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Reds Tidbits (2007 Season)

Well if we finish the season with a record of 40-63 record over the next 103 games we will hit 100 losses and at this point I don't see anything telling me that that isnt a possibility...

BTW we are still yet to see McBeth throw...If they are not going to use him keep him in AAA...At least he will get innings down there...

This game tonite was on the offense tho...Leaving 15 on base is just horrible...

I didnt like the fact that Narron took Majew out after he threw a 1-2-3 8th...I did like how he wasnt putting up with Burton not being able to find the plate...He does that against Colorado the other day with cooter and we win...
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Jaxbuck;858315; said:
-Tracking to lose 102 games and 11.5 out on June 5th in the weakest division in baseball. Someone should already have been fired.

-Narron goes through the whole pen again but won't use MacBeth

-Marty and Thom said they both felt Norris Hopper should be the starting LFer and that Dunn only plays because of the contract.:shake::shake:

Anyone who gives those two an ounce of credibility after that needs to have their head checked.

I guess I didnt need my post as we had the same throughts...:tongue2:
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crazybuckfan40;858316; said:
Well if we finish the season with a record of 40-63 record over the next 103 games we will hit 100 losses and at this point I don't see anything telling me that that isnt a possibility...

or we'd have to go 59-44 (.573) over the next 103 to finish 81-81

I can't decide which way of looking at it is smore depressing
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Jaxbuck;858324; said:
or we'd have to go 59-44 (.573) over the next 103 to finish 81-81

I can't decide which way of looking at it is smore depressing

Well there is absolutely nothing telling me this team can keep up a pace of 15 games over .500 for 100 games, but there a lot telling me that they can keep up the pace that they are on...
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jlb1705;858291; said:
I might have to go to the game on Friday. I'm in the camp of people who would rather see Bailey stay in the minors the rest of the season. Since he's gonna be in Cincy though, I guess I'll have to see what all the fuss is about.

Plus, they're giving away Bronson Arroyo Mullet Caps, which will go nicely with my Ryan Freel Poopy Shirt from earlier in the year.

I refuse to pay their "premium" ticket prices. Don't think that didn't have something to do with the timing on this. The Indians are always a draw, but there were over 10,000 seats available yesterday before the announcement and now it is a sure sell out at the higher prices. Anyways, unless they put him on the Louiville shuttle after the start, I'll get to see him at the BDS next Thursday against the Halos.

Last night's game was yet another clusterfuck. 15 LOB? Pathetic. When McBeth got up to warm in the pen in the 9th, I said it's too bad they'll lose this game before he gets a chance to pitch.

As for Griff, I'm not sure a ring means that much to him. He's a different cat. He's only going to be traded if he wants to be and he's earned the right to make that decision.
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MuckFich06;858434; said:
I refuse to pay their "premium" ticket prices. Don't think that didn't have something to do with the timing on this. The Indians are always a draw, but there were over 10,000 seats available yesterday before the announcement and now it is a sure sell out at the higher prices. Anyways, unless they put him on the Louiville shuttle after the start, I'll get to see him at the BDS next Thursday against the Halos.

Last night's game was yet another clusterfuck. 15 LOB? Pathetic. When McBeth got up to warm in the pen in the 9th, I said it's too bad they'll lose this game before he gets a chance to pitch.

As for Griff, I'm not sure a ring means that much to him. He's a different cat. He's only going to be traded if he wants to be and he's earned the right to make that decision.

Agree with all said, but you also have to take into account for Griff he wants to play a little longer, he might want to take on a role of DH in the american league, b/c there is no questioning that he can still swing bat, but at this point in his career he is becoming somewhat of a liability in the OF...
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Bestbuck36;858127; said:
Only a couple of things I want to see happen the rest of this year.

1) Even though I'm a huge supporter of Griffey, I want to see him traded to a contender. He deserves a championship as much or more than anyone in baseball right now.

2) Please, God, don't let Hamilton, Bailey, Harang, Arroyo, Phillips or Encarnacion get badly hurt. Minor injuries will happen but a major injury in this type of shit season can ruin a career.

After that I don't give two shits anymore. These guys just kill me.

You're not alone..... link

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Even though the Onion is just satire, I totally agree with that article as I truly believe most real baseball fans do also. Imagine 5 healthy years as a Yankee DH for Griff. He'd have an excellent shot at passing Bonds if Barry quits soon.

I'd hate to see him do it in pinstripes but at least he'd be the one with the record.
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Bestbuck36;858735; said:
Even though the Onion is just satire, I totally agree with that article as I truly believe most real baseball fans do also. Imagine 5 healthy years as a Yankee DH for Griff. He'd have an excellent shot at passing Bonds if Barry quits soon.

I'd hate to see him do it in pinstripes but at least he'd be the one with the record.

Griffeys stock is high right now, especially if you are just using him as a DH you don't have to worry about him getting hurt in the field...

I think that if the right prospects come up I would be all for trading him...

Also not to be a downer, but if Bailey comes up and shows that he is might not be all everything like he is a susposed to be, not just with one start, but over multiple starts, we are in a world of hurt here fellas...
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crazybuckfan40;858749; said:
Also not to be a downer, but if Bailey comes up and shows that he is might not be all everything like he is a susposed to be, not just with one start, but over multiple starts, we are in a world of hurt here fellas...

We might be in a world of hurt, regardless of what Homer does. :smash:
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Bucky Katt;858758; said:
We might be in a world of hurt, regardless of what Homer does. :smash:

I am not ready to step that close to the edge just yet...

I realize this season is a wash, and I am merely looking ahead, but if Homer shows he has #1/#2 stuff, and here is the optimism coming out we could pull a Detroit Tigers type turnaround next year, like they did when they had Verlander step up, and a couple young arms in their pen like we could have with Salmon, McBeth, Burton, Bray, etc...

If Bailey shows his stuff, then we will be sitting good IMO, but this is the reason why I would like to see him down in Louisville as I think there is a greater risk of him failing at this point(which is till a low percentage at this point) but if he were to come later in the season I think it would be even less...

I would rather have Livingston up here, and seeing if he could become the number 5 for next year...Then when we find someone that will take Lohse from us and we can trade one of Griffey or Dunn for some more propsects, maybe a catcher, and then next year we have Harang/Arroyo/Homer/Belisle/Livingston to go along with a better pen that what we have had earlier this year, then I think we are on to something...

Also I think first order of business still needs to be dumping Narron...I just keep waiting for the day I wake up and I see that Narron got kicked to the curb...
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Bucky Katt;858758; said:
We might be in a world of hurt, regardless of what Homer does. :smash:

I don't give a fuck if he's the second coming of Nolan Ryan or the third act of Henry VIII'th..Homer can't fix this horse abortion by himself. Votto and Bruce aren't enough either.

You need a human wave of prospects about their same age to come with them and thats why I've been screaming for a firesale for so long. Harang, Arroyo, Dunn, JR, Lohse and Weathers should get it done. Freel, Hatte, Conine, Nacho Libre, Stanton(maybe) can add some lower level type prospects.

We need the cavalry to show up and save our ass, not a couple more replacement troops to be grist for the mill.
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Jaxbuck;858776; said:
I don't give a fuck if he's the second coming of Nolan Ryan or the third act of Henry VIII'th..Homer can't fix this horse abortion by himself. Votto and Bruce aren't enough either.

You need a human wave of prospects about their same age to come with them and thats why I've been screaming for a firesale for so long. Harang, Arroyo, Dunn, JR, Lohse and Weathers should get it done. Freel, Hatte, Conine, Nacho Libre, Stanton(maybe) can add some lower level type prospects.

We need the cavalry to show up and save our ass, not a couple more replacement troops to be grist for the mill.

It also goes a step beyond just having a mass of players. I look at this collection of guys they have right now and I can't bring myself to call it a team. They have a bunch of parts, but some of them are duplicates, some are spares, and some are just plain wrong. They don't have a leadoff or #2 hitter. They have a couple of 3s but really don't have a clean up hitter. They do have a bunch of 7,8,9 hitters. They don't have a #1 starter, they do have a couple of 2s, maybe a 4, and a couple of 5s. I'm not even sure if they have a bullpen these days. They need a closer and 2 setup men.

Where do you start? First, identify who is going to be here moving forward and then start building the pieces around that core. They've been trying to patch the damn for way too long and now the water is pouring through. Time to start building a new damn.
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jlb1705;859057; said:
What's the damn point of taking him out NOW Jerry?

Jerry mismanaging his pitching staff? No way!

Bronson wasn't awful, but they hit every mistake he made.

McBeth looks like a pitcher. He had great location and was hitting 93/94. 1-2-3 8th inning. When was the last time we've seen that? Not bad for a kid making his MLB debut.
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