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S Donte Whitner (Official Thread)

Milli you forgot Russel, Washington, Patterson and incoming Schwartz. There are plenty of candidates to play safety.

I went with those who have have played at safety and not at corner. Russell, Washington, and Patterson are all listed as DBs (i.e., haven't been set as either a corner or safety). I think I saw Patterson in the secondary but I don't recall if he was at corner or safety. As for Schwartz, he's so much of an athlete that we don't know where he'll play yet.
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I agree with grad, when you have the depth we have at WR a move makes sense. Also it can have something to do with recruiting. We are in on a few difference making WRs. So clearing the depth chart might make a difference in getting them. On the other end maybe Tressel and staff are looking at the safety recruits and think Lyons would just be better than most of them.
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Draft position is key. Bodes well for him staying as someone pointed out early, very few safeties have been taken in the first round.

Donte Whitner: Whitner has played three years and arguably played better this season than he did in the previous two. He is a playmaker who played safety, was OSU's nickel back (third cover corner in the nickel package) and seems to have all the skills to be able to move on to the next level.

Whitner has filed papers with the NFL requesting an evaluation of his probable draft position. According to Whitner, how that evaluation comes back will go a long way toward determining whether he plays pro football or college football in 2006, but that he definitely has not reached a decision one way or another at this point.

"I'm not leaning one way of the other," said Whitner recently.

"I put the paperwork in to see what my draft status would be. I'm not leaning either way. If it comes back and it's not something that I like, I'm coming back.

"If it's something I like, then maybe I'm fixing to go, but right now I'm just thinking about playing Notre Dame and sending the seniors out of here with a 4-0 record in bowl games. I'll make a decision after the bowl game," Whitner said.

According to Whitner, he will wait until after the bowl game to really start thinking about next year, and armed with his draft evaluation, will seek some help in making that decision.

"I'll sit down with Coach Tressel. His thing is that if you're not a first round pick, come back and try and improve your draft status. I'm going to sit down with him, sit down with my family and make the best decision for everyone," said Whitner.

Whitner said that while helping his parents financially is a consideration, there is no real financial urgency for his family that might press him to decide for the NFL.

"My family is all right (financially)," said Whitner.

"We don't have the most, but we have enough to get by. If they had to go another year, they would go another year no problem. They're doing OK."
Whitner says that his draft position will be important, but not the only consideration in his decision.

"Where I would be drafted at, the things we have coming back here next year, that will impact me, a chance to win a national championship. A chance to come back and be up for and maybe win some major awards, a lot of those things will impact my decision," said Whitner.

Whitner did say that if he is evaluated as a first-round pick, however, that evaluation would trump all other considerations. Anything less-than a first round evaluation would leave him with a decision to make.

"First round? Coach Tressel would go in the first round out of here," said Whitner.

"Some guys, if they're a second round pick this year, the next year they'd also be a second round pick, while other guys increase their draft stock. It comes down to whether you think you can increase your stock by staying. If they were to say I was a third round pick this year but could be a first round pick next year, I definitely would stay.

"If I come back there's a possibility of being a captain, possibility of winning a national championship, that's one reason that Mike Doss came back, and I know we're not going to have a lot of guys back in defense, but I can be the leader of the defense next year and help a lot of young guys who are going to be out there and really lead this defense and have a chance to win some major awards, be All-American, things like that. When I'm weighing the decision I'll weigh all sides of it, the NFL side with the pros and cons, and the college side with the pros and cons.

Based on all that Whitner has said, the-Ozone thinks that if Whitner is not a projected as a first-rounder, there is a good possibility that he will be back in a Buckeye uniform next season.​
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Donte Whitner: Whitner has played three years and arguably played better this season than he did in the previous two. He is a playmaker who played safety, was OSU's nickel back (third cover corner in the nickel package) and seems to have all the skills to be able to move on to the next level.​

Whitner has filed papers with the NFL requesting an evaluation of his probable draft position. According to Whitner, how that evaluation comes back will go a long way toward determining whether he plays pro football or college football in 2006, but that he definitely has not reached a decision one way or another at this point.

"I'm not leaning one way of the other," said Whitner recently.
"I put the paperwork in to see what my draft status would be. I'm not leaning either way. If it comes back and it's not something that I like, I'm coming back.

"If it's something I like, then maybe I'm fixing to go, but right now I'm just thinking about playing Notre Dame and sending the seniors out of here with a 4-0 record in bowl games. I'll make a decision after the bowl game," Whitner said.

According to Whitner, he will wait until after the bowl game to really start thinking about next year, and armed with his draft evaluation, will seek some help in making that decision.

"I'll sit down with Coach Tressel. His thing is that if you're not a first round pick, come back and try and improve your draft status. I'm going to sit down with him, sit down with my family and make the best decision for everyone," said Whitner.

Whitner said that while helping his parents financially is a consideration, there is no real financial urgency for his family that might press him to decide for the NFL.

"My family is all right (financially)," said Whitner.

"We don't have the most, but we have enough to get by. If they had to go another year, they would go another year no problem. They're doing OK."
Whitner says that his draft position will be important, but not the only consideration in his decision.

"Where I would be drafted at, the things we have coming back here next year, that will impact me, a chance to win a national championship. A chance to come back and be up for and maybe win some major awards, a lot of those things will impact my decision," said Whitner.
Whitner did say that if he is evaluated as a first-round pick, however, that evaluation would trump all other considerations. Anything less-than a first round evaluation would leave him with a decision to make.
"First round? Coach Tressel would go in the first round out of here," said Whitner.

"Some guys, if they're a second round pick this year, the next year they'd also be a second round pick, while other guys increase their draft stock. It comes down to whether you think you can increase your stock by staying. If they were to say I was a third round pick this year but could be a first round pick next year, I definitely would stay.

"If I come back there's a possibility of being a captain, possibility of winning a national championship, that's one reason that Mike Doss came back, and I know we're not going to have a lot of guys back in defense, but I can be the leader of the defense next year and help a lot of young guys who are going to be out there and really lead this defense and have a chance to win some major awards, be All-American, things like that. When I'm weighing the decision I'll weigh all sides of it, the NFL side with the pros and cons, and the college side with the pros and cons.

Based on all that Whitner has said, the-Ozone thinks that if Whitner is not a projected as a first-rounder, there is a good possibility that he will be back in a Buckeye uniform next season.
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That comment struck me for some reason. If I had to bet, I'd give it a 65% chance that he's gone.

That stuck out big too. Especially for safeties when only 1 or 2 go in the first round but most of them go in the 2nd round. But the sick thing is I have seen Whitner in a few mock drafts going in the first round. We have to remember that he did originally come in as a CB and has great speed. He will test very well in workouts and probable climb up.

In my opinion right now he is a late first/2nd round pick. If he comes back next year and has the same type of year he cements 1st safety off the board. While Doss is loved for coming back and being a multiple all-american, IMHO Whitner has better PRO potential.
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I might have misspoke when I said a few, but here is one. He has 5 Buckeyes going in the 1st round...


And he is not a newcomer and some nobody. This is a legit scouting service, really.

That guy must be a wolverine in disguise trying to influence our players to leave early because he has Youboty going in the first round too. :susp:
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