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S Donte Whitner (Official Thread)

Thomas Davis from last year was a FS too i believe, but i would doubt ballinbuck is really Donte or Nate seeing as he spelled his name as Donte, probably just someone stirring the pot, but osualum82 seems to have some rep over there.
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No offense to DW, but I agree with Grad. Safties are like fullbacks and kickers. You don't waste a first round pick on 99% of them. I'm sure he knows this or has been told this by the staff.

That said, none of us know his situation. Maybe 2nd or 3rd round money is enough and he needs it now.

I'd like to see him back but wish him well and thank him for all his hard work and effort.
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Safety is a very "low value" pick for an NFL team; same with tight end. Dead give away that Butch Davis didn't know the NFL game - he was "in love" with Sean Taylor and KWII, when everone else was looking for "impact" positions.
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Over on BN (I know not that great of a source for info.) there has been discussion that "lights out was going to be gone after this year. OSUAlum82 (has some kind of connections to the staff), Ballinbuck (apparently is a player on the team), and T10DA (same as Ballinbuck) have all came out and said that Whitner was going to The League after this year.

Here's a link to a thread started today about this very topic:


Edit: I guess Ballinbuck is a player on the team.

I seriously doubt a osu player is on that site, and even if they were, they probably wouldn't/shouldn't be posting stuff about teammates that at this time is none of there business to be giving out.
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He played a good game today. He had some great hits, and was unblockable when they tried to throw screens...

Id rate his performane a 9/10. Hopefully he stays for his senior year because he could really help, but the only thing that I can see he needs any help at at all would be his coverage skills.
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We have had some great safeties in the 20+ years I have been watching Buckeye games but I have never seen a safety have as complete season as Whitner has this year. He is always in postion in pass defense, is a fierce run supporter, and in specific he blows up the screen passes that in the past have killed the OSU team. He gets overlooked way too much by the great LB but he has been great this year. I think he stays but wow the $$$ will be tough to pass up.
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We have had some great safeties in the 20+ years I have been watching Buckeye games but I have never seen a safety have as complete season as Whitner has this year. He is always in postion in pass defense, is a fierce run supporter, and in specific he blows up the screen passes that in the past have killed the OSU team. He gets overlooked way too much by the great LB but he has been great this year. I think he stays but wow the $$$ will be tough to pass up.
hopefully you hit on a key point. If he stays, he will be the star of another Tressel defense. This year, he is overshadowed by the LBs. He is ready for the NFL tho IMO.
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JamO will fill that slot nicely...

That would make me feel better if Whitner was the only DB we were losing. Replacing three DBs AND three LBs will make for a very interesting second game of the season in Austin should Young stay.

Safety is a very "low value" pick for an NFL team;

This is true, but the issue with Whitner is his value this year relative to next. If you are going in the second anyhow why not cash in now?

Doss going at 58 is a good indication of how hard it is for SS's to be drafted that high.

True again, but Whitner has better speed than Doss and what is more important to NFL scouts than speed? Doss hung around for that extra year and it is tough to make the case it helped him in the draft.

I seriously doubt a osu player is on that site, and even if they were, they probably wouldn't/shouldn't be posting stuff about teammates that at this time is none of there business to be giving out.

It would surprise me at this point if JT didn't have a specific policy about players posting about the team on message boards. Dumb enough to talk about stuff like this with your buds, dumber still to leave an audit trail of what you told a bunch of strangers.

All that said, IMO Whitner is ready now and wont help himself much by staying. Whether he goes is purely a matter of his personal priorities.
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One thing that JT teaches and enstills in his players is leadership.... Doss didn't know until he stepped up to the mic that he was coming back... Donte may know what he is going to do well before that .... but maybe he learned a thing or two from Doss who came back for his Senior year and was one of the leaders of that 2002 team.
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