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RB Maurice Wells (Official Thread)

His long one was BEAU-TI-FUL! He had that guy going every which way, and the blocking (particularly Holmes' blocks late in the play) led him to break it out big. Heck, Schnit had a nice 10 yarder up the middle as well! Gotta take those runs with a grain of salt running against Indiana, but Wells certainly showed what he can do down the road, and I can't wait to see Pitty and the Wells' tearing it up the next few years.

We have 3 change of pace backs, and I feel like they compliment each other really well and throw the D off balance. Low gear (Schnitker), medium gear (Pittman), and high gear (M.Wells). I thought Pittman was mighty fast, but Mo just FLIES through those holes. Can anyone compare his style to a past Buckeye, because I'm having trouble thinking of one he reminds me of (he's certainly not a Pearson. By'note?).
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Heck, Schnit had a nice 10 yarder up the middle as well!

Hell, I could've ran for 10 yards through the hole our OL opened up on that play. Schnittker is a decent FB, but he's no tailback and I don't care how much weight he lost. We need to be grooming Wells, not rewarding a 5th year senior for doing well on Jenny Craig...
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Im not making a comparison to #45 but that long run by Mo Wells reminded me of some highlight tape runs by Archie..with the exception that Archie would break tackles and then score. I like what I see from Mo Wells but I'm looking forward to Chris Wells next year still.
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wells isn't ready to be the 2nd guy yet imo. he reminds me of pittman last year. he has great promise and could very easily be a great one. but i don't think he is physically ready for the pounding even a backup takes in the big 10. very similar to the problems pittman had last year. he clearly deserves the touches he is getting though. personally id like to see more of haw. from what little i have seen of him he seems like a better compliment to pittman with his size than schnit or wells at present.

what shocks me about shcnitker is that we aren't throwing the ball to him. personally i think people are to hard on schnitker. he's a big back but doesn't have the overwhelming bull people over ability. kind of another brandon joe with better hands out of hte backfield but not as good between the tackles runner. i find it interesting that schnit gets held up and stripped by one of the best lb's in college and is the worst thing to happen to the tb position since lydell, but when the same thing happens to ginn its the refs fault for having a slow whistle... perception is reality i suppose.
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wells isn't ready to be the 2nd guy yet imo.


what shocks me about shcnitker is that we aren't throwing the ball to him. personally i think people are to hard on schnitker. he's a big back but doesn't have the overwhelming bull people over ability. kind of another brandon joe with better hands out of hte backfield but not as good between the tackles runner.

Wells is better than Schnittker at TB, hands down, so he should be the #2 TB. And the only way to get him "ready" is game experience.

Schnittker isn't near what Joe was a TB. Joe didn't fumble, had at least some vision, and broke a ton of tackles. Schnittker has fumbled twice inside opponent's 5 yard line, finds holes only if they're Holland-Tunnel big, and doesn't break anywhere near the tackles Joe did. I don't want to sound like I'm bashing Schnittker, but he is simply not a tailback, and he's a so-so fullback at best.
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His long one was BEAU-TI-FUL! He had that guy going every which way, and the blocking (particularly Holmes' blocks late in the play) led him to break it out big. Heck, Schnit had a nice 10 yarder up the middle as well! Gotta take those runs with a grain of salt running against Indiana, but Wells certainly showed what he can do down the road, and I can't wait to see Pitty and the Wells' tearing it up the next few years.

We have 3 change of pace backs, and I feel like they compliment each other really well and throw the D off balance. Low gear (Schnitker), medium gear (Pittman), and high gear (M.Wells). I thought Pittman was mighty fast, but Mo just FLIES through those holes. Can anyone compare his style to a past Buckeye, because I'm having trouble thinking of one he reminds me of (he's certainly not a Pearson. By'note?).

Micheal Wiley or Derek Combs
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