="left">Roy Williams</td><td align="left">FS</td><td align="left">Oklahoma</td></tr></tbody> </table>
<table border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="1" width="100%"> <tbody><tr class="bg2" align="right" height="17" valign="middle"><td align="left">5</td><td align="left">Washington</td><td align="left">Sean Taylor</td><td align="left">FS</td><td align="left">Miami</td></tr></tbody> </table>
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