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S Donte Whitner (Official Thread)

I agree O'Neal will make a impact, but i think his lack of experience will prove costly at times. Also do you feel he'll be able to tackle as effectively as Whitner? Mitchell while experienced like you said isnt as good for run defense.

There is alot that needs to "gel" on our defense next year for the unit to be successful. Whitner provides versatillity that could help our inexperience in the first few games, namely the one in Austin. There are many questions that need answered about our D next year, this is one i would've liked to have left answered.
agreed... howver I do not think that whitner ruins our chances at all next year. The offense was excellent this year, especially now that troy is on track before. Troy/OL were the problems early, not the WRs, imo. Pittman was excellent but needed a backup, and a short yardage back (he was serviceable). Therefore, I think Wells can keep our offense clicking by enhancing the run game.

Mitchell will improve, and O'Neal will not be Whitner by a long shot. However both will be solid enough, and our corners should be excellent.

We outscored a lot of teams this year, I think we can do it again... especially with an improved run game.
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FWIW, Channel 4 just reported that he was leaving for the NFL. He already has made the decision and discussed it with Tressel. Additionally, he is on the list with other seniors to be at a "paid" autograph signing secession in Zanesville. This would make him ineligible to play for Ohio State next year.

I see nothing online to support any of this. I'm not saying it's not true...I guess I'm just hoping that it's not. Whitner has been a great player and I wish him all the best, but I'm not sure he's a first round pick. As of right now, I'd guess late 2nd or early 3rd round. All the best to him, though, if he decides to go.:osu:
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FWIW, Channel 4 just reported that he was leaving for the NFL. He already has made the decision and discussed it with Tressel. Additionally, he is on the list with other seniors to be at a "paid" autograph signing secession in Zanesville. This would make him ineligible to play for Ohio State next year.

I haven't seen/heard anything else mentioned by another sportscaster or in writing on this either. The "sports guy" on the Chanel 4 news @ 6 o'clock just mentioned it like it was an "inside/exclusive/you heard it here first report". There was no interview, press conference by Donte, and/or coaches comments.
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Donte Whitner showed this year what studying film all day every day can do for a player. Troy Smith did the same, and look at his improvement throughout the season. Donte is quite possibly my favorite current Buckeye, so I'm not saying he couldn't be drafted high, but the draft has a way of going where players slip farther down the board. I could easily see him going mid-3rd, since safeties aren't drafted high usually. The way he read plays this year, we need him back badly with the defensive losses. What a valuable leader he would be next year in Austin...

Also, I haven't heard a lot of talk about AY, has he indicated that he's staying?
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<table class="text" align="center" border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" width="100%"> <tbody><tr><td colspan="2">Buckeyes to Visit Zanesville; Whitner to NFL

</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="50%">By: Aaron Spragg </td> <td width="50%">
</td> </tr><tr> <td colspan="2"> Fresh off a Fiesta Bowl victory over Notre Dame, nine members of the co-Big Ten Champion Ohio State football team are scheduled to make a stop in Zanesville. </td> </tr> <tr> <td align="center">
</td> <td> On Wednesday, January 11 from 6-8 p.m. at The Sports Zone, Seniors A.J. Hawk, Anthony Schlegel, Bobby Carpenter, Rob Sims, Josh Huston, Mike Kudla, Nick Mangold, Tyler Everett, and junior Donte Whitner, will be signing autographs. </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"> Individual autographs will cost $25 for A.J. Hawk and $20 each for all other players. You may also purchase a super ticket for $100 dollars and get one autograph from each player.

Whitner, a strong safety from Cleveland, is allowed to participate in the signing because he expected to declare himself for the NFL Draft as early as Friday, January 6.

Whitner gave the promoter of the event, based out of Cleveland, permission to use his name on promotional material because of his intention to forgo his senior season at Ohio State. Flyers promoting the autograph signing went into circulation Thursday, January 5.

Whitner will be the second OSU junior to declare for the draft. Wide receiver Santonio Holmes announced he would be leaving school early following the Buckeyes' Fiesta Bowl win over Notre Dame.

This past season Whitner was Ohio State's third leading tackler with 73 stops. He also recorded two interceptions this season.

As for the signing event, you may bring your own items to be signed or you can purchase 8X10 photos, mini-helmets and full size replica helmets at The Sports Zone.

The Sports Zone is located in the Colony Square Mall in Zanesville.</td></tr></tbody> </table>
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Credit goes to Grad on finding this today......check out his official thread.....

I guess we can change the title to confirmed at this point...

Whitner, a strong safety from Cleveland, is allowed to participate in the signing because he expected to declare himself for the NFL Draft as early as Friday, January 6.

Whitner gave the promoter of the event, based out of Cleveland, permission to use his name on promotional material because of his intention to forgo his senior season at Ohio State. Flyers promoting the autograph signing went into circulation Thursday, January 5.

Whitner will be the second OSU junior to declare for the draft. Wide receiver Santonio Holmes announced he would be leaving school early following the Buckeyes' Fiesta Bowl win over Notre Dame.
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Damn, this leaves only three starters returning on defense, with the possibility of only two if Youboty leaves. We have plenty of potential and athleticism, but the lack of in-game experience has me worried.
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Sad to see him go early, but he's done nothing but make us proud for 3 years. I wish nothing but the best for you, Donte! Always a Buckeye!

First Tarblooder to make the jump, by the way. Hopefully the first of MANY.
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does anyone think whitner can make it into the first or early second round. he is by far my favorite current buckeye.

I just have a feeling he is one of those guys that after his workout his stock will go up compared to leveling off. Even though I love Doss and he was a great buckeye he was not an ideal NFL prospect. He had problems in coverage and that was a fact. Whitner on the other hand had a cornerback background from high school. Remember when we thought he was going to be the next great CB? Whitner will have more "measurables" than Doss.

Whitner will run a great time in the 40, they will find out how much of a student of the game he is with game film and the NFL scouts will go back and look at his games in another light. He will be the 3rd-4th safety off the board. Most likely a 2nd round pick but I have a feeling the grade he got back from the NFL was he was never going to be a 1st rounder due to his position but his stock could take a hit with a bad year.

I never think going to the NFL early is a mistake unless you don't get drafted. The reason people go to college is to get a better job once they leave college. Whitner is about to do that and I will still root him on and think of him as a great Buckeye.

Good Luck Donte!
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