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Rich Rodriguez (official thread of last laughs)

All RR needs to do is honor the contract he signed. That is all the folks at WVU are asking of him. So who is acting like the jilted lover?

Thursday June 12, 2008
Rodriguez throws a couple of verbal jabs at Bill Stewart

Rich Rodriguez claims West Virginia University head football coach Bill Stewart wanted to go with him to Michigan in December, only to later criticize the coaches who went up there.
Rodriguez referred to the "hold the rope" motto that was in place during his time as coach. It was a symbol of team unity. Players slapped a coil of rope with a flying "WV" in the middle as they ran out onto Mountaineer Field.
"It's bothered me that sometimes they say the only people who held the rope are the guys that are still there, that everybody that went to Michigan didn't hold the rope," Rodriguez said during a recent interview with West Virginia Media Corp. chief Bray Cary.
Cary went to Ann Arbor last week for a face-to-face interview with Rodriguez. The hour-long interview will air locally 9 a.m. Saturday and 8 a.m. Sunday on WOWK-TV. The station provided an advance copy of the interview to the Daily Mail.
"Bill Stewart wanted a job in Michigan, too. He talked to my wife about it. Asked my mother about it ... said he's ready to go to Michigan ... He talked to my agent about representing him."
Stewart, responding to a question about whether he planned to keep the rope slogan, has said: "I held the rope. (Defensive coordinator) Jeff Casteel and (defensive line coach) Bill Kirelawich held the rope. (Football operations director) Mike Kerin and (athletic coordinator) Pat Kirkland held the rope. Our football team held the rope. It's fine with me."
Rodriguez said the thinly veiled criticism by Stewart was just the new head coach following the crowd.


RR on Stewarts loyalty:

"I don't think you should say one thing at one point, then two weeks later, just because it's popular to be anti-Rich Rodriguez, to say another," Rodriguez said.

Gee RR, reading your deposition transcript it was revealed that no sooner had the ink dried on your 2nd amended contract your agent was out looking at other coaching jobs for you. Hollywood could not write a better script. RR's holding the rope alright - and hanging himself in the process.
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Clearly, RR just doesn't get it. As he leaves WVA, he seems to do so with an agenda to blame it all on someone else. He wonders why anyone would take exception to his excuses and fabrications in conjunction with his use of surrogates, then say "poor, poor me, why does everyone hate me".

Now he feels it's necessary to drag still others into the fray. Why not just shut up and wish the new coaching staff best wishes. How does tearing them down help him with anybody, including his new school. After all, UM posters know how it is when they perceive a rude comment coming from someone who leaves their school. They don't like it one bit, even if the comment isn't aimed at the school or its traditions.

Sometimes it's just better to remain silent and be thought a fool rather than to speak up and remove all doubt (Thankyou, MT).
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buckford;1182877; said:
Clearly, RR just doesn't get it. As he leaves WVA, he seems to do so with an agenda to blame it all on someone else. He wonders why anyone would take exception to his excuses and fabrications in conjunction with his use of surrogates, then say "poor, poor me, why does everyone hate me".

Now he feels it's necessary to drag still others into the fray. Why not just shut up and wish the new coaching staff best wishes. How does tearing them down help him with anybody, including his new school. After all, UM posters know how it is when they perceive a rude comment coming from someone who leaves their school. They don't like it one bit, even if the comment isn't aimed at the school or its traditions.

Sometimes it's just better to remain silent and be thought a fool rather than to speak up and remove all doubt (Thankyou, MT).

The abject hypocracy coming from a majority of scUM fans over this entire situation has been a source of much glee for me.
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HailToMichigan;1183242; said:
I notice you guys aren't disputing what RR said.....only complaining that he said it. Which, given that you don't know the context (he could very well have been directly asked a question about Bill Stewart) is not necessarily a crime.

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HailToMichigan;1183242; said:
I notice you guys aren't disputing what RR said.....only complaining that he said it. Which, given that you don't know the context (he could very well have been directly asked a question about Bill Stewart) is not necessarily a crime.

I notice that what DickRod said about Stewart was a "he said she said" statement that can neither be proven nor disproven and is the kind of shit you see on low brow talk shows and courtroom shows in the afternoon. No matter what the context, even if he was asked a direct question about Stewart, it was a slimy thing to do to drag someone else through the mud from your old school, whether they deserved it or not. DickRod is a piece of shit and everyone other than delusional Michigan fans can see that.

When Harbaugh made his statements about Michigan academics, did any Michigan fans care about the context of his statements? would he still be a "Michigan man" if a reporter had asked him about Michigan academics before he made his statements? give me a break. Hypocrisy they name is DickRod led Michigan.

It's completely amazing that a school can be so arrogant about holding themselves to a higher standard in one breath, and talk about "Michigan men" and blah blah blah and then in the next breath (the first one post DickRod) defend such a slime ball like Rodriguez. Incredible.
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HailToMichigan;1183242; said:
I notice you guys aren't disputing what RR said.....only complaining that he said it. Which, given that you don't know the context (he could very well have been directly asked a question about Bill Stewart) is not necessarily a crime.

Based upon the words written, I will dispute it. And maybe that views the airing of this over the weekend can bring even more clarity, but for now, I dispute.

I dispute it because nowhere did I see DickWad say, "Bill Stewart approached me about coming to scUM." I read where DickRod claims that Stewart talked to Mrs. DickWad about it, DickWad's mother, DickWad's agent. But I haven't read anything where DickWad says Stewart talked to him about it.

I am not a journalist/reporter, but if I received that answer from DickWad, I surely would have followed it up with the question, "So did Stewart actually approach you and talk to you about moving on to scUM?" Maybe it was asked and will be shown on TV this weekend, maybe not.

I may be completely off base here, but I would think that if Bill Stewart wanted to go to scUM with DickWad he would have talked to DickWad about it, rather than DickWad's wife, mother, agent, etc.
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I find it more than mildly humerous that U of M does not step forward here. In most all corporate moves, the hiring agency pays for the moving expenses of the new hire, sometimes even to purchasing the previous residence. Now football coaches are more escalated than corporate executives, yet U of M has not stepped forward to pay the $4 million buy-out of their 'savior'. To me, that speaks volumns on DickRod's selection as football coach. If it was a Stoops/Meyer/other legend, they would have already written the check to WVA. However, it appears that they are not going to for DickRod.

Maybe they've realized they stubbed their toes in hiring him, and maybe he'll go away? Back to WVA because he doesn't have the $4 mil in his checking account? Don't know, maybe someone closer to the situation might, though. This is great living theater, however.

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calibuck;1183627; said:
I find it more than mildly humerous that U of M does not step forward here. In most all corporate moves, the hiring agency pays for the moving expenses of the new hire, sometimes even to purchasing the previous residence. Now football coaches are more escalated than corporate executives, yet U of M has not stepped forward to pay the $4 million buy-out of their 'savior'. To me, that speaks volumns on DickRod's selection as football coach. If it was a Stoops/Meyer/other legend, they would have already written the check to WVA. However, it appears that they are not going to for DickRod.

Maybe they've realized they stubbed their toes in hiring him, and maybe he'll go away? Back to WVA because he doesn't have the $4 mil in his checking account? Don't know, maybe someone closer to the situation might, though. This is great living theater, however.

1, they didn't pay Beilein's either, and it would be silly to suggest that that says anything about how they feel about Beilein as coach. 2, why would they volunteer to pay $4 million that there's a chance, however slim, might not have to be paid in full?
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HailToMichigan;1183790; said:
1, they didn't pay Beilein's either, and it would be silly to suggest that that says anything about how they feel about Beilein as coach. 2, why would they volunteer to pay $4 million that there's a chance, however slim, might not have to be paid in full?
When I was a kid, they called this sort of thing the "boardinghouse" reach.
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