schwab;848846; said:Once again, I'm with you. I have rooted for the Reds against every MLB team to this point, and there isn't a team out there that could catch my eye like these damn born losers have!:(
Oh well. 1990 came and went, and I witnessed the whole damn thing. So at least I've got that going for me, which is nice.
Come to think of it, the Browns are my only favorite squad that have never kept up their end of the bargain, but at least this way I've got something to dream about. Back to the dreads....
The Reds are my sports cross to bear as well.
Buckeyes? Plenty of winning and the 02 NC in my life time.
Steelers? 5 SB's in my lifetime and consistently decent at worst.
Lakers? Titles galore
Reds? BRM and 1990, thats it and they have sucked moose balls for the better part of a decade now.
Its not hard to be a Buckeye, Steeler or Laker fan. The fucking Reds otoh......
Worst part for me is there is no hope of improvement. The owner thinks WK and Narron are the answer. Thats all she wrote. Those 2 ass clowns could no more make a winner than any 2 of us could.