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Rich Rodriguez (official thread of last laughs)

See the pretty kitty?


It looks like a kitty with black spots.

If you check back later the spots will still be black.

But it is not a kitty.

It is a metaphor.

I am switching to metaphors because I got in trouble using hyperbole.
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So far in these legal proceedings and PR machinations only one person has provided a statement under oath - Larry Aschebrook. Aschebrook testified that Magee and RR wanted his help to place the WV athletic administrators in a bad light with the public in order to gain an advantage in RR's legal proceedings with WV. Aschebrook also testified under oath that a Post Gazette writer would help Aschebrook with spinning a race card tale. Even Magee is now backing off his own race card statement on account of Aschebrook's sworn testimony. RR, Magee, RR's agent Mike Brown, RR's slave fighting attorneys, and the Post Gazette have been earily quiet since Aschebrook's sworn testimony was made public. RR wanted the truth to come out. Let's see if he can handle the truth. Ed Pastilong's deposition was today, and RR gets his turn in the seat on Monday.
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LightningRod;1143274; said:
So far in these legal proceedings and PR machinations only one person has provided a statement under oath - Larry Aschebrook. Aschebrook testified that Magee and RR wanted his help to place the WV athletic administrators in a bad light with the public in order to gain an advantage in RR's legal proceedings with WV. Aschebrook also testified under oath that a Post Gazette writer would help Aschebrook with spinning a race card tale. Even Magee is now backing off his own race card statement on account of Aschebrook's sworn testimony. RR, Magee, RR's agent Mike Brown, RR's slave fighting attorneys, and the Post Gazette have been earily quiet since Aschebrook's sworn testimony was made public. RR wanted the truth to come out. Let's see if he can handle the truth. Ed Pastilong's deposition was today, and RR gets his turn in the seat on Monday.

any chance of perjury charges if the sworn statements contradict each other?

That would be real fun.
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billmac91;1143276; said:
any chance of perjury charges if the sworn statements contradict each other?

In a word - no. Every trial results in at least one, and usually several people who could be subject to perjury charges. Lying in court is not that unusual, otherwise the two parties would be agreeing on everything and there would not be a trial in the first place.
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Oh8ch;1143262; said:
See the pretty kitty?


It looks like a kitty with black spots.

If you check back later the spots will still be black.

But it is not a kitty.

It is a metaphor.

I am switching to metaphors because I got in trouble using hyperbole.

Wait, you mean that's not a house pet back in the US? :confused:
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sandgk;1143073; said:
Frankly HTM I'm calling BS on your whole stance that the lawsuit is the only thing about RR with which you take issue - characterizing RR's handling of the same as poor.

You bundle the affidavit together with the contract buy-out lawsuit. That is a mistake, they are completely different matters. The affidavit was taken as part of the investigation by WVU into Magee's racism claim - not in pursuit of evidence pro or con the buy-out suit.

What about this, instead of responding to something that wasn't really asked (when are you tired of RR) instead talk to what is really at issue?
When - aside from the lawsuit - did you hear of, or see reported actions, words, statements about RR that would cause you to question his values or character?

You would have us believe that it didn't happen with this affidavit - barely credible in my view, certainly the statements made are a clear cause for concern.

You would have us believe that you have forgotten or have dismissed the manner in which he exited WVU, about which there was substantial reporting and blogging - why, because I'm so tired of it.

You would have us believe that RR phoning Pryor before his meeting with the WVU administration - truth of which is demonstrated by the original times given in the Scout article about the same - that this means nothing to you, it isn't a red flag. Why? Perhaps that falls under you dismissing out of hand any criticism of RR that emanates from either Columbus or from WVU territory. If so, then it means you are blinkering your view of the new guy in town - it becomes then only about winning at any cost.

The above would be reason enough to call BS. But then there is the little matter of common sense - the matter of contrast old and new - the matter of TSUN holding their standards and head high in the past, and their inability to really do so now. At least not without ignoring all the contrary evidence.

[Cooper analogy.]

Yet you would have us believe that the far worse things surrounding RR are not a cause for you to question his character?
First off, "far worse" is a matter of opinion, not fact. So I don't accept that as a premise.

Second, the racism investigation, lawsuit, and whatnot are all branches of the same tree, the buyout issue. Very little, if anything, about the way the buyout has been handled has pleased me.

I don't know what it is that I "would have you believe." I've stated my opinion on the subject, not offered up an alternate set of facts. What are you suggesting - that I really think something different from what I said?

As for the call to Pryor, RR did not make that call before meeting with WVU admin. As has been known all along, RR met with Pastilong and the admin the day before the news broke (Saturday). Do you really think they discussed the weather? Unless you meant the WVU players and not the admin, I don't see how it holds up. Admin had to know RR was on his way out by Saturday night, or they were in denial. If it's the players you meant, I spent a lot of time earlier saying that I don't think it says anything about the guy's character, and I haven't changed.

What about this, instead of responding to something that wasn't really asked (when are you tired of RR)...
It was asked, right here: http://www.buckeyeplanet.com/forum/1142590-post2059.html, and here: http://www.buckeyeplanet.com/forum/1142242-post2038.html.

I don't know anything about Cooper's hiring, because I'm not old enough to remember anything about that time. He was fired because he couldn't beat Michigan and was losing control of the team from a discipline standpoint. Right? That's as much as I know. Don't know what you mean about hot tubs and Giant Eagle and all that.
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HailToMichigan;1144259; said:
As for the call to Pryor, RR did not make that call before meeting with WVU admin. As has been known all along, RR met with Pastilong and the admin the day before the news broke (Saturday). Do you really think they discussed the weather? Unless you meant the WVU players and not the admin, I don't see how it holds up. Admin had to know RR was on his way out by Saturday night, or they were in denial. If it's the players you meant, I spent a lot of time earlier saying that I don't think it says anything about the guy's character, and I haven't changed.

I'm pretty sure Steve's talking about the players as that has been most people's beef since the story broke. As far as not saying anything about the man's character...really HTM? You don't think he owes at least a little something to all those players that he recruited and coached, some for 4-5 years? You don't think that an honorable man would speak to those kids before phoning his prize recruit? I find that hard to believe. You should at least be able to see how that could lead others to question his actions even if you don't. How do you think the um faithful would view Bo or LLoyd had they left um and chose to call his holy grail before notifying the um players? I know I'd be pissed right the hell off if JT would do that. It shows where his loyalty lies...with Rich and Rich alone. How that can't give a fan pause just escapes me. Add onto that the Ashebrook stuff and you have to be in a pretty heavy state of denial to not have some little annoying bug in the back of your brain that at least wants to question what kind of wolf you've allowed into the herd.

I don't know anything about Cooper's hiring, because I'm not old enough to remember anything about that time. He was fired because he couldn't beat Michigan and was losing control of the team from a discipline standpoint. Right? That's as much as I know. Don't know what you mean about hot tubs and Giant Eagle and all that.

Cooper used to do a lot of local ads and promotional crap to line his pockets further. He was called "Hot Tub" John by a lot of tOSU fans.
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HailToMichigan;1144259; said:
That's as much as I know. Don't know what you mean about hot tubs and Giant Eagle and all that.


OK, HTM. We're gonna ask one more time. Then, we come to the end of the easy way...

What do you know about the hot tubs and the giant eagle...and don't try to give us that crap about not knowin' nothin'.
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