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S Donte Whitner (Official Thread)

I overheard someone today saying he hopes the Lions take AJ. The idea being that Spielman worked out pretty well, and that AJ's probably better than anyone on the field at the moment, anyway....

Lions fans are funny, huh?
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OSU juniors feeling a draft

Holmes, Whitner take different approaches in looking at their chances to leave early for NFL

By Marla Ridenour

Beacon Journal sportswriter

<!-- begin body-content -->COLUMBUS - Donte Whitner might have a sheaf of papers to help him decide whether to forgo his senior season at Ohio State. Santonio Holmes will rely more on a gut feeling.
They are the Buckeyes most likely to declare for the NFL Draft after the Fiesta Bowl on Jan. 2 against Notre Dame. To be draft-eligible, paperwork must be filed with the NFL office by Jan. 15.
Whitner, a strong safety, and cornerback Ashton Youboty sought an opinion from the NFL's scouting advisory committee, but Youboty hasn't received a first-round evaluation from Internet analysts.
OSU coach Jim Tressel said others also asked for a projection. In a column on ESPN.com, Todd McShay of Scouts Inc. listed Holmes, a wide receiver, in his should-go category and put Whitner and Youboty among those who should stay.
``Sometimes we've had guys get draft status reports back that have motivated them,'' Tressel said. ``All of a sudden you see a downshift in the work ethic. The truth is always good.''
Speculation centers on Holmes. After the final home game against Northwestern, fans in the South Stands chanted ``One More Year'' at Holmes as he prepared to sing Carmen Ohio with his teammates.
A redshirt on the 2002 national championship team, Holmes has two young sons who will factor into his decision. The Belle Glade, Fla., native has 135 receptions (OSU's fifth all-time) for 2,171 yards (sixth all-time) and 24 touchdowns (third all-time) in three years at split end. He also excels at blocking and as a kick returner. He played all year on a sprained left foot hurt in preseason camp.
Whitner, a hard-hitter from Cleveland Glenville who is completing his first full season at strong safety, finished 2005 with 64 tackles (third on the team), nine for losses, four sacks, two interceptions (a team-high) and three pass breakups.
The two could not be approaching their decision more differently.
Whitner said the paperwork he receives on his draft status likely will be the determining factor.
``If it's not what I like, I'm coming back,'' Whitner said. ``If it's something I like, I'll make the decision to go.''
The only thing that could complicate his process is a second-round projection.
``I don't know,'' Whitner said of that scenario. ``I'd have to talk to coach Tressel. His thing is if you're not a first-round pick come back and try to improve your draft stock. I'll sit down with him and my family and make the best decision for both of us.''
In that instance, Whitner said he would weigh the pros and cons.
``If I come back there's a possibility of being a captain, the possibility of winning a national championship, that's one reason Mike Doss came back,'' Whitner said. ``We're not going to have a lot of guys back on defense, but I could be the leader of the defense next year and help a lot of the young guys.''
Senior Tyler Everett is miffed Whitner wasn't a semifinalist for the 2005 Jim Thorpe Award given to the nation's top defensive back. Michael Huff of Texas was the winner.
``If they say he's a first-rounder or early second, I would say go,'' Everett said of Whitner's choice. ``If it's late in the draft, just stick around.''
Holmes is taking a less intense approach. He said he didn't file any papers with the NFL. McShay said Holmes could battle Arizona State's Derek Hagan to be the top receiver taken, but Holmes said he hasn't looked at any draft boards all season.
``How I feel, I'll probably just go with it,'' Holmes said. ``Just feeling comfortable with being ready to make that next step. Having to deal with a lot of family issues outside of football. Put all that in the evaluation and go from there.''
Holmes said he's not feeling any pressure.
``No one is helping me make this decision,'' he said. ``Nobody is telling me whether I should go or stay, whether I'll be this pick or that pick.''
Holmes said he needs 40 to 45 hours to complete his degree in family resource management.
He said following in the footsteps of OSU receivers Cris Carter, Terry Glenn, Joey Galloway and David Boston always has been his goal.
``That's why I came here, to become a first-round draft pick,'' Holmes said. ``I want to be in the top 10. Knowing the history of all the receivers who have made a legacy here and in the NFL, I wanted to be a part of that.''
Even if Holmes doesn't look like a top 10 pick, Tressel might tell him he should go.
``We always talk about the team concept, but never at the expense of one's individual goals and dreams,'' Tressel said.
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In 2003, our biggest pair of recruits were Will Smith and Darrion Scott when they decided not to enter the draft. Here's hoping that two more of our studs on defense make the same decision this year. I would like a late Christmas present in Whitner and Youboty signing back on with Ohio State.
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Whitner waiting

While receiver Santonio Holmes unveiled his intention to jump to the NFL after the game, safety Donte Whitner and cornerback Ashton Youboty, also juniors, said they still have some thinking to do. They plan to decide later this week.

"I want to get back to Columbus, spend a few days, talk with coach Tressel about it before I decide," Whitner said. "I want to make sure I do the thing that’s in my best interest."
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Whitner says he is leaning 75-25 in one direction but did not elaborate on which way he was leaning. He will have a decision within the the next week.

(rumblings are that he is going to declare for the draft)

Aargh. I wish he would come back because he could make even better money, be an all-american, and have one last chance at a NC. He said his financial situation is pretty stable so I don't know why he's so eager to leave.
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<H1 class=red>Draft uncertainty does same to Whitner's plans


Thursday, January 05, 2006
Doug Lesmerises

Plain Dealer Reporter

Donte Whitner thought he would have decided by now, but the choice between the NFL draft and returning for a senior season at Ohio State is more difficult than he imagined.

The strong safety from Glenville High asked for a report from a group of NFL general managers and talent evaluators who offer projections to underclassmen. Whitner said Wednesday he was seen as a late first-round or sec- ond-round pick.

A sure first- round sugges tion and he would know to turn pro, with Buckeyes coach Jim Tressel un derstanding the lure of the first round.

If projected as a third- or fourth-round pick, Whitner would know to stay, eager to return to Columbus as a defensive leader and likely captain.

"It's a tough call at this point," Whitner said. "I haven't made it yet. I thought I would have it [Wednesday], but I'll have it within the next few days."

Underclassmen must make themselves eligible for the draft by Jan. 15.
Whitner played well in Ohio State's 34-20 win over Notre Dame in the Fiesta Bowl, making nine tackles, seven of them solo, and breaking up three passes. He clearly improved physically and mentally this season, confirming a hard-hitting reputation with 73 tackles in 12 games, third on the team.

With seven defensive starters lost to graduation, the NFL decisions of Whitner and junior cornerback Ashton Youboty could change the face of the 2006 defense.

Whitner said he does not have family financial considerations that would cause him to lean either way, so the decision comes down to a personal choice. A factor working against coming out is his position, with NFL teams more tempted to spend early picks on cornerbacks rather than safeties.

"There have been some safeties that come out early," said Rob Rang, a senior analyst at www.nfldraftscout.com, "but generally speaking most safeties stay to their senior year, because the position's not as highly ranked by the NFL."

Last year, one safety went in the first round, Carolina taking Georgia's Thomas Davis with the 14th pick. Three safeties went in the second round, led by the Browns' selection of Oklahoma's Brodney Pool.

ESPN's Mel Kiper lists three safeties among his top 25 senior prospects this season.

He has Whitner 11th on his list of the best junior defensive backs.

The Buckeyes already have two players considered first-round locks in the draft.

In a mock draft from Scouts Inc. posted on ESPN.com, linebacker A.J. Hawk is projected to the Green Bay Packers with the No. 5 pick; and receiver Santonio Holmes to the Philadelphia Eagles at No. 14.

The Browns own the 12th pick in the first round.

To reach this Plain Dealer reporter:

[email protected], 216-999-4748
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Aargh. I wish he would come back because he could make even better money, be an all-american, and have one last chance at a NC. He said his financial situation is pretty stable so I don't know why he's so eager to leave.

please dont take this the wrong way as it is just a possible scenario... but do you think that he might be failing some of his classes? I know the situation seems very unlikely but he has said that he does not need the money and another year in college will help him out significantly? Could something like grades be a behind the scenes type of thing and he is waiting to see will happen because of them? Just throwing out the idea and not trying to bash him or imply I have heard this anywhere...
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FWIW, Channel 4 just reported that he was leaving for the NFL. He already has made the decision and discussed it with Tressel. Additionally, he is on the list with other seniors to be at a "paid" autograph signing secession in Zanesville. This would make him ineligible to play for Ohio State next year.
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please dont take this the wrong way as it is just a possible scenario... but do you think that he might be failing some of his classes? I know the situation seems very unlikely but he has said that he does not need the money and another year in college will help him out significantly? Could something like grades be a behind the scenes type of thing and he is waiting to see will happen because of them? Just throwing out the idea and not trying to bash him or imply I have heard this anywhere...

I think he would know that already, as the winter quarter has already started.
I am sure the staff would have let him know if he was in trouble grade wise.

FWIW, Channel 4 just reported that he was leaving for the NFL. He already has made the decision and discussed it with Tressel. Additionally, he is on the list with other seniors to be at a "paid" autograph signing secession in Zanesville. This would make him ineligible to play for Ohio State next year.

Well, that sucks
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