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RB Maurice Clarett (B1G Freshman of the Year, National Champion)

My (uneducated and wild) guess: if suicide by police was the end goal, a shot to the torso can be disabling but not necessarily deadly. This would force police to aim at the head.:(

BK, think about whom you're speaking. Do you really think that he put that kind of thought into it? He was either out to do a robbery or shoot up the WHAC. Either way, he was looking to protect himself with the vest. I don't think suicide ever entered his mind.
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BK, think about whom you're speaking. Do you really think that he put that kind of thought into it? He was either out to do a robbery or shoot up the WHAC. Either way, he was looking to protect himself with the vest. I don't think suicide ever entered his mind.

I'm just hypothesizing a bit. In reality, your story is far more plauisble. If he really intended to end it, he never would have been taken out of the SUV alive.
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It's not by itself. Who's to say when that half-bottle was consumed, and by who?

Now, if he had an odor of alcohol on his breath, combined with resisting arrest, that would be enough. Without the odor though, I'm afraid there simply isn't sufficient basis.

I don't know about that: open-container is still a violation, and any alcohol-related driving offense is reason enough to administer the test (I've even seen an open bottle as basis for a breath-test on two occasions). Of course, DUI was the least of anybody's concerns last night, I'm sure.
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Maybe he wasn't planning an attack or suicide at all. Maybe he owes a shitload of money to someone. Lord knows he's got to have a rather hefty lawyer bill. Maybe he was afraid someone was going to come after him and had the guns as protection. Maybe he was planning on meeting a drug dealer to sell the guns so he can feed his kid.

Point is, it could be an number of things and to specualte where he was going or what his intentions were is foolish. Bottom line is that he broke the law (once again). As is always the case with Mo, his timing could not have been worse, but that's Mo. He always seems to find his way into the papers at the worst possible time.
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RugbyBuck said:
BK, think about whom you're speaking. Do you really think that he put that kind of thought into it? He was either out to do a robbery or shoot up the WHAC. Either way, he was looking to protect himself with the vest. I don't think suicide ever entered his mind.
We don't know where he was headed. Do we even know what direction?
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I'm just hypothesizing a bit. In reality, your story is far more plauisble. If he really intended to end it, he never would have been taken out of the SUV alive.

I'm just speculating here, too, but not without a great deal of evidence over time. MoC has at least one clinical personality disorder. That doesn't make him mentally ill, but it does make him, obviously, engage in stupid and criminal acts under stress. He has at least a strong strain of clinical narcissism running through him and narcissists typically don't commit suicide, at least not on purpose.
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We don't know where he was headed. Do we even know what direction?

Nope, I agree that we don't know yet, but he was headed somewhere at four this morning loaded for bear. Nothing good was going to come from it. My gut says he was headed to the WHAC. Practice just started and he knew they'd be there for morning workouts and with the way the other criminal case is going he knew this could be his last chance to strike out for a while. I think he felt like he had nothing to lose. Maybe not, but it looks really bad.
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Nope, I agree that we don't know yet, but he was headed somewhere at four this morning loaded for bear. Nothing good was going to come from it. My gut says he was headed to the WHAC. Practice just started and he knew they'd be there for morning workouts and with the way the other criminal case is going he knew this could be his last chance to strike out for a while. I think he felt like he had nothing to lose. Maybe not, but it looks realy bad.
I agree RB. This could have had a horrible outcome had he been sober enough to not draw attention to himself.
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That is some scary shit. I'm assuming that he's slinging rocks these days to fund his lifestyle, or wrapped up into something gang related.

His fiasco has moved beyond the idea of sad......the kid is a danger to society, and I hope that he is locked up for a long time. I don't laugh at him anymore, the kid flat out scares me.
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As one of the group urging medical help for Clarett I'll toss in my qualifier on this.

You are correct in saying that Clarett is an adult. He is therefore ultimately responsible for his own actions. However, the behavior he is exhibiting demonstrates that he is seriously troubled. On the night before your very next court appearance you don't as a rational adult ride on the wild side in an SUV carrying 4 loaded weapons, garbed in a bullet-proof vest. A full psych evaluation would clarify whether he is in full possession of his faculties, acting on irrational impulses or suffering from other treatable mental problems.

I know you threw out a qualifier that he should be treated then serve his jail time- but let me state this: I am sick and tired of people trying to give excuses to criminality or criminal behaviours. It could be argued that ANY criminal act is a sign of diminished capacity or mental defect, simply because criminal actions are by their very nature outside of socially accepted norms. So to willingly break those norms demonstrates a failure and/or inability to operate within the social systems. I don't care if somebody has an IQ of 45-- if a crime is committed the time must be served. Everybody has an excuse; nobody accepts responsibility. Just very tired of hearing excuses.
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I don't know about that: open-container is still a violation, and any alcohol-related driving offense is reason enough to administer the test (I've even seen an open bottle as basis for a breath-test on two occasions). Of course, DUI was the least of anybody's concerns last night, I'm sure.

I would be surprised if an open container, by itself, were upheld as sufficient probable cause to request a BAC test. No, check that - shocked actually.

Of course, it would take the right case for that situation to present itself, because usually an open container doesn't come by itself. It usually comes with erratic driving, an odor of alcohol, bloodshot eyes, slurred speech, failed SFSTs, and/or resisting arrest.

You need to have evidence that the driver consumed alcohol and was under the influence of that alcohol for probable cause. If Clarett didn't smell like alcohol, they probably did not have that here.

And an OVI would be a big deal in this case. Having firearms in a MV while under the influence is a fourth-degree felony.
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I would be surprised if an open container, by itself, were upheld as sufficient probable cause to request a BAC test. No, check that - shocked actually.

Of course, it would take the right case for that situation to present itself, because usually an open container doesn't come by itself. It usually comes with erratic driving, an odor of alcohol, bloodshot eyes, slurred speech, failed SFSTs, and/or resisting arrest.

You need to have evidence that the driver consumed alcohol and was under the influence of that alcohol for probable cause. If Clarett didn't smell like alcohol, they probably did not have that here.

And an OVI would be a big deal in this case. Having firearms in a MV while under the influence is a fourth-degree felony.

Well, they apparently haven't charged him with an open-container violation either, so clearly the bottle is not the focus of the investigation. I don't think they're having any trouble coming up with felonies to charge MoC with this year (loaded concealed weapon is 3rd degree, right?)
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