Couple of observations.
1) Those of you quick to jump on Dusty for pinch hitting Ramon Hernandez instead of Laynce Nix in the opening game of the series, hopefully you're eating some crow since it turned out Nix had an injured back.
People on here are too quick to jump on a manager, especially this one.
2) In listening to part of yesterday's game on the radio. It seems like Marty Brenneman cannot stand Jeff Brantley and his idiotic comments and I don't blame him.
Brantley last night said that Stubbs triple was because the Cardinals pitchers don't have a book on Stubbs yet, and Marty says, "They got 7 games of at bats on him, how many do you need?"
3) Brantley's "DJ-type radio-announcing" voice is so gay and fake I want to jam a grenade into my car radio when listening. It's absolutely awful.