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Rich Rodriguez (official thread of last laughs)

Did someone say, "Drink the Kool-Aid"?

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LightningRod;1184038; said:
As for your request to see the context of RR's statements regarding Stewart as well as the death of his high school friend, you can view the entire interview at this website . What I find hilarious is that RR's reasoning for not attending his close friend's funeral was what the people at the funeral home would think of him (it's all about me - that has been his mantra throughout this process). Who gives a shit what anybody thinks about him with regard to a close friend's funeral. Keep drinking that kool-aid.

I find this piece of trash more disgusting everyday. Seriously, it's your "friend's" funeral, who the fuck cares if your getting the stink-eye from a few local yokels. This guy is a real piece of work.
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Crashcup;1184044; said:
I still cannot see this being some elaborate scheme TSUN hatched in order to put themselves in a can't lose situation as intimated earlier in this thread...not that smart.

They have already lost. Their reputation has suffered and they will be looking for a new swinging dick-rod as coach in the next year along with another muckety muck or two.

Righting this ship is not going to be easy.
I realize this is mostly just smack talk, but it's not a very elaborate scheme to hire someone with the understanding that you'll likely have to spend some money on a buyout, while holding out hope that you might be able to avoid it. And while I would imagine that UM doesn't particularly relish the relatively modest attention that Rodriguez has garnered so far, if he's successful on the field, no one will really care about this stuff in the long run. Least of all UM.
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In my opinion Michigan wanted Miles. Obviously he was playing for a NC and declined. They asked Les who he thought would be good for UM out of the remaining candidates...he probably said that RR had the best chance of beating OSU. Thats being said Les Miles is the only coach I know that could lose 2 games with the talent and experince that the tigers had last year.

Michigan is in a wait and see mode. If RR doesn't work out they hire Miles in a couple of years...Miles will drive the LSU program in the dirt because he sucks as a coach. I see LSU losing 4-5 games this year. Even if Miles gets fired at LSU IMO he will be at Michigan in the next few years.

OSU will beat Michigan this year. In 2009 they will have a freshmen QB...it will be their best chance to beat the Buckeyes since 2004...with a true freshmen QB (OUCH). In 2010 Michigan might as well forget about beating Pryor and company. So realistically Michigan has 1 decent shot at beating the Buckeyes in the next 3 years...thats not good enough for their fans.

The problem if RR doesn't work out is that they will have to filter out his offensive scheme players. That will take a year or two of transition again.
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brutus2002;1186135; said:
In my opinion Michigan wanted Miles. Obviously he was playing for a NC and declined. They asked Les who he thought would be good for UM out of the remaining candidates...he probably said that RR had the best chance of beating OSU. Thats being said Les Miles is the only coach I know that could lose 2 games with the talent and experince that the tigers had last year.

Michigan is in a wait and see mode. If RR doesn't work out they hire Miles in a couple of years...Miles will drive the LSU program in the dirt because he sucks as a coach. I see LSU losing 4-5 games this year. Even if Miles gets fired at LSU IMO he will be at Michigan in the next few years.
Dude, you do realize he just won a National Title 5 months ago and has won at least 10 games all three of his seasons there, including several big games, don't you?
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brutus2002;1186135; said:
In my opinion Michigan wanted Miles. Obviously he was playing for a NC and declined. They asked Les who he thought would be good for UM out of the remaining candidates...he probably said that RR had the best chance of beating OSU. Thats being said Les Miles is the only coach I know that could lose 2 games with the talent and experince that the tigers had last year.

Michigan is in a wait and see mode. If RR doesn't work out they hire Miles in a couple of years...Miles will drive the LSU program in the dirt because he sucks as a coach. I see LSU losing 4-5 games this year. Even if Miles gets fired at LSU IMO he will be at Michigan in the next few years.

OSU will beat Michigan this year. In 2009 they will have a freshmen QB...it will be their best chance to beat the Buckeyes since 2004...with a true freshmen QB (OUCH). In 2010 Michigan might as well forget about beating Pryor and company. So realistically Michigan has 1 decent shot at beating the Buckeyes in the next 3 years...thats not good enough for their fans.

The problem if RR doesn't work out is that they will have to filter out his offensive scheme players. That will take a year or two of transition again.
Good, then all RR has to do is recruit really, really well and we're guaranteed at least 11-1 :biggrin:
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HailToMichigan;1183826; said:
Why pay more than you might have to, no matter how slim the chance?

ya know, there are ways to negotiate the termination of a contract without going through a huge legal battle akin to a hollywood divorce with no prenup.

this is business, plain and simple. college coaches at good schools often seek and occasionally take jobs at elite schools. thats just how the game works. if scum had such an issue with the 4 mill buyout (and who wouldn't), getting lawyers isn't necessarily the best option. there are a TON of things scum could have offered wvu other than a check that would have benefited both schools. for starters, instead of scum playing appy state (as if that will ever happen again). they could have offered wvu a home and away series early in the season. or a couple of home and away games. a guaranteed payout to wvu on these games could have been used to negotiate down the settlement to a significantly lower amount. depending on the number of times they scheduled each other to play and the guaranteed payoffs involved. they could have gotten out of paying a buyout at all AND might have just made some money in the process.

but now that the mud slinigng has begun, those options are all but impossible at this point. instead of bad blood between these two schools, a strong business relationship could have been formed. i can't help but think of the games scheduled between ysu and tOSU via tressel. situations like this can absolutely be wins for all involved. you just have to have a little bit of imagination.
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