This is an article that I obtained from the future-ESPN archives... I can just tell they are going to miss Rodriguez too much they are going to blow it out of proportion when he has moderate success somewhere else
I'm going to miss you RR! :tongue2:
DickRod's All In
October 24th, 2015
By ESPN shithawks
He sits in his office after his program-defining win against [insert future conference rival here]. Finally, he has come back to a moment that he can relax. He lets out a sigh of relief, mixed with determination and joy.
For Richard Rodriguez, it took him five years and countless (*
emphasis*countless) failures to come back to a winning frame of mind and, after re-launching his career as an offensive guru at Arkansas State, he finds himself on the cusp of greatness once again here at [whatever Arkansas State's Stadium is] Stadium.
Even by DickRod's admission, he just never quite fit in at his prior job with the University of Michigan.
Says Dick, "From the get -go, you could tell that many in the administration simply didn't want a good ol' hick from the south coming in to coach their Yankee blue-bloods. I tried my best in that volatile atmosphere, but they were simply not all in."
DickRod?s failures also humbled him. He spoke of a time when he seemed to have it all coming along together for a national title run, until powers beyond his control under-cut his ability to actually coach well.
"Honestly, the cupboards were left bare and we had to adapt quickly to fit the players we had. I learned a lot about my abilities to coach in those harsh times. But it simply was never going to work at Michigan. They just had a hard time accepting me? and they were not all in."
Dick was fired shortly after the 2010 season, and it was his lowest point in his career. After accepting his $3 million buy-out to leave the program, he took to the motivational speech circuit. While gigs lined up quickly across the South, his inability to defend against a powerful climate of critics created a backlash with some of the libraries and back-alley street managers where he was to speak at. Ultimately, he was also a cataclysmic failure at this too. [Editor's note: Dick goes on to mumble something about "all in" during the interview but quickly gives his thumbs up sign]
Then a shot in the dark happened. University officials at Arkansas State University, desperate for a revenue boost, called up the comedian. However, due to powers beyond their control, he talked himself into the Offensive Coordinator position on their football team's staff. There, he suddenly became genius DickRod again and was back in the spotlight.
"The good folks here at Arkansas State are certainly prepared for what I?m about to give them. Unlike those Yankee scUM up North, these guys are all in."