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S Donte Whitner (Official Thread)

wonder what the NFL report said.. as far as his projection...

at what round does it make sense to go as a Jr...?
first is a given.. second might make sense... but three or more.. dunno

versus what round he could go... and its associated higher signing/contract ... with another year of experience...

I don't get this one... I think Whitner is a very good player... that could use his senior year...
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think about it like this...is the difference in signing bonus between coming out this year as a potential third round pick and next year as a high second/late first enough to ask your lower-income family to support themselves for another year? it's a trade-off...he can come out a year later and get a better bonus (provided he does not get hurt) but that is one less year he can play and get paid to do it. can't say I blame Donte for wanting to be a man and take care of those around him...
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I guess that's what I'm really asking... what the data is behind this...
what is avg signing/contract for each round...
then being able to factor in the opportunity cost of one addl year in college

as far as getting hurt... the ability to obtain insurance coverage for such an event covers that contingency
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I would imagine that is assuming you can afford the premiums...
If I read correctly on another thread that specifically addresses this... the student-athlete can borrow the entire premium... and that payment is made when .. either the student-athlete signs his professional contract or when insurance execution is warranted thus insurance payout, in which case the premiums come from the insurance payment
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interesting post Scooter... immediately after reading your post... I went to a number of sporting web sites... and there sure seems to be a lot of JRs jumping this year... looks like you are correct
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Another issue is the cap on signing bonuses for rookies starting next year. I would imagine that will have an impact on a lot of juniors decisions to turn pro now.

another good point...I remember hearing that that was the only reason Quinn was considering going pro, until deciding against it.
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Best of luck to Donte in the NFL. I hope this decision works out well for him.

Hopefully the success he's had based on his dedication to film study will be recognized by other Buckeyes.
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He would have made an unbelievable captain but you have to take care of yourself and your family.

Bucks Drafted
and maybe Everett (not sure)

Most of those guys will certainly get drafted, but Kiper only has Hawk, Holmes, Carpenter, Mangold, Sims, Schlegel and Salley as guys who will get drafted. Everett, Kudla, Scnittker, Huston, Hamby and Green are listed as possible undrafted FAs. Whitner is not listed yet. Take that for what it's worth...
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