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RB Maurice Wells (Official Thread)

BuckNutty;1282088; said:
Mo had a nice kick return tonight. Hopefully if Boom is okay for next week he and Mo will be returning kicks.

Totally agree. The combination of Mo and Herron is much better than any combination that includes B.S. I wish I knew why Saine looks so bad in kick returns.
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BuckNutty;1282088; said:
Mo had a nice kick return tonight. Hopefully if Boom is okay for next week he and Mo will be returning kicks.

This was months ago, but he also had a good return in the Spring Game.

And I agree that he should get a shot on kickoffs. Maybe inject a little bit of life on the unit.
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Mo has been most productive when catching balls out of the backfield, taking handoffs...not so much. I think the general consensus is that he is a prototypical 3rd down back, picks up blocks well and can catch the ball. I would really like to see Tress utilize Mo in the passing game this week. I am thinking that PSU will have plenty of guys in the box, just daring TP to throw the ball. Mo could have a big receiving week.
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Departing seniors were asked about their experience at tOSU.


Maurice Wells

Running back

Jacksonville, Fla. | Age: 21

Parting thought: "I've had some great times with a lot of the guys here. I have made some lifelong friends with guys on this team. I've also learned to handle adversity (of coming in as highly touted star only to play a backup role for the most part). Things don't always go as you plan them in life. You have to learn how to handle things like that, move on, and keep your eyes on the big picture."
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Mo hasn't had the best of careers here at Ohio State but he's made the best of it and had a good time being here. He'll get a fair shot at the NFL, should be a late round steal. With his pass blocking and receiving abilities he'll impress many scouts and go on to be a wealthy man. Thanks for the pride and dedication, Mo!

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Mo never quite fit into tOSU running game, but I have always liked him as a receiving threat out of the backfield, screens and little dump passes. He is a good pass blocker too. A prototypical 3rd down back. I don't know about an NFL career, maybe arena or canadian though. Regardless, I wish him the best in whatever career path he takes.
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