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S Donte Whitner (Official Thread)

This really, really makes me doubt our chances next year.
why? I have a feeling O'Neal can make a pretty good impact at SS... while whitner is a lot better than Youboty, I think replacing a corner is much more difficult (tho Amos will be excellent).

Mitchell will make a good replacement for Salley. He is the opposite of him tho, very good in coverage, but not for the run.
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FWIW, Channel 4 just reported that he was leaving for the NFL. He already has made the decision and discussed it with Tressel. Additionally, he is on the list with other seniors to be at a "paid" autograph signing secession in Zanesville. This would make him ineligible to play for Ohio State next year.

I didn't see anything about this on the TV 4 website...
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why? I have a feeling O'Neal can make a pretty good impact at SS... while whitner is a lot better than Youboty, I think replacing a corner is much more difficult (tho Amos will be excellent).

Mitchell will make a good replacement for Salley. He is the opposite of him tho, very good in coverage, but not for the run.
Mitchell's run defense will improve....or he won't see the field. Can anyone name the last starting Buckeye corner who didn't play the run well?
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O'neal is faster and bigger with experience this year. We will be ok

Jamario might be bigger and faster but I can't believe his football smarts match Whitner's at this point. Donte is a student of the game and it shows. The way he reads plays is one of his biggest strengths. He would have almost certainly been a captain and the leader of the defense next year. Losing both safeties is going to hurt. Luckily we have some nice athletes waiting in the wings.
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why? I have a feeling O'Neal can make a pretty good impact at SS... while whitner is a lot better than Youboty, I think replacing a corner is much more difficult (tho Amos will be excellent).

Mitchell will make a good replacement for Salley. He is the opposite of him tho, very good in coverage, but not for the run.

I agree O'Neal will make a impact, but i think his lack of experience will prove costly at times. Also do you feel he'll be able to tackle as effectively as Whitner? Mitchell while experienced like you said isnt as good for run defense.

There is alot that needs to "gel" on our defense next year for the unit to be successful. Whitner provides versatillity that could help our inexperience in the first few games, namely the one in Austin. There are many questions that need answered about our D next year, this is one i would've liked to have left answered.
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please dont take this the wrong way as it is just a possible scenario... but do you think that he might be failing some of his classes? I know the situation seems very unlikely but he has said that he does not need the money and another year in college will help him out significantly? Could something like grades be a behind the scenes type of thing and he is waiting to see will happen because of them? Just throwing out the idea and not trying to bash him or imply I have heard this anywhere...

I believe this is totally false because I've seen it written that Whitner will graduate at the end of this year, and that's why he is leaving. Whitner is not just a great studen of the game, but he is also a great student. Donte Whitner is the type of young man that you want to build your program around.
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