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Rich Rodriguez (official thread of last laughs)

LightningRod;1183821; said:
1. WVU left Beilien's payment clause open ended. Beilien's argument was that the contract allowed him to pay $1K per year until fully paid. RR's contract is specific on a payment timetable.

2. The UM term sheet provides that UM will pay if RR is required to pay. It won't be too long before the redacted language of the term sheet that provides for this payment is disclosed.
Beilein also came to an agreement that allowed him to pay a portion of his buyout, which originally was $2.5 million, negotiated down to $1.5M.

However sure you are about the redacted language, that's still an assumption. Even if your assumption is 100% correct, you just said what I'm saying: If RR is required to pay. That's what the court is deciding, and no matter how strong the case, it's not yet decided. Why pay more than you might have to, no matter how slim the chance?
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It is ridiculous to even begin with.

When Rich Rod left Bill Stewart was faced with going to Michigan with Rich Rod or looking for a job. He wasn't even a viable canidate at that moment in time from what I understand for the WVU job when Rich Rod first informed the world he was leaving. What did Rich Rod, or anyone else, expect him to do? He did the SMART thing and inquired about going to Michigan with Rich Rod given his uncertainty if doing anything other than that.
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I'm still amazed that anyone would defend this asshat.:shake:

He hasn't coached a single game for scUM yet and it already has the feel of an ugly divorce on the horizon. And I for one could give two shits about this POS, especially after the way not one but two players have flat out walked away from one of college football's most storied programs. But what bothers me most is this situation may ultimately damage The Rivalry. I don't know RR personally and don't particulary want to...I just see him as a self centered SOB.

and sometimes perception is reality
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scarletngray;1183865; said:
The only thing more amazing than the duplicity in RR life and words, is the futile attempt of TSUN faithful to try and defend him.
They have no other choice. They're stuck with this pompous douchebag for at least a couple of years. I was never a LLLLLLoyd Carr fan by any means, but at least he carried himself with a certain amount of class and kept out of the headlines. Oh, and he never wept on the sidelines like a sissy girl.
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HailToMichigan;1183790; said:
1, they didn't pay Beilein's either, and it would be silly to suggest that that says anything about how they feel about Beilein as coach.
2, why would they volunteer to pay $4 million that there's a chance, however slim, might not have to be paid in full?

Regarding Item 2:
a) Because there is an agreement with WVU that it be compensated for RR leaving.
b) Because letting it drag through the courts is not only damaging to your coach, his family and their lives... but also to your school's reputation.
c) Because it's the right thing to do -- for all parties involved.

Regarding Item 1:
a) The fact that they didn't pay Beilein's exit does nothing more than provide two data points to suggest that tsun is less interested in it's own people, who by your assertion, they have warm fuzzies for, than they are over some cash that the boosters would willingly write checks for in order to make this all go the fuck away.

And before you dismiss what I say as just another "homerism" understand that for my entire life I have rooted for tsun to win every game they play but one each year. Not because of it being sweeter when we kick you in the nuts, but for the simple fact that there was no other school in the B10 that I respected as much as tsun (obviously not including tOSU). The thing that pisses me off most about this pissing match is that I feel burned by the situation. I question my lifelong respect for that school and the way it has groomed (intentional word) its reputation. The UofM (note: that will be the first and LAST time you see me use that here) brand used to be one that demanded respect. Without at doubt, the brand was top shelf. Now it's nothing more than just a signaling device that represents a group of administrators who were desperate to close a deal on a coach... regardless of the trail of destruction left in the wake of the move.

The program, the school and it's administrators are getting exactly what they bargined for. If they would have just done the right thing in the first place the reputation and brand would have been spared significant damage.

Finally, whether you want to hear it or not, the opinion that I just shared with you is also shared by quite a few tsun alum with whom I am friends. Many of them have told me that their feelings about RR and the program are the same feelings I had for Coop and tOSU admin when Coop was hired.

You've paid dearly for an extra win or two a year.

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HailToMichigan;1183826; said:
Why pay more than you might have to, no matter how slim the chance?

Why? wouldn't it be worth something to TSUN to not be going through this ugly public spectacle, making their new head coach look completely disingenuous, and putting him through a bitter public battle with his alma mater.
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Oh8ch;1183893; said:
Four million IS a lot of money.

Perhaps something that BOTH RR and tsun should have considered PRIOR to either making -- or taking -- the offer.

Bed has been made. Have absolutely no sympathy for either frick'n side.


Go to bed with her, and you can't complain if you catch something.

Pardon me if I seem a bit salty this evening. Just tapped a fresh keg of Dos Equis so things are a bit spirited here right now.

... and screw the skunkbears.

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sparcboxbuck;1183878; said:
Regarding Item 2:
a) Because there is an agreement with WVU that it be compensated for RR leaving.
b) Because letting it drag through the courts is not only damaging to your coach, his family and their lives... but also to your school's reputation.
c) Because it's the right thing to do -- for all parties involved.

Regarding Item 1:
a) The fact that they didn't pay Beilein's exit does nothing more than provide two data points to suggest that tsun is less interested in it's own people, who by your assertion, they have warm fuzzies for, than they are over some cash that the boosters would willingly write checks for in order to make this all go the fuck away.

And before you dismiss what I say as just another "homerism" understand that for my entire life I have rooted for tsun to win every game they play but one each year. Not because of it being sweeter when we kick you in the nuts, but for the simple fact that there was no other school in the B10 that I respected as much as tsun (obviously not including tOSU). The thing that pisses me off most about this pissing match is that I feel burned by the situation. I question my lifelong respect for that school and the way it has groomed (intentional word) its reputation. The UofM (note: that will be the first and LAST time you see me use that here) brand used to be one that demanded respect. Without at doubt, the brand was top shelf. Now it's nothing more than just a signaling device that represents a group of administrators who were desperate to close a deal on a coach... regardless of the trail of destruction left in the wake of the move.

The program, the school and it's administrators are getting exactly what they bargined for. If they would have just done the right thing in the first place the reputation and brand would have been spared significant damage.

Finally, whether you want to hear it or not, the opinion that I just shared with you is also shared by quite a few tsun alum with whom I am friends. Many of them have told me that their feelings about RR and the program are the same feelings I had for Coop and tOSU admin when Coop was hired.

You've paid dearly for an extra win or two a year.


sparcboxbuck;1183910; said:
Perhaps something that BOTH RR and tsun should have considered PRIOR to either making -- or taking -- the offer.

Bed has been made. Have absolutely no sympathy for either frick'n side.


Go to bed with her, and you can't complain if you catch something.

Pardon me if I seem a bit salty this evening. Just tapped a fresh keg of Dos Equis so things are a bit spirited here right now.

... and screw the skunkbears.


Never leave em hangin!
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HailToMichigan;1183826; said:
Beilein also came to an agreement that allowed him to pay a portion of his buyout, which originally was $2.5 million, negotiated down to $1.5M.
Which fits exactly with LightningRod's point about the open-ended wording and as little as $1K per year. There was tremendous leverage there for TSUN to argue that $1.5 Million in relatively order was worth as much, or more, than $2.5 Million dragged out till the end of time. It's called present value.

With RR they do not have that argumentative leverage.
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HailToMichigan;1183826; said:
Beilein also came to an agreement that allowed him to pay a portion of his buyout, which originally was $2.5 million, negotiated down to $1.5M.

However sure you are about the redacted language, that's still an assumption. Even if your assumption is 100% correct, you just said what I'm saying: If RR is required to pay. That's what the court is deciding, and no matter how strong the case, it's not yet decided. Why pay more than you might have to, no matter how slim the chance?

We'll see whose assumptions are or are not correct. Yes, it's not yet decided. It will be in due time. As for Beilien, read closely. Beilien's contract DID NOT contain any timetable for payment. The attorney who is now representing WVU represented Beilien in his case, and their argument was that under Beilien's contract Beilien is permitted to pay $1K per month until the buyout was fully paid. The negotiation centered on the time value of money and reasonableness for duration of payment under WV case law. The payment date oversight in Beilien's contract was fixed with RR's contract. There is a time specific for payment as well as amount of payment.

As for your request to see the context of RR's statements regarding Stewart as well as the death of his high school friend, you can view the entire interview at this website . What I find hilarious is that RR's reasoning for not attending his close friend's funeral was what the people at the funeral home would think of him (it's all about me - that has been his mantra throughout this process). Who gives a shit what anybody thinks about him with regard to a close friend's funeral. Keep drinking that kool-aid.
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HailToMichigan;1183826; said:
However sure you are about the redacted language, that's still an assumption. Even if your assumption is 100% correct, you just said what I'm saying: If RR is required to pay. That's what the court is deciding, and no matter how strong the case, it's not yet decided. Why pay more than you might have to, no matter how slim the chance?

As for the court not yet deciding anything, I am happy that RR is going all the way with this matter. The mediation will not accomplish anything. The mediator acts as a middle broker as opposed to an arbitrator who makes findings of fact and then decides the issues based on his/her findings. The mediator does not have the arbitrator's powers, so don't expect any resolution at the mediation. Which works out very well since the court will rule on motions in the beginning of November - the heart of the Big 10 season. Do you think this might be a slight distraction? Charlie Weis wasted an entire off season last year with a RETRIAL of his malpractice case. Think of the time RR is going to waste preparing for an ORIGINAL trial of his case. The depositions of the WVU personnel who RR claimed made oral promises to him did not go to well for the Rodster this week. And 2 of the 3 stooges are still arguing Rita is an employee/agent of Robon in an attempt to prevent her from testifying (gee, what's to hide here). But hey, whatever floats their boat.
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I still cannot see this being some elaborate scheme TSUN hatched in order to put themselves in a can't lose situation as intimated earlier in this thread...not that smart.

They have already lost. Their reputation has suffered and they will be looking for a new swinging dick-rod as coach in the next year along with another muckety muck or two.

Righting this ship is not going to be easy.
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