So you have Dickerson up...Who is pretty good handling the bat, and has been swinging a decent stick as of late...Down 1 run in the 8th inning...
Yeah I know the Reds struggle to score runs, but you bunt him over they walk the next guy, and you are basically back where you started with the double play, now you have a force at home as well, and you have 1 less out to play with...
You guys are all playing to tie the have a guy at 2nd already...I just don't understand why you give up an out there...then a double play gets them out of the inning...
We had top of the lineup with 1,2,3...You have to figure that one of them could get a hit, and better yet you have to think, that a double, or two hits, and you take the lead...You don't strangle hold your offense when it is already at a strangle hold...I don't remember who was in the 1,2,3 hole that game, but chances are that you feel better about scoring the runner if our 3 hole hitter (Votto, Bruce, Phillips) gets up...