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S Donte Whitner (Official Thread)

USA Today probably followed CFN's lead, or vice versa. National publications are in the know, but bucknuts, ozone, and jim tressel's press conference doesn't know about this?

Does anyone here even remember him getting injured?

He made a tackle on the second to last defensive series for OSU, and the last one featured a ton of backups (including unusual faces like Laurinaitis).
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jwinslow said:
USA Today probably followed CFN's lead, or vice versa. National publications are in the know, but bucknuts, ozone, and jim tressel's press conference doesn't know about this?

Does anyone here even remember him getting injured?

He made a tackle on the second to last defensive series for OSU, and the last one featured a ton of backups (including unusual faces like Laurinaitis).
uh oh......don't say unusual or unknown about a Buckeye player :p
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assuming he is questionable for the game, last year whitner was supposedly going to be out for the year with a knee injury. he played against ttun and in the bowl game. even if he is dinged, does anyone think that they are going to keep him off the field?
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I was following him around all day yesterday, and he didn't seem to have any trouble. My binoculars got fogged up early in the morning, so I lost him for about 15 minutes. When I found him he was headed into the bathroom, he needs to eat more bran. Other than that I think he's ok.
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only thing wrong with him here is that his stupid coach is making them look right into the sun :)
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As for Holmes, I'm just glad we had him as long as we did. A great kid, a great football player. He made a great choice coming to Ohio State. Now he'll leave here as one of our most reliable and explosive receivers ever. When your name is mentioned with Carter, Galloway, Boston and Jenkins, you are among the elite at your field.

Good luck, Santonio Holmes. We'll be rooting for you on Sundays next year.

Whitner, take a page from Mike Doss' book. Stay one more year and make teams wish you hadn't.
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whitner staying will be huge. Not only to help continue the trend of star defenders staying for another year (minus gamble), but he is the first recruit from glenville. If he and troy stay (I can't imagine smith leaving), that will set the tone which I believe Ginn will follow. Jamario, Lenix, Small and Rose have a ton of potential and may be faced with this same decision someday.
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I thought that was weird too.

I thought that was weird too.

It almost seemed like a cut and paste that went wrong, like he's not going to be back next year and that's no big deal. It just got placed in a context of the game. Heck, I don't know. I've been searching the web seeing if he's playing. All sources say he's playing.
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